November 18, 2022

A weekly update for
Cape Cod Academy families
Sailing Team Heads to Regatta in New Orleans
Cape Cod Academy's fall sailing team has qualified to compete in the prestigious Great Oaks Invitational Regatta in New Orleans, LA on Lake Pontchartrain. The team traveled down to New Orleans on Thursday for the regatta, which takes place on Saturday, November 19 and Sunday, November 20. Prizes will be awarded to teams first through third in both the Gold and Silver Fleets.  Cape Cod Academy will be one of only three schools from all of New England to earn entry into this regatta. Go Seahawks!
Upcoming Events

Wednesday, Nov. 23 - Friday, Nov. 25
Thanksgiving Break

Friday, Nov. 25
Alumni Pick-Up Basketball Game from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. in Evans Gym, Founders' Hall at CCA

Alumni Social from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Tugboats at Hyannis Marina

Monday, Nov. 28
Faculty Professional Development Day

Tuesday, Nov. 29
Classes Resume

Friday, Dec. 2
Parents' Association General Meeting @ 8:15 a.m. in Ungerman Library

Wednesday, Dec. 14
Holiday Concert @ 6:00 p.m. in the Lower School Gym
COVID-19 Tests Will Be Distributed to Students Next Monday

Next week, Cape Cod Academy students, faculty, and staff will have the opportunity to receive at-home COVID-19 test kits so they can test at home before returning to school after Thanksgiving break and our winter vacation break. We ask that the tests be used no earlier than 24 hours prior to returning to school after the Thanksgiving and winter breaks. This is a voluntary program, but we encourage you to take advantage of this.

Tests will be distributed during drop-off at the Lower School Circle on Monday and Tuesday mornings. Additionally, families can pick up their children's testing supplies in Chope Commons on Monday and Tuesday. Supplies are limited to two tests per student.

These tests have been provided by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), who are distributing schools and districts with a one-time distribution of at-home COVID-19 test kits. We will receive enough tests to supply all our students and staff so that they can test at home before returning to school after Thanksgiving break and after our winter break.
Personalized Learning Profiles Now Available
for Grades 6-9

We are pleased to announce that parents/guardians of students in grades six through nine can now view their child's Personalized Approach to Learning (PAL) profile on the Cape Cod Academy website. Click here for more information. We are excited to continue our conversations around how the PAL profile will inform your child's learning and growth. If you would like to discuss this further or have specific questions, please contact Nancy Boyle, Director of Personalized Learning at Cape Cod Academy.
Opportunity for Upper School STEM Students

If you are a strong STEM student in grades 10, 11 or 12, you may be interested in participating in the Winterim at the Marine Biological Laboratories (MBL) in Woods Hole, entitled “Anatomy and Physiology of Marine Animals". Read details here. Students will stay overnight on University of Chicago's MBL campus and conduct three days of intensive study on their Woods Hole campus. The cost of the program, room, and board is $1,375. Read the program's handbook here. Students must have approval from their current STEM teachers to participate. The capacity of the program is 15 students. If you have any questions about this program, please email Abby Wood at
Secret Snowman Exchange in
Lower School

As part of the holiday season activities, lower school children will have the opportunity to participate in a Secret Snowman Book Exchange. The students thoroughly enjoy this opportunity to discover a great new book chosen by one of their lower school friends. Your child brought home an information form yesterday and will be given the name for his/her exchange next Tuesday. Please make sure you check your child’s backpack for the information. You can view details here. Books should be wrapped and sent to school by December 5, and we will have the exchange on December 9. 
Please Support the CSO Food Drive

Cape Cod Academy's Community Service Organization (CSO) is sponsoring a Thanksgiving Food Drive for the Family Pantry of Cape Cod in Harwich. The CSO students are collecting canned and non-perishable goods through today, Friday, November 18. Boxes have been placed in lower school classrooms and in each middle and upper school Advisory; the class with the most donations by the end of the food drive will win a pizza party. Thank you for your help in supporting Cape families this holiday season.
Lower School's Citizen of the Week
Henry Yerkes '31

Congratulations to Henry Yerkes who has been selected as Citizen of the Week! Henry has gone above and beyond during reading by showing compassion and including others in his discussions of nonfiction texts. There have also been many instances where he has shown integrity. Henry works hard every day and is a leader in the classroom as well.
Share the Alumni Social Date with Former CCA Students

Cape Cod Academy welcomes all alumni for a social gathering on Friday, November 25 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Tugboats at Hyannis Marina. Alumni are also invited to attend or participate in our Alumni Pick-Up Basketball Game scheduled to take place in CCA's Evans Gym in Founders Hall from 3:00-5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 25, just before the Alumni Social. All CCA alumni are invited to join us to share stories, visit with faculty members, and reconnect with friends and classmates. All alumni are welcome! RSVP Here.
Fall Athletic Awards

On Tuesday, Cape Cod Academy coaches hosted a Fall Athletics Awards Night for our fall athletes and their parents. Congratulations to the following award recipients:

Cape & Islands League Champions
Girls Varsity Cross Country

Team Sportsmanship Awards
Cape and Islands Team Sportsmanship Award 
Boys Varsity Soccer
Boys Varsity Cross Country
Girls Varsity Cross Country

Cape Cod Soccer Officials Association Team Sportsmanship Award 
Girls Varsity Soccer

Individual Awards
Boys Varsity Soccer
Most Valuable Player - Adam Ezzaoui
Most Improved Player - Warrant Chen
Coaches Award - Lenny Breitlauch
Cape and Islands All-Star - Lenny Breitlauch
Cape and Islands All-Star Honorable Mention - Adam Ezzaoui
Cape and Islands Sportsmanship Award - Brady Livingston

