August 2017 Newsletter
Friday, August 4, 2017
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Doors Open at 7:00 PM

A Musical Evening with  Kathleen Healy & Kim Moberg

Back by popular demand, please join us for a repeat appearance by our very first CapeSpace Coffeehouse artists Kathleen Healy & Kim Moberg.  Please join them as they celebrate past and present contemporary folk music in the coffeehouse tradition.  Bring your best singing voice because they are known to break out into the occasional singalong.  Don’t miss another fun evening with Kathleen & Kim!

Tickets $15 in advance, $20 at the door, includes coffee & dessert
Doors open at 7:00, show begins at 7:30
Advance registration is recommended as seating is limited.
This is an alcohol-free event so all ages welcome.

Announcements & News
Advice on Going Freelance

Much has been written in the last few years about the rise of the freelance economy. Technology and other environmental forces have made it more and more possible for people to embrace a freelance life doing meaningful work free from the...

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August Membership Special
Virtual Office Packages-
Three Months Free!  

Sign up for any of our standard Virtual Office packages for twelve months or more and get your first three months free!

CapeSpace Announces ABCN Membership

CapeSpace is thrilled to announce our participation in another great flexible space network.  We are now a proud participant in the Alliance Business Center Network (ABCN), a network of hundreds of flexible office locations around the world.  Our participation in ABCN means that all full time CapeSpace members can use up to 8 hours a month of private office time at other participating locations for FREE!   Contact us at 508-202-1680 or to find out how to take advantage of this special offer.  

Not a member?   Visit our website for information on rates and packages , or call us at 508-202-1680, or email us at
Take 10 Member Spotlight:  Melissa Farrell

What is your name?  Melissa Farrell

What's your current job?  Regional Manager at Complete Payroll Solutions (CPS) 

What do you love most about it?   I love helping local business owners manage their employees so that they can concentrate on running their business!  

How long have you been a member of Cape Space and what do you like most about it thus far?  I have been a member almost since inception.  I love the ability to have a clean, quiet space to gather my thoughts during the course of the day.  I love going into CapeSpace, its like walking into "Cheers", everyone knows your name!

You are also a CapeSpace Affinity Program Vendor. Why don't you tell us a little about that and your offer?  At CPS, We take the Work out of Workforce Management™.  We are the number one solution for Human Resources, Benefits, Payroll and Compliance on the Cape & Islands. We offer smaller businesses individual services that help them grow, and larger companies enterprise-level technology that is backed by certified and local experts. Our offer is for 

2 free months up to $200 for new clients to CPS.

When not working, what do you like to do?   I love to spend time with my family, go to the beach and work on our Oyster Farm.

Guilty Pleasure: What can you not live without? Going to the beach

Favorite Movie?  Forrest Gump

Favorite TV Show?  I like Chopped. I love seeing people have the ability to be creative and cook because I don't think I have either!

What is one thing that you would like people to know about you?  I am a very loyal person.  I love to be helpful as much as possible.  

Guest Blog
by David McPherson of Four Ponds Financial
Small Biz Retirement Options - Guest Blog by David...

Small Business Retirement Options - Save on Taxes, Invest in Your Future For small business owners, keeping up with the day to day can be a challenge. One area that small business owners often neglect is preparing for their own retirement. Don't...

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Upcoming Events
Comedy Improv Night with The New Classics
Thursday, September 14, 2017
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Doors open at 7:00 PM
The New Classics is a popular local theater company that performs comedy improv, a form of theater that is unplanned and unscripted.  Dialogue, actions, stories and characters are created spontaneously and collaboratively by the players with audience interaction.  The New Classics are known for high energy, hilarious performances to sell-out crowds on Cape Cod.

Doors open at 7:00, show 7:30 – 9:00.  Tickets $15 in advance, $20 at the door.  Coffee & dessert included. Advance tickets recommended as seating is limited.  This is an alcohol-free event so all ages are welcome.  

Watch for invitation.  For further information call 508-202-1680 or email
Marketing Videos 101
Saturday, September 16, 2017
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Consumer preferences and search algorithms make video the name of the game when it comes to digital marketing today.  If you’re a little uncertain about how to start producing quality, effective video content for your website and social media pages at minimal cost, this workshop is for you.

Dylan Steven of Saddleback Solutions will demonstrate how easy it is to make marketing videos to promote your business online.  In this special workshop you will actually create a 30-second marketing video for your business and leave with a complete product ready for distribution. In the process you will learn how to:

Write an effective script
Shoot a professional-looking video with your phone
Edit your video using a free and simple-to-use web tool
Upload your completed video to YouTube and social media channels

Watch your email for invitation and registration information.  Not on our Mailing List?  Join here!
Event tickets are $15.  Includes light refreshments.
This workshop is limited to 12 participants so register early!

Participants must bring a laptop and create an account with the web editing tool in advance.  Details on this will be provided several weeks in advance of the workshop.  
Recent Events Held at Cape Space
CAPE SPACE | 508.202.1680 | |

100 Independence Drive, Hyannis, MA 02601