The Intimate Health Workshop series was created with the intention to empower your personal wellness journey while improving your intimate connection with yourself. Each workshop at Comprehensive Therapy Services includes a yoga flow, a health education talk, and a Q&A with Courtney and a CTS Physical Therapist.

Saturday, May 11th, 2019 from 10am-12pm

Saturday, May 11th, 2019 from 1-3pm

Join us June 15th for an exciting day of Intimate Health Yoga Workshops at CTS! Stay tuned for sign up information.

Check out for all of Courtney's offerings.


Men's Pelvic Pain Support Group

Tuesday, May 21 at 6pm

1 in 12 men suffer from pelvic pain and most suffer in silence.

Let's gather together and share our experience and resources. Together we can heal & help others get on the road to recovery. For more information, contact Milan at or 858-457-8419. Click to Learn More ยป

Candida Overgrowth

Fungi are alive in and on us! The most common is Candida and thrive in the mouth and intestines. If their growth flourishes it can become an infection, candidiasis. Our healthy gut bacteria can be compromised if Candida begins to overproduce. The balance of the immune system lies, literally, in our gut.

We can help our bodies fight over production of candida by making some life style changes:

* Take probiotics which as we age can significantly help out our 'good' gut bacteria

* Limiting sugar intake, including refined carbohydrates, which 'feed' candida; this includes alcohol intake

* Reducing stress in our lives with exercise, meditation & movement

Health risk factors include a weakened immune system, diabetes, and taking antibiotics which can all affect our good bacteria levels. Fatigue is a common symptom of Candida in part due to reduced levels of vitamin B6 and magnesium. Recurring urinary tract or vaginal infections can also be a sign of Candida since it is found in the vaginal tract. Urine can be tested for Candida. If the 'bad' bacteria imbalances the 'good' bacteria in the digestive tract it can lead to symptoms including constipation, gas, bloating, cramps, nausea, & even diarrhea. Candida may be implicated in diseases like Crohn's disease & ulcerative colitis.

Sinus infections, if chronic, may also be, in part, caused by an overgrowth of Candida. We have Candida living on our skin as well so if you see skin & nail fungal infections Candida may be the culprit. This can include conditions like ringworm, toe nail fungus, or athlete's foot.

Joint pain may also be associated with Candida. Hips & knees tend to be more often affected but these diagnoses are usually related to post surgery if an overgrowth of Candida enters your bloodstream & travels to these joints. These are less common than other Candida conditions but do exist.

A few natural foods can help fight Candida infections by encouraging the 'good' bacteria to grow & inhibit the 'bad':

* garlic

* coconut oil

* aloe vera

* pomegranate

* kombucha

* cur cumin

* probiotics

Of course adding these foods into your diet needs to be as directed by a nutritionist, DO, or specialist to whatever condition you want to treat.

In the end, having a good balance of aerobic exercise to keep your blood moving, limiting sugar intake, & limiting stress in our lives may help keep the balance toward 'good' bacteria & limit Candida associated conditions.
Pam Dehne, PT, MPT

Book Review of Why We Sleep

Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
by Matthew Walker, PhD

I read a good book recently which has fueled me with facts. I have become skilled at inserting these facts into any conversation.

Example 1: Barista: Anne, your small coffee is on the bar.

Me: Thanks! I am drinking coffee early in the morning because I know that drinking 200 mg of caffeine can decrease my sleep quality by 20% and that caffeine has a half life of 6-7 hours. I want to process this caffeine before it's time for me to get sleepy. Have a great day!

Example 2: Pearl at the Front Desk: Anne, we blocked your schedule next week for the staff meeting.

Me: Great! Did you know that the time of breaking of an Olympic record has been clearly associated with a certain time of day and that births and deaths are subject to the scheduling of circadian rhythm?

Everyone knows how important sleep is, right? After all, we use terms like "sleep it off" and "beauty sleep". But....we live in a busy world. This is a world of early starts, late nights, and constant stimulation from bright technology. Sometimes we value productivity at the expense of our health and use artificial stimulants to get us through the day. I work with a lot of new parents who often come in with that familiar glazed look, an obvious sign of lack of sleep.

So what is sleep? Is it really that important? Is it okay to skimp during the work week and catch up on the weekend? I know the answers. I know the answers thanks to my friend Matthew Walker and his lovely book, Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams.

Why We Sleep is divided into four parts. Part one dives into what sleep is and how sleep changes throughout the lifespan. Part two goes into all of the many benefits of giving the body plenty of good sleep. It also details the detrimental effects of not sleeping enough. Part three explores and explains the dream world while part four describes various sleep disorders and proposes a solution for our sleep deprived society.

I became pretty disheartened after reading parts one and two. I can't imagine how anyone could completely evade the pitfalls of sleep deprivation that Dr. Walker describes. It is clear that every bodily system suffers the negative impacts of sleep deficit.  Disturbingly, the body can function in a sleep deficit, impairing memory and physical function, without the individual being completely aware of his or her sleep deprived state.  Don't worry, though! The book ends on a positive note that outlines how to best set your body up for satisfactory sleep success. 

It is possible to manipulate temperature, light, activity level, and routine in order to optimize your sleep. It is clear that optimal sleep is one of the more important foundations for optimal general health.

This is a book for the bookshelf.

Anne Shea, PT, DPT, OCS