May 2022
Welcome to the House of Deputies Newsletter

Welcome to the Episcopal Church House of Deputies monthly email newsletter. If you're a deputy or alternate, you've been subscribed automatically. If you've come across this issue in another way and would like to subscribe yourself, you can sign up on our website or on our Facebook page.

Do you have suggestions, ideas, or news about the work of deputies to share? Please email us. Want to learn more about the House of Deputies? Check out our websiteFacebook page, and Twitter feed.
Deputies and alternate deputies are invited to hear from candidates for President of the House of Deputies and Vice President of the House of Deputies during forums taking place on Zoom on Saturday, June 4 at 2 p.m. Eastern and Monday, June 13 at 2 p.m. Eastern. The Rev. Albert Cutié will moderate the forums. Registration is required.

Submit questions for the participating candidates in advance by emailing [email protected]. An email with candidate profiles and a list of forum participants will be sent later this week.

June 4 at 2 p.m. Eastern

June 13 at 2 p.m. Eastern
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President Jennings sent the following letter to bishops and deputies on May 26:

Dear Friends in Christ:

Earlier this week, the Presiding Officers’ General Convention Design Group met for a second time to continue planning a shorter, smaller, safer General Convention, which will take place in Baltimore from July 8 to 11. The group has made several recommendations to us that we have accepted, and we are confident that our colleagues on both the Joint Standing Committee on Planning and Arrangements and the Executive Council will receive them favorably. Those groups will both convene on June 7, which will make it possible for us to finalize the new plan for General Convention.

In addition to the existing vaccine requirement for General Convention, the design group has recommended to us that attendees at General Convention be required to:

  • Wear N95, KN95, KF94 or medical procedure masks at all times indoors, in the convention center, and common areas of hotels. Exceptions will be made for people speaking in legislative session at a microphone with appropriate social distance so that listeners with hearing impairments will be able to lip read. Masks will be made available to those who need them.

  • Self-administer rapid tests for COVID-19 before leaving home to travel to Baltimore; upon checking in to hotel rooms at General Convention; and each morning of the four-day convention. General Convention attendees will be provided with five tests when they pick up their badges: one to use upon checking into their hotel rooms, and the others to use each morning.

On May 14, the Deputies of Color released a statement in support of the report from the Presiding Officers' Working Group on Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing:

"The Deputies of Color see the recommendations within the report as a much-needed paradigm shift away from the traditional model of funding The Episcopal Church’s Social Justice Ministry," the statement reads. "More specifically, the creation of a perpetual endowment, created from a 10% draw from the Church’s $413 Million Endowment, would ensure that the work of dismantling racism within the Church and the greater secular society would become permanent ministry work."

LGBTQ+ Caucus Seeks Candidates to Endorse
The House of Deputies LGBTQ+ Caucus is committed to organizing, mobilizing, and advocating for the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in the work and witness of the Episcopal Church. 

If you are a candidate for any position at the 80th General Convention and would like to be considered for an endorsement from the LGBTQ+ Caucus, please fill out the caucus's consideration form.
The Consultation:
Social Justice Resolutions are Essential
The Consultation, a consortium of progressive organizations in the Episcopal Church, has written to Presiding Bishop Curry, President Jennings, and all bishops and deputies to urge that the work of social justice be considered essential at the 80th General Convention. Read the letter on The Consultation's website.

To receive emails about The Consultation's platform for General Convention and endorsements of candidates for office, please email [email protected].
Deputy Edwin Johnson on CDSP Podcast
Deputy Edwin Johnson of Massachusetts was the guest on this month's edition of Crossings Conversations, a podcast from Church Divinity School of the Pacific. He spoke about his role as a member of the Presiding Officer's Advisory Group on Beloved Community Implementation. Listen to the podcast.
Diocese of Maryland Awards $175,000 in First Reparations Grant Cycle
The Reparations Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, host diocese for the 80th General Convention, has announced that it has selected six organizations to receive $175,000 in funds through the diocese’s inaugural reparations grant process.

"The applicant pool was large and filled with worthy organizations doing the work of restoring Black communities in the geographical area of the Diocese of Maryland," reads the announcement.

Download the Corrected Version of the Proposed Calendar of the Church Year
The Proposed Calendar of the Church Year included in the the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music's Blue Book report was an earlier draft version. The legislative committee on Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music has asked that the correct version be provided to all deputations.

Submit Deputation Zoom Photos
Has your deputation begun to meet via Zoom? Take a screen shot and send it to [email protected] for our collection of #GC80 deputation photos!

image: Deputies from the Diocese of Montana met on Zoom on October 26 with Bishop Marty Stebbins.