Candle Of Light! 9/1/21
Written By: Joshua Drucker
Last night I had my very first vision from God. Unlike the prophet Ezekiel, my Christian walk hasn't been a life filled with spiritual visions. I believe that God still speaks to His children in visions at times, however, we have the Bible now, and the complete word of God. (This is what I saw in my vision.)
I saw the world 2,000 years ago as it beheld only "trouble and darkness, dimness and anguish". (Isaiah 8:22) A darkness that our generation has never seen or experienced. I saw "people who walked in darkness, and those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death." (Isaiah 9:2)
Then I saw Jesus on earth over 2,000 years ago. I saw him walking in the form of a lit candle. I also saw Him as "the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world". (John 1:9)
I saw other candlesticks around Him that wasn't lit, and then I saw Jesus lean over and begin to light each candlestick. These candlesticks weren't church's, but "individuals". At that moment I knew that He was lighting His disciples with the light of His glory.
I then imagined the disciples going out and lighting every individual that they came in contact with. Then those individuals spread throughout the world and lit other candlesticks down through every generation until it reached you and I. Not only were we lit by the flame that was passed down, but every generation has had light in it because of this flame.
(That was the extent of my vision.) This vision has been on my mind all day long, and as I've pondered it more I feel like the Holy Spirit has given me more clarity on it.
I remember as a little boy watching candles being lit in church. The sanctuary would be dark, as a teenage boy would walk down the center isle with a golden tool with a flame on it. He would then get to a large stand of candlesticks and begin to light each one. Sometimes there were as many as 20 candles on the stand.
As he began to light one, the dark room would get a little brighter. Then as he lit the second one it would get a little more brighter. Sometimes, the boy would be taking too long to light the candles therefore a usher would grab a lit candle off of the stand and begin to help him light the rest of the candles. After all the candles were lit, the sanctuary was illuminated, thus giving light for everyone to see.
Matthew 5:14 (NKJV) You are the light of the world.
We are the light that walks into the dark rooms of the world to bring light. At times we are the ONLY LIGHT in the room. Other times we may be surrounded by other brothers or sisters in Christ.
Every unsaved person we come in contact with is a unlit candlestick. However, that person has the potential to be lit and bring more light to the room and also pass light down to the next generation.
Please get this picture in your mind. Picture yourself walking into your job, your gym, your nail salon, your prison dormitory and other places that you visit throughout the day. Think of all the unlit candles that you pass without lighting. People that you could be setting on fire for God, people that could give extra light to the room y'all are in, and then they could bring that same flame home to their family and loved ones.
How many flames are you surrounded by??? I hope you at least have one. There was a reason Jesus sent the disciples out "two by two". He knew that there would be times when the enemy would come in like a flood and put out your candle. There would be times when the floods of discouragment, floods of illness or even floods of sin would come in and put out your flame. However, if you are walking with another candle, then that person can light you back up.
For years and years I leaned on my dad for support, especially during my darkest days on death row. There were many days when I wanted to quit, when I felt like I couldn't take another step. I was so beat down by doubt and unbelief that my light was put out. However, it was the encouraging words from my dad as he shared the Word of God with me that got my candle burning again.
Over the last several months he has been battling a illness, and himself fighting thoughts of despair and depression. Now it is me that is on fire for God, and my candle is burning bright, therefore I am able to lean over and light his candle back on fire. Do you see where I am going with this??? If he wasn't there to light me back up 4-5 years ago, I would not have been able to light him back up over the last few weeks.
Is your light burning??? Many Christians "think" they can be a light but live like the world. A light doesn't act like the world or talk like the world. I ask brothers in the dormitory with me, "can people new in the dormitory tell who the Christians are from the unbelivers? If they can't then we are not being a light."
In the Bible we are commanded to "come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean." ( 2. Corinthians 6:17)
Many Christians were at one time a shining light but because of a lifestyle of sin, "the light you think you have is actually darkness, and how deep that darkness is!" (Matthew 6:23 NLT)
As you close out this post I want to leave you with the vision that I had last night. Jesus lit a candle over 2,000 years ago that is still burning today. It is shining bright in my heart as I pen these words under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Now I use my candle to light yours. I ask, no...beg that you take this same flame and light up your parents, mate, children, friends, co workers, your church and whoever you come in contact with for the rest of your life with the name of Jesus. I even challenge you to hit the "share" button of your fb page and share it with every person you know and let's light the world on fire for Jesus Christ.
My job is done. I passed my flame to you. Not its up to you to pass it on to the next unlit candle.
JD (kid)
Pastor Doug
404-295-5644 or
70 Stone Rd.
McDonough, GA. 30253
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