E*News & Views, January 31, 2024

Sustainable San Rafael educates and advocates for local government action to curb climate change and advance sustainability. Join Us!

Quick Takes.

Thu, Feb 1, 4-6pm: Reception for 'This is Home' exhibit on Black shipyard workers in Marin helping win WW II, 1111 Las Gallinas. Displays.

Sat, Feb 3, 1pm: Book launch for 'Carbon Done Correctly' by Richard Lawrence on voluntary carbon markets. Book Passage.

Mon, Feb 5, 6pm: SR City Council meeting.1400 Fifth Ave. Agenda.

Wed, Feb 7, 10am: 'Why buildings are key to addressing climate change.' Project Drawdown link.

Tue, Feb 13, 10-12am: San Rafael eucalyptus fuel reduction tour. MWPA

Sign up for MarinCAN's monthly newsletter. See events at MarinCAN.

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of the District 2 Forum, or the recording of the

District 4 Forum

Featured Events & Actions

Is Marin Ready for No-Gas Buildings?

Wed, Feb 21, 10am-12pm: Marin's Electrification Plan is nearing completion, aiming to rapidly phase in electric appliances to reduce a quarter of our GHG emissions. And the Air Quality District's new NOx rules will likely phase out the purchase of gas water heaters in 2027 and gas furnaces in 2029. Hear how these two plans mesh from the leaders of each, Brian Reyes and Abby Young. On Zoom, or in person at MCL, 175 N. Redwood Dr. #135, San Rafael.


Ready to Save Money on an EV?

Thu, Feb 8, 5pm: Learn about the economics of emission-free mobility, including Ride & Drive Clean's EV discounts. Also New EV Driver Workshop on 2/21.
