Hello Friends, Collaborators, and Colleagues,
I'd love your feedback: photo@carajudea.com
Columbia University
Irving Medical Center
Navigating Cancer with
Science and Art
July 18, 10am-12pm
This will be a pre-cursor to my upcoming course on environmentally-induced cancers and personal-political vulnerability-as-action.
I will be leading an embodied empowerment-based, cancer-research workshop for under-represented students through DREAM-High
See Micaela Amateau Amato's lecture with Columbia's National Cancer&Art SA
This is a working list of co-sponsors, see https://carajudeaalhadeff.com/events/ for updated details. Register here: https://bit.ly/zazugoldye
Garrett Theological Seminary, Chicago
Welcome the Stranger: Interreligious Lessons from
Zazu Dreams
Alhadeff's Artist's talk on
September 5, 4-6pm
Collective Spiritual Intelligence:
An Intimate Guide to
Living Our Eco-Ethics
Alhadeff's Workshop on
I am delighted to share that I am teaching again with Dr. Creston Davis of The Global Centre for Advanced Studies
I will be collaborating with Dr. Shoshannah Bryn Jones Square
on a series of EcoCriticism workshops and lectures
in New Brunswick
Date, TBD
Two more collaborations...
Jodi Lomask and I will be integrating my projected photographs and video art with her Capacitor Performance Dance Lab!
The animation/ documentary of Zazu Dreams: Between the Scarab and the Dung Beetle, A Cautionary Fable for the Anthropocene Era is finally underway with video artist Tom DaSilva!
If you are interested in learning more about these burgeoning projects and possibly supporting our endeavors, please contact me.
I continue to welcome your responses to my past and present monthly articles with:
Mother Pelican - A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability
Food Equity in Action: Asking Big Questions
to Transform Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag
Local Food Now
Performing Zazu Dreams at Earthaven Ecovillage
Continuing to retrace our Love Bus journey back (and forth) through time--July, two years ago:
MLK, Jr. and Environmental Justice:
Embodying the Tree of Life in the Tree of Knowledge
Zohar and Stephen Hawking Painting by Micaela Amateau Amato for Zazu Dreams
This is my FINAL Constant Contact email blast. From now on, I will continue with Substack. You are welcome to email me with your feedback: carajudea@gmail.com or contact me through my website: www.carajudeaalhadeff.com
Click to see my previous
2024 Newsletters:
June: My 4th Anthology this Year! Irigaray in Iceland, Erotic Politics, & Neuro-Interspecies Interdependencies
May: Cara's Performance Video Art: PBS interview, James Baldwin, & Apocalyptic Parenting
April: In The Path of Totality: Greenwashing, Whitewashing,
and Eclipsing the Matrix
March: My 3rd new anthology this year! Surrealist Sacred Activism
+ Green Colonialism
February: My 2nd new anthology this year! Interreligious Eco Action + Somatic Radical Reimagining
January: Vandana Shiva's Foreword in updated edition of Zazu Dreams+ Cultural Evolution and the Fiction of Frictionlessness
January: Anarchist Parenting + Our New EcoJustice Book: Urgent Matters
2023 Newsletters:
December: Censorship, Sacrifice Zones, & Terrestrials in Exile
November: "Why, You're UnAmerican!"...or America the Beautiful.
October: Radical Hospitality and Fibersheds: Confronting PetroCulture, Greenwashing, & Consumer-Convenience Culture
September: Paris Institute, RISD's Performative Self-Portrait Exhibition-Lecture, and Oberlin College
August: Performing Thomas Berry & Hospitality as an Antidote to Environmental Racism / Climate Chaos
August: Sin City & Parliament of the World's Religions
July: Beauty & Waste: Home as Ecological Storytelling
Click to see my previous 2023 newsletters:
June: Quantum Entanglements, Purity of Blood, & Climate Resiliency
May: Ingenium Creatives Think Tank with Kristeva & Love Bus
April: Beauty, Birth, and Edge Consciousness + Recordings
March: Cara's UCLA Keynote and NPR interviews +
Anarchism & Collective Responsibility
February: Visual Arts, Literature, and the Environment +
Challenging Petroleum Parenting
2022 Newsletters:
December: Leaving for West Africa + SOONOQO and Cancerous Collusions
November: Eco-Aesthetics at AAR + Children as Collateral Damage
October: Blood Chocolate + Launching My New Website
September: Indigenous Bodies and Ecozoic Epigenetics
August: Cultural Biomimicry and the Surrealist Sephardic Body
July: Boycott Civilization: MLK, Jr., Environmental Justice, and Zazu Dreams
June: Association for the Study of Literature and Environment with Cara
May: Intergenerational Climate Justice & Petroleum-Parenting Discussion with Seed + Spark Series
April: Two new videos and Opt-in confirmation
March: Opt-In invitation for Cara Judea Alhadeff's art, writing, and activism + Ecological Spiritualities event
Thank you and Enjoy!
Cara Judea Alhadeff, PhD
Carajudea | 38552 Pitkin Rd. | Paonia, CO 81428 US
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