Diane B. Pfaus
I was Baptized as an infant and have been a member of a church community since then. Faith was an important part of my parents’ and grandparents’ lives. My father was very active in his Lutheran Church, and my mother was Episcopalian. I was raised in the Lutheran Church and Confirmed when in eighth grade. During high school I taught Vacation Bible School, participated in youth group activities, and attended a weeklong high school retreat.
I know that God answers prayers. When I was born, I had a hole in my heart and was followed by a cardiologist. By age 10 I also had an enlarged heart and a growth on my heart. My aunt began taking me to healing services at the Episcopal Church and other churches. The day I was scheduled to have a cardiac catheterization procedure my aunt had requested many religious orders to pray for me at the scheduled time. I was not taken at that time. I got up from bed and fainted. When I woke up there were many nurses and doctors around me trying multiple blood pressure machines to work. Once I awoke, they were able to get a BP. The procedure was done later that day and a week later the results were shared. The doctor told my mother and me that my heart was fine. The previous concerns no longer existed. I was called back by the hospital for a complete heart evaluation. There was no evidence of any heart damage.
While in high school I began attending the Episcopal Church occasionally with my mother and grandmother. During college I participated in the college Bible study group led by our Assistant Rector at Washington University. A few years later I decided to be confirmed in the Episcopal Church.
While a member of The Church of St. Michael and St. George I was on several committees and participated in several groups: Newsletter – photographer and layout, singles discussion group planning committee, Coffee Hour hostess, Altar Guild, Community Relations Committee, traveling to England with the Rector and other church members when the choir was guest choir at St. Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey.
I taught Sunday School while living In Champaign, Illinois.
My late husband, Richard, and I met at The Church of St. Michael and St. George and were married there. My parents had been married there 38 years earlier. Richard’s two children, Elizabeth and Christopher, are my “Bonus Children” and have enriched my life in so many ways. Elizabeth, husband Georges, and son Georges II live in Westchase. Christopher and his son Oskar live in Portland Oregon.
Having a strong connection with The Church of St. Michael and St. George it was difficult to find a new church home when I moved to Clearwater in July 2020. I began attending St. John’s in late 2021 with my new partner, Graham. We immediately felt welcomed by members and Father Andrew. We did not attend consistently from mid-2022 to mid-2024 due to Graham’s illness. We were able to attend via YouTube. Graham died in May 2024.
St. John’s is now my church home, and I am now ready to be a more active participant of the St. John’s community. I am currently helping with Pack-a-Sack and the Thrift Store.
My non-church background includes:
· Teacher – Early Childhood Special Education to Second Grade
· Head Start – Disability Coordinator and Assistant Director
· Early Intervention Service Coordinator
· Visiting Professor Special Education – University of Illinois and
St. Louis Community College
· Realtor, Title Search, Title Insurance, and Real Estate Closings
· Member Sorority House Corporation (Adult Board) & Treasurer
· Member Condo Board – Secretary