Girls Varsity Soccer
Offensive Most Valuable Player - Jenna Marsh
Defensive Most Valuable Player - Lili Shanahan
Most Improved Player - Molly Lowery
Coaches Award - Ally Moring
Cape and Islands All-Star - Jenna Marsh, Lili Shanahan
Cape and Islands All-Star Honorable Mention - Taylor Bodurtha
Cape and Islands Sportsmanship Award - Ally Moring

Varsity Golf
Most Valuable Player - Tripp Germani
Most Improved Player - Ryan Woeller
Coaches Award - Elias Benaka
Cape and Islands All-Star - Thomas Guidoboni, Ben Catalano
Cape and Islands All-Star Honorable Mention - Tripp Germani

Boys Varsity Cross Country
Most Valuable Runner - Brandon Gomes
Most Improved Runner - Luke Berbine
Coaches Award - Tamarr Washington
Cape and Islands All-Star - Brandon Gomes, Tamarr Washington

Girls Varsity Cross Country
Most Valuable Runner - Kera Clifford
Most Improved Runner - Grace McGlinchey
Coaches Award - Tilly Crosby
Cape and Islands All-Star - Kera Clifford, Emele Conlon

Fall Sailing
Most Valuable Sailor - Alex Kowaleski, Abbie Catalano
Most Improved Sailor - Noah Belson
Coaches Award - Alex Daigle

JV Golf
Most Valuable Player - Liam Whalen
Most Improved Player - Kane Traywick
Coaches Award - Jack Bunnell

Boys Middle School Soccer
Most Valuable Player - Tucker Cundiff
Most Improved Player - Peter Hurd
Coaches Award - Cooper Hall

Girls Middle School Soccer
Most Valuable Player - Sophie Jansen
Most Improved Player - Leonora Hailer, Jayla Blake
Coaches Award - Mia Morey, Alessandra Cugini
Winter Sports Program Begins on November 28

Cape Cod Academy's winter varsity sports program will begin on Monday, November 28 for the following sports:
Boys JV/Varsity Basketball (grades 8-12)
Girls Varsity Basketball (grades 8-12)
Boys Varsity Hockey (grades 8-12)
Girls Varsity Hockey (grades 8-12)
Swimming (grades 7-12)

On Tuesday, November 29, the following sports will begin:
Boys Middle School Basketball (grades 5-8)
Girls Middle School Basketball (grades 5-8)
Winter Conditioning (grades 8-12)

Thank You From the Parents' Association

The Parents’ Association would like to thank everyone who purchased popcorn from Smith Family Popcorn for our fall fundraiser. Thirty percent of the total sales will be donated back to the PA for community events and teacher appreciation. 
Vermont Wreath Sales

The PA is gearing up for the holidays with a Wreath Sale. Fresh balsam Vermont wreaths make wonderful gifts and can be shipped to destinations all over the continental U.S. to be enjoyed in time for the holidays. Proceeds from the sales will support PA activities. Click here for more information. This link with instructions can also be found on the CCA Parent Portal under the Resource Board. Don't forget to use the password "wreaths" when you check out! 
The PA is sponsoring a Parents' Night Out on Friday, December 2 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Just in time for the holidays, parents can drop off their children at Cape Cod Academy and head out for a kid-free dinner or holiday shopping. This holiday-themed event is open to currently enrolled Cape Cod Academy lower school students (grades K-5) only. The price is $25 for the first child and $15 for each additional sibling. Students will enjoy a holiday movie, light snack, a craft, and festive activities. They can wear their cozy pajamas and bring a sleeping bag or something comfortable to sit on to watch the movie. Please RSVP and pay ahead here. Limited to 40 students.

We are actively looking for middle and upper school volunteer babysitters for this event. We will be able to grant you service hours in return for your time. Parent volunteers are also needed to help supervise craft stations. Please email if you are willing and able to help.
Parents’ Holiday Resin "Pour"

Jamin Eldredge, Cape Cod Academy’s lower school art teacher, will be hosting a Holiday Resin “Pour” for parents to be held on Tuesday, December 6 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Wool Shop. The cost is $50 a person for a fun, parent-only social evening. You will create a holiday decor that will be ready for you to take home that evening. Light appetizers will be served, but BYOB. Please feel free to bring your own collection of sea glass and shells although supplies are provided. Please RSVP and pay ahead here. Limited to 25 adults.
Students in Grades 4 and 5 Enjoyed a Field Trip to the Cape Symphony.
Biology Students Study Ecology
Ninth-grade biology students Zoomed with Liza Morse, an ecologist from the Rubenstein School of Environmental and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. Our student biologists are finishing up a unit on ecology and investigated what factors lead to population changes. Hearing from Liza about her research investigating the impacts that maple sugaring has on Vermont forests was the perfect New England connection to wrap up their unit.   
Advisory Students Give Thanks
This month in advisory, middle and upper school students practiced expressing gratitude by creating feathers that reflected what they are thankful for. These feathers made up the "thankful turkey" that is now posted in Davis Commons. What was most touching were the amount of "feathers" that expressed gratitude for being a part of the Cape Cod Academy community, including:

"I am grateful for the kind faculty and staff."
"I am thankful for my teachers."
"I am thankful for being able to go to CCA."
"I am thankful for a good education."
"I am thankful for the relationships I have with my advisor and with my teachers."
"I am thankful for my school community."
Don't forget to connect with Cape Cod Academy on social media! We post news and photos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.