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Canada's Business Leaders Demand Plan To Reopen Borders
On June 14, the Canadian Travel and Tourism Roundtable called on the federal government to release the plan immediately.

At the summit, Trudeau spoke with U.S. President Joe Biden on reopening the border, but nothing was decided.
As Canada's Economy Rebounds, Construction Industry Needs Hundreds of Thousands of Workers
A report by BuildForce Canada says hundreds of thousands of jobs in the Canadian construction industry are expected to open up in the coming decade and immigrants are being wooed to fill them.

More Low-Skilled Workers Should Become Permanent Residence, Says Ryerson University Study
Demand for lower-skill jobs is also expected to grow as a consequence of increased demand for labour over the next decade, although this growth is projected to unfold at a lower rate than high-skilled jobs.

This increasing demand for lower-skill jobs may be due to Canadian-born workers’ reluctance to fill these positions.
Canadian Immigration Services Inc.