Scholars Changing Law and Policy
Saurabh Vishnubhakat–Texas A&M University School of Law, patent law
Jennifer Koh–University of California, Irvine School of Law, criminal and immigration law
Natalie Nanasi–Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law, domestic violence and gun surrender laws
Addie Rolnick–University of Nevada Law Vegas Boyd School of Law, juvenile and tribal law
Thomas Mitchell–Texas A&M University School of Law, Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act
Tara Righetti–University of Wyoming College of Law, oil and gas production law
Judith Fox–The Law School, Notre Dame University, rent-to-own housing and the consumer protection law
William Henning–Texas A&M University School of Law, Uniform Law Commission and Uniform Commercial Code
Sam Kalen–University of Wyoming College of Law, natural resources law
Mary Spector–Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law, personal debt and consumer protection law

Jennifer Schmidt–University of Kansas School of Law, youth suicide prevention policies

James Van Nostrand–West Virginia University School of Law, climate change policy and environmental law

Rick Levy–University of Kansas School of Law, Kansas’ Juvenile and Child in Need of Care Codes

Irving Joyner–North Carolina Central University School of Law, election law, voting rights, and redistricting

Matthew Titolo–West Virginia University School of Law, privatization of public services

Brian E. Ray–Cleveland State University Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, data privacy legislation

Tracy Hester–University of Houston Law Center, climate change law

Sandra Guerra Thompson–University of Houston Law Center, regulation of crime labs

Heidi Robertson–Cleveland State University Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, environmental law

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Leslie Gielow Jacobs
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy Professor of Law, Director, Capital Center for Law & Policy

Jon Wainwright
Host, The CAP·impact Podcast

CAP·impact is a project of the nonpartisan Capital Center for Law & Policy at McGeorge School of Law.