Capitol Connection
2023 Florida Legislative Appropriations Chairmen Senator Doug Broxson and Representative Thomas Leek
The 8th week of the 2023 Regular Legislative Session saw a few tracked bills move through the legislative process. On Tuesday, April 25th, SB 676 Background Screenings by Senator Erin Grall, (R- Ft. Pierce) passed its final committee stop in the Senate Committee on Appropriations. Additionally, SB 504 Expunction of Criminal History Records by Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez, (R- Doral) and SB 1064 Trauma Screening for Children Removed from Caregivers by Senator Clay Yarborough, (R- Jacksonville) passed their final committee stops in the Senate Committee on Fiscal Policy. On Friday, April 28th, HB 591 Social Media Protection for Minors by Representative Michele Raynor-Goolsby, (D- St. Petersburg) passed off the House floor and SB 676 Background Screenings by Senator Erin Grall, (R- Ft. Pierce) passed off the Senate floor.

This week also marked the start of budget conferences. Conferences were held all week with a one-hour notice provision. All subject area conference committees wrapped up their conferences on Friday, April 28th. For a list of all conference offers for all committees click here. On Saturday and Sunday, the full Appropriations Conference Committee met to finalize spending on any issue not resolved during the subject area budget conference committees. All budget negotiations will need to be finalized by Tuesday, May 2nd. This will allow for the budget to be “laid on the desk” as a part of the mandatory 72-hour “cooling-off period” if the Regular Legislative Session is to end on Friday, May 5th the sixtieth day of session.

Until next time!
The Florida Alliance of Children’s Councils & Trusts
Healthy Development
Early Learning
K-12 Education
Out-Of-School Time Programs
Children With Disabilities
Child Protection
Juvenile Justice
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