CIDP Newsletter
April 2019
Increasing Development Spending at No Fiscal Cost
New official development assistance (ODA) rules
allow donors to count development-oriented direct equity investments, loans, guarantees, and other hybrid or blended investments as ODA.
By launching the bilateral development finance institution (DFI), FinDev Canada, as a small subsidiary of the much larger and profitable Export Development Canada, and reporting the capitalization as ODA in keeping with new rules on private sector instruments,
Canada was able to increase its OECD-DAC reportable ODA by CAD$100 million in 2018, at no additional fiscal cost
Analysis of Canada's 2017-18 Development Spending
Canada’s total international assistance
increased 8.8% compared to the last fiscal year
and is now over CAD$6 billion. Three main factors explain the increase:
Increased budgetary allocations to the International Assistance Envelope
(IAE) in recent years;
A resulting increase in IAE funded programs implemented via Global Affairs Canada (GAC); and
larger percentage increase in non-IAE expenditures
, primarily in the form of refugee costs and initial capitalization of Canada's DFI.
Global Affairs Canada's Project-Level Aid Spending
GAC's project-level development aid spending was CAD$4.1 billion in 2017-18
up slightly from CAD$3.9 billion in 2016-17. 58% of GAC's aid projects were delivered via multilateral organisations.
Comparative Canadian Aid Data from the OECD DAC
Canada’s ODA was USD$4.52 billion in 2018
, as compared to USD$4.3 billion in 2017 — a 5% increase. Canada’s ODA/GNI ratio is now 0.28%, up from 0.26% in 2017.
Standing Senate Committee Submission
New Authorities Expand GAC's Development Finance Toolkit
2018 Data Report
Canada on the Global Stage: Where to Next?
CIDP leverages open data and big data to provide a comprehensive picture of Canada's engagement with developing countries.
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