Dear Members and Friends of St. Johns,
As you know, both the Leadership Board and myself have been closely monitoring the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) global pandemic and examining best practices and next steps to keep our congregation safe. At this time, the decision has been made to comply with Governor Wolf's request that there be no non-essential meetings in Pennsylvania for the next two weeks due to the spread of COVID-19. This means that all meetings and events at St. John's are cancelled from 3/15/2020 to 3/28/2020. This includes Sunday worship and Sunday School on 3/15 and 3/22, as well Bible studies, team/committee meetings, and other groups who are scheduled to meet from 3/15-3/28. As always, the building will be accessible to staff members and others from our congregation to do what work needs to be done.
The absence of a physical gathering, however, doesn't mean we should not spend time worshiping our Lord. Although we do not have the capability of live streaming a service this week, we will be sending written resources which will include a prayer and a sermon manuscript which you are invited to use devotionally on Sunday morning.
For the next two weeks, please strongly consider texting in (877-960-2396) or mailing in (820 Almshouse Rd. Ivyland 18974) your tithes and offerings. You can also give via the link on the first page of our website ( Although meetings and events will go on hiatus at St. John's, our church expenses will not!
We ask you to pray for those who are ill and for the medical personnel and leaders who are addressing this pandemic. We look forward to gathering together again in person as the Body of Christ soon.
Please feel free to call the church office with any questions or concerns (215-357-6998). Our office staff will be in as needed but will be checking messages throughout the day. Please also feel free to contact me at Keep calm. Pray. Trust God. And wash your hands.
Pastor Janice