Learn what CRA has been up to this May. 
CRA monthly news & updates
Keep up to date with CRA news, interesting facts, and things to look forward to in the coming weeks.
Upcoming Events
This Friday:
Join us for a free yoga seminar "Gentle Yoga for Healing" on Friday May 27th from 6-7 at Covenant Presbyterian Church. This class is appropriate for anyone in the Austin community at any level of mobility. Invite your family and friends. For more information see the link below.                                               

Salad in a Jar Party:
When: Saturday June 11th
Time: 2:00-3:00
Location: Cancer Rehab Austin

Lets get together on a Saturday afternoon and make fresh, healthy salads together.

You should bring:
- 4 wide mouth mason jars
- 2 salad ingredients (chopped, cleaned and ready to go)
- salad dressing

With everyone's ingredients we will be able to have a variety of yummy salads for the entire week. 
Education Corner
Gotta Go Right Now!
Changes occur as we age, as part of cancer treatment or if we are on endocrine therapy. One we do not like to talk about is urinary urgency and leakage. How can you take control of your bladder?
  • Avoid Bladder Irritants:
    Bladder irritants may cause your bladder to spasm which can cause urgency and leakage. Some irritants include:
    - Alcohol
    - Carbonated Beverages
    - Caffeine
    - Artificial Sweeteners
    - Acidic Foods

  • Stay well hydrated: 
    Water helps prevent bladder irritation by diluting the fluid in your bladder and making the environment less irritated.

  • Stay active:
    Walking and other forms of exercise strengthen your pelvic floor muscles which are the group of muscles in charge of keeping you dry.

Do you have issues with urinary incontinence and/or urgency? Call or email CRA today and schedule a pelvic floor consult with our pelvic floor therapist Dr. Angela Wicker-Ramos PT, DPT, CLT-LANA.

Some Things We Have Been Up To
It has been another busy month for CRA! Here are some things we have been up to:
  • Cancer Rehab Austin is an official sponsor of Art Bra Austin and our owner/PT Angela Wicker-Ramos made a Harry Potter Corset to be auctioned off at the event.

  • Agnes Nowakowski our Acupuncture gave 2 talks at Livestrong on Radiation Therapy, Side Effects and Acupuncture. 

  • Geri Ruane our Massage Therapist attended the Society for Oncology Massage Healing Summit at Northwestern Health Sciences University.

  • Our oncology rehab therapist Angela Wicker-Ramos attended the first annual MD Anderson/TIRRMemorial Herman Cancer Rehab Symposium. 

  • Kimberly Wharton our yoga instructor took a seminar through the Integrative Restoration Institute studying under Richard Miller.
Practitioner Spotlight
Meet a member of our team:

Dr. Angela Wicker-Ramos PT, DPT, CLT- LANA is the ownercertified lymphedema therapistoncology physical therapist and pelvic floor rehab therapist for Cancer Rehab Austin.

Angela has received the following degrees and certifications:

  • Doctorate of physical therapy from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
  • Master's of physical therapy from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
  • Bachelor's of science in kinesiology from The University of Texas at Austin.
  • Bachelor's of science in allied health sciences from The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
  • Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS) certified lymphedema therapist.
  • Lymphology Association of North America(LANA) certified lymphedema therapist.
  • Survivorship training and rehabilitation (STAR) program from 2012–2015
  • Physiological Oncology Rehabilitation Institute (PORi) oncology rehab certification.
  • Training through the APTA on Women's Health and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
  • Advanced training in head/neck and genital lymphedema treatments.

Did You Know We Offer?
Pediatric Massage:
Our Massage Therapist Geri Ruane has  advanced training in the fields of pediatric massage and pediatric oncology massage.

Pediatric Massage helps with: 
  • decreased pain
  • reduced stress/anxiety/depression
  • improved sleep patterns
  • improved respiratory function
  • increased appetite and weight
  • have better gastrointestinal function
  • improved long-range emotional, physical and cognitive development
  • strengthened child/parent interaction and bonding

Call Geri today to schedule a pediatric massage at (512) 576-1050.

Want to Help CRA Grow?
We would love your help!
Some ways you can help:
  • Let your medical practitioners know about us at your next follow up appointment. 

  • Tell others in your cancer support community that we are here to help.

  • Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and share posts that you find interesting or informative.

  • If you have received treatment at CRA we would appreciate a review on Yelp or Google. People rely on reviews to find quality care and practitioners they can trust.

    We are so blessed to be in such an amazing Austin community. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to make a difference one patient at a time.

Cancer Rehab Austin | Phone: 512-524-0964 | Fax: 512-524-0936 
email: angela@cancerrehabaustin.com| Website: www.cancerrehabaustin.com