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Exhibitor Newsletter Sponsored by:

Canada Post Strike - choose alternative methods

'More than 50,000 postal workers across Canada have entered the sixth day of a labour strike, disrupting mail delivery ahead of the busy holiday season. Canada Post has warned that its services will be delayed even if an agreement with its workers is reached". Source: BBC, quote from Canada Post

With the final space payment deadline (December 2), please Do Not use Canada Post for mailing while the Postal Strike going on, the disruptions could continue for a longer period of time leading into Christmas.

We would like to provide our Exhibitors with information on alternative payment arrangements:

1.Electronic Payment options:

  • E-transfer
  • Wire transfer

Please see below the document for details.

2.Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Clients can make a client-to-client funds transfer


3.Non-RBC Clients can deposit a cheque directly into our account at any RBC branch in Canada using our company details outlined in the document.


4.Alternatively, any courier services like Purolator, Fedex etc. could also be an option.


 Please reach out if you require further information or clarification:

Niamh Conlan

accounting@canadianboatshows.com I 905 -951-0009


Boat Handling & Crane Forms - Now Due!

Reminder! All Boat Exhibitors please complete and return your boat handling requests.

Even if you do not require Crane Lifts for the 2025 Boat Show, please fill out the Boat Handling form provided below and list your boats on display and their dimensions.

Exhibitors with Boats are already hearing from Shawn McConnell, Move In/Out Coordinator to discuss boat handling details. All bulk exhibitors will be notified about their move in (date and time) the first week of December.

Crane service booked in advance and Fork Lifts available on site on demand are included in your space contract.

Cranes and Forklifts cannot handle goods unless safe proper skids and cradles are provided by the exhibitor. There is no charge for these services provided guidelines are followed:

  • Exhibitor has returned the BOAT HANDLING form and SCALED LAYOUT of their exhibit by the deadline
  • Boats not designated for the show (not listed in your Boat Handling form) will be subject to an off-loading fee.

Exhibitors are reminded that it is their responsibility to provide cradles, dollies and blocks for each of their own boats following crane lifts.

Please submit the form below NOW  to:

Shawn McConnell

Phone (416) 574-9826, Fax (855) 263-8675 s6mcconnell@gmail.com


Move-in schedules for the remaining bulk spaces and booths can be found within the Exhibitor Kit. Stay tuned for more information about move-in dates and times in future newsletters.

Exhibit Dimension Layout - Due Now

Reminder! All bulk exhibitors with boats and structures in their space ( docks, platforms, stairs and railings etc) - please submit their display diagrams for the Move In schedule planning and approval.

If your exhibit includes platforms or structures with an area of 107 sq.ft. or greater - those structures are subject to the engineer's approval.

Please submit your Display Layout to Scale in the form below NOW

to Shawn McConnell, Move In/Out Coordinator:

Phone (416) 574-9826,

Fax (855) 263-8675

Email s6mcconnell@gmail.com


Advance Holding Area - available from December 13

Advance Holding Area/ Staging Yard (Lot 852/ Lot 2) at Enercare Centre is available for boats and freight trucks beginning December 13, 2024. Exhibitors may utilize the lot to store the Boats planned for display at the Boat Show.

Please Note: the Advance Holding Area does not have round the clock security guard service, however Exhibition Place security maintains hourly patrol of this area. Do not leave any valuables on the boats; utilize trailer locks.

Please utilize this opportunity to bring your boats to Enercare Centre early to avoid last minute traffic delays and disruptions for your scheduled move in time.

Please allow 1 hour prior to Move In time to prepare the boat at the Boat Wash Station at the staging Yard. It is provided at no charge for pre-cleaning boats prior to entering the buildings. The pressurized water will remove direct snow and ice accumulated on route to the show. No vehicles, trailers or boats will be allowed to enter the building without cleaning.

Complimentary Tickets to Every Exhibitor

All exhibiting companies and working dealers participating in the 2025 Show will receive complimentary tickets valid for all show days January 18-26 , to give out to your customers:

  • Booth exhibitors - 10 tickets
  • Bulk exhibitors - 20 Tickets

There is no need to submit an order or a request, they will be automatically assigned and delivered to you!

We will update you about disruptions of Canada Post services and our plan to get tickets to you.

If you are attending Boating Ontario Conference December 2-4, 2024, you will be able to pick up your tickets at the TIBS booth.

Order Exhibitor Guest Tickets

Order Exhibitor Guest Tickets Now for your customers - Print & Digital options available!

Distribute all the tickets you want, and pay only for those redeemed (price charged to exhibitors is 50% off Regular Adult Admission)

  • Send them to customers or prospects
  • Use in promotions and special offers
  • Give them out at your showroom
  • Include them with monthly statements
  • Give the Holiday Gift of Boat Show Tickets
  • One-Day admission for any show date

If you are attending Boating Ontario conference December 2-4, 2024, you will be able to pick up your EGTs order or place a new EGT order at the TIBS booth.

