Happy New Year! Since the 2024 Annual Legislative Session begins on January 9, 2024, legislative committee weeks were held during the months of October, November, and December. This edition will provide a wrap-up of Florida’s December legislative committee weeks.
The first committee week of December focused on multiple issues to include the introduction of SB 54 Expunction of Criminal History Records, by Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez, (R- Miami) which passed out of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee, a presentation on Health Care Services Provided under Florida’s Community Partnership Schools Program, the introduction of HB 185 Dependent Children, by Representative Dana Trabulsy, (R – St. Lucie) which passed out of the House Children, Families, & Seniors Subcommittee, and a presentation on Chronic Absenteeism in the House Education Quality Subcommittee.
The second committee week of December took place from the 11th to the 15th. This committee week focused on deregulation of public school requirements that were taken up in the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee, a presentation on apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship policy and programs in the House Education & Employment Committee, and the introduction of SB 214 Child Protection Teams, by Senator Gayle Harrell, (R- Martin) which passed out of the Senate Children and Elder Affairs Committee .
Presentations of interest during the month of December may be found below:
House Committee Presentations:
12/5/23 House Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee
12/6/23 House Regulatory Reform & Economic Development Subcommittee
12/7/23 House Education Quality Subcommittee
12/12/23 House Education & Employment Committee
Senate Committee Presentations:
12/5/23 Senate Committee on Criminal Justice
12/5/23 Senate Committee on Health Policy
12/12/23 Senate Committee on Fiscal Policy
12/13/23 Senate Committee on Children, Family, and Elder Affairs
Additionally, we have updated the bill tracker with bills that have been filed to date for the 2024 legislative session.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out.
Until next time!
The Florida Alliance of Children’s Councils & Trusts