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What's New in March

Capstone recently finished up a project with Foresight Atlantic Inc. assisting them to document and standardize their processes. As their business grows, so did the need for a more organized business management process to ensure their team members have an up-to-date guide to work with and reference to when needed. Capstone's Business Analyst Lara Ajimati led the project and received rave reviews from Foresight owner Amanda White.

"Lara was great and really took the time to understand our business. She was easy to talk to and made the process very enjoyable. I would love to work with her again in the future." Amanda White

Owner - Foresight Atlantic Inc.

Great job to Lara and the team on another successful project and happy Capstone client.

Cultural Training for Capstone

This month the Capstone team participated in some cultural awareness training. Training sessions like these are integral to our overall training program to equip our team with the knowledge and skills they need to comprehend, work with, and thrive in cultures different from their own.

Conducted by Dave Miller, our team was introduced to the First Nations people around Nova Scotia and their individual customs and traditions. These learnings are extremely important to our team as we continue to work closely with our indigenous partners. We are all looking forward to continuing our cultural education journey. The more we learn, the better service we can provide to our clients and partners by respecting and understanding each culture.

Get caught up with our latest webinars

We've been keeping Cynthia busy delivering webinars because she doesn't have enough to do already! Project Manage Like A Pro Part I and Part II are both available for you to view.

Simply click the links below to access these informative sessions.

Project Manage Like A Pro Part I -

Project Manage Like A Pro Part II -

Many thanks to our friends over at Digital Nova Scotia for hosting these sessions. Check out their Events calendar for more upcoming insightful webinars and in-person events.

Show Stopper: Next Generation 9-1-1

We’ve learned that Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) transitions have a tremendous impact on training and process enhancements to support the new technology, functionality and facility features. Our NG9-1-1 Modernization team includes emergency service project managers, fire and emergency services business analyst(s), fire operations, administration and training subject matter experts, national expert on privacy, international expert on cyber security and threat risk assessment, nationally recognized change manager leading a Canadian consortium of NG9-1-1 training and change management.

We have a deep knowledge of NG9-1-1 technical requirements, NENA standards, CRTC progress and timelines, Bell/Telco governance and implementation/transition options suitable for PSAPs. We bring our knowledge and experience of NG9-1-1 procurement, vendor assessment, technology evaluations, service package appraisal and collaborative implementation planning and delivery practices to this project.

Capstone’s NG9-1-1 Modernization team is assisting EMO’s, PSAPS and other emergency services to proactively adjust from legacy systems and practices to NG9-1-1 technology and services delivery. 

To learn more about NG9-1-1 and how the Capstone team can ensure a seamless transition, click HERE.

Capstone Knowledge Centre:

Future-Proof Your Business 

Canadian businesses will be facing a different business landscape in coming years—one shaped by shifting demographics and an unprecedented adoption of digital technologies. 

Business Development Canada (BDC) has outlined six emerging trends that will transform your company, along with some expert tips to help you adapt. 

The rise of the millennial generation 

As baby boomers retire, millennials will become predominant in the workplace. 

What your business can do: 

  • Position your business on social media—Social media is necessary for recruiting younger employees and to position your company as a great place to work. 
  • Partner with schools—Collaborating with universities and colleges through such initiatives as internships is a terrific way to find top young talent. 
  • Invest in training—Training is important for retaining workers and attracting new ones. 

The aging workforce 

As the baby-boom generation retires, the labour pool will grow more slowly and even shrink in some regions. 

What your business can do: 

  • Create a more flexible workplace—Offering flexible hours, part-time jobs and temporary work are ways to keep older workers on board and attract millennials. 
  • Improve benefits and compensation—Consider offering benefits such as a pension plan, health insurance, and compare what you pay to the competition to see if you should increase your compensation. 
  • Boost your productivity—To make up for labour shortages, look for ways to become more productive through investments in equipment, technology, and operational efficiency. 

A more culturally diverse population 

Immigrants will provide the lion’s share of population growth and will be a key source of workers in a tight labour market. 

What your business can do: 

  • Reach out to specific communities—Get started recruiting more immigrants by targeting specific immigrant communities through business associations and networks. 
  • Adjust your training—Entrepreneurs who hire from culturally diverse groups need to ensure their training is customized to meet those groups’ needs. 
  • Take advantage of the strengths of immigrant workers—A diverse workforce can improve your company’s capacity to expand globally. 

The growth of virtual marketplaces 

The Internet and mobile devices are completely changing the way consumers shop. 

What your business can do: 

  • Build your online presence—Create a digital ecosystem for your business, including a mobile friendly website with e-commerce