Capitol Connection
2022 Legislative Session: Week 9
This week marked Week 9 of the Regular Legislative Session. On Tuesday, the Senate passed HB 195 and HB 197 the Juvenile Diversion Program Expunction bill and its Public Records Exemption companion by Representative David Smith, (R- Winter Springs). The bills now head to Governor Ron Desantis’ desk for signature. Additionally, the House passed SB 236 regarding Developmental Delays by Senator Shevrin Jones, (D- Miami Gardens), this legislation revises the definition of “exceptional student” to include children with developmental delays ages birth through nine years old.
Throughout the week conference committees met to finish negotiating the details of the largest budget in Florida’s history with a $112.1 billion spending plan. HB 5001 was “laid on the desks” of members at 1:53 PM on Wednesday, March 9th. The budget includes record-high spending for early learning, K-12 education, and child welfare. 
On Thursday, SB 292 regarding Newborn Screenings by Senator Tina Polsky, (D- Boca Raton) passed the House. The conference committee also released SB 2542 the Education Conforming bill. This 181-page bill contains language included in HB 1199 regarding School Readiness Funding by Representative Erin Grall, (R- Vero Beach) and portions of HB 1505 regarding Background Screening by Representative Dana Trabulsy, (R- St. Lucie).
Finally, on Thursday both chambers agreed to extend the regular legislative session to Monday, March 14th to vote on the budget and budget related bills only. All other substantive legislation that was not passed on Friday, March 11th is considered dead for this year. 
Next Saturday, March 19th following Monday’s Sine Die, the Florida Alliance of Children’s Councils & Trusts will provide a budget breakdown and bill recap as we round out our weekly Capital Connection series.
Until next week!
The Florida Alliance of Children's Councils & Trusts
Healthy Development
HB 1073 - Newborn Screenings
Rep. Aloupis
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SB 292 - Newborn Screenings
Sen. Polsky
These identical bills require hospitals & other state-licensed birthing facilities to test for congenital cytomegalovirus in newborns; revise the timeframe which health care providers attending home births must make referrals; require health care providers practicing in a primary care setting to screen newborns for hearing loss; require providers to test newborns for congenital cytomegalovirus; revises the timeframe which hospitals must complete newborn hearing screenings; and requires test results be reported to the Department of Health.
Early Learning
Rep. Grall
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Sen. Gruters
These identical bills delete the requirement that school readiness program funds be used to increase the number of children served; requires the Division of Early Learning to conduct a School Readiness Funding Formula Allocation Conference before distribution of certain funds for school readiness program; specifies conference principals; provides division duties; and provides requirements for the conference.
Juvenile Justice
These identical bills require the Department of Law Enforcement to expunge the nonjudicial arrest record of certain minors who successfully complete a diversion program for specified felony offenses, rather than only for misdemeanor offenses; authorizing a minor who successfully completes a diversion program for any offense, rather than only for a first-time misdemeanor offense.
These identical bills provide an exemption from public records requirements for a nonjudicial record of the arrest of a minor who has successfully completed a diversion program; provide for retroactive application; provide for future legislative review and repeal of the exemption; and provide a statement of public necessity. HB 195 or its companion will have to pass in order for HB 197 or SB 344 to take effect.
Child Protection
HB 1505 - Background Screenings
Rep. Trabulsy
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SB 1830 - Background Screenings
Sen. Brodeur

These identical bills require independent sanctioning authorities to conduct level 2 instead of level 1 background screenings of current and prospective athletic coaches; requires certain athletic coaches to be rescreened every 5 years following the date of their most recent background screening or exemption; requires the Criminal Justice Information Program to develop a method for establishing direct identification in a certain manner; requires, rather than authorizing, the Department of Law Enforcement to periodically audit qualified entities; requires certain fingerprints to be submitted to the clearinghouse; and requires certain information to be filed or submitted through the Care Provider Background Screening Clearinghouse.
SB 7034 - Child Welfare
Children, Families, and
Elder Affairs

This bill expresses legislative intent to revise laws relating to the welfare of children in Florida.
K-12 Education
Rep. Plasencia
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Sen. Diaz
These comparable bills revise the grade levels for which the coordinated screening and monitoring program measures student progress in the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program; revise requirements for the statewide, standardized comprehensive assessments program, beginning with a specified school year; require that progress monitoring include both a web-based and mobile device-compatible option; require 2022-2023 school and school district grades to serve as an informal baseline for schools and school districts; and provide that school improvement ratings will not be calculated for a certain school year.
Children with Disabilities
Rep. Tant
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Sen. Jones
These identical bills ​​revise the definition of the term “exceptional student” to include additional students with developmental delays.
These identical bills ​​prohibit school personnel from using mechanical restraint on students with disabilities.
For more information on the Florida Alliance of Children's Councils & Trusts, click here.
For more information on Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County, click here. | 561-740-7000