Please email the completed form to:

Niamh Conlan

nconlan@canadianboatshows.com or Fax to 855-263-8675


Print & Digital Show Guide - Deadline December 4th

Exhibitor list is up on the Show's website and is displaying your Print Listing Name as marked in your space contract and your submitted Boat Brands.

Please check that the name and website link is correct and let us know if:

  • you need changes to name and website
  • your company is not listed
  • boat brand is not listed

Working Dealers not listed please ask your Exhibitor of record to make sure they submit your company name in Working Dealer/ Working Exhibitor Forms.

The listing name and website information will be used for Print & Digital show guide going into Print after December 4th. No corrections or additions will be accepted after this date for the 25,000 print copies distributed at the show and emailed to 100,000 database.

Exhibitors signing space contracts after this date will be included into Digital Listing and Interactive show map on the website but not in the print & digital show guide.

If the Listing is correct please proceed to complete your Full Digital Listing, add key search words, detailed product & services information, visuals and videos by logging into your account in Exhibitors' Online Platform/ Unity.

If any questions about Print Listing Name and Unity please contact:

Niamh Conlan

nconlan@canadianboatshows.com I 905 -951-0009


Radio & Online Promotional Giveaway Opportunity

If you are interested to have your new product mentioned in a radio promo with online and social media components in partnership with the Toronto Boat Show - and offer a prize for giveaway in exchange for the media value for your brand/ new products, please talk to us.

We are looking for the following giveaway categories to include as main prizes in radio & online promotional campaigns in January leading to the show dates with a retail value over $500:

  • Boating experience (boat rental, PWC rentals)
  • SUP, paddle boards, kayaks, canoes
  • Camping products

Please continue to submit New Products for the website to showcase – we want to HELP maximize your potential exposure!


Let us know your plans by sending email to Katya Sundukova

marking it 'promo giveaway' in the subject line:

katya@canadianboatshows.com or call 905.951.4050 if you have any questions 

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Ticket Sale Coming !

Get Customers ready for Black Friday Ticket Sale starting on November 28th! 

We are sending out the Consumer Newsletter to the Captain's Club audience of 75,000 + to promote our annual Black Friday 50% off Ticket 5 Day Sale. Plus extensive Social media to support the launch of the 2025 Ticket Sale Campaign.

Next week we will send you the ticket purchase link to share with the customers in any of your communications - newsletters, e-blasts & social media channels. Stay tuned!      

Official Hotel Room Blocks Discounts

Show Dates:

January 18 - 26, 2025

Book any of the 4 Official Show Hotels Now!

Unbeatable prices for Downtown Toronto

for dates including Move in & Move Out

Cut off date January 3

(subject to availability) 

Please note there will not be Shuttle Bus service between the Hotels and Venue for the 2025 Show.


Important Links

Important Deadlines

Update your Digital Listing

Submit New Products

Upload Boat for Virtual Show Room

Exhibitor Kit

Below are some QUICK LINKS for online ordering:

Booth Décor CLICK HERE

Carpet, Furniture (chairs, tables), Labour, Modular exhibits, Plants & Signage

Electrical & Lighting  CLICK HERE

Parking & Enercare Services CLICK HERE

Booth Cleaning, Catering Menu, Internet, Parking Passes, Signage Installation & Telecoms

For Show Hotel Discounts CLICK HERE

Order Exhibitor Guest Tickets CLICK HERE

New Exhibitors: 2025 Space Application

Scam Alert - Exhibitors Beware!

It is unfortunate but a reality that fraudulent emails and calls reach Exhibitors with misleading information.

These annoying and frustrating emails and calls happen to almost every major trade and consumer show in North America. Please ignore them.

These parties claim to represent the Toronto Boat show but have NO relationship with the Toronto Boat Show.

We ask you to remain cautious and do not enter into agreements, contracts or release information to any callers asking:

  • to buy or sell database of consumers or other exhibitors
  • to help you book show hotels
  • ask you about the number of staff you have or how many staff members will be attending the show
  • for release of information about the number of boats and their logistics to and from the show
  • for credit card information for show guide listing or ads

Exhibitor Newsletters

2025 Show Newsletters


The Toronto Boat Show newsletters are the main source of communication. They come from this email address: chare@canadianboatshows.com so please add to your contacts and acceptable lists of emails. 

Some exhibitors report that they don’t receive the newsletter, or it lands in their junk folder. We suggest to please check your junk or clutter folders periodically.

If you have not been receiving our Newsletters, please let us know to add your email address to the distribution list. If anyone else from your company should be receiving the newsletters, please send us their email.

All exhibitor newsletters are located on the show's website, so you can also keep up to date on communications if your email filters don't consistently display them in your in-box.

Click Here for past newsletters.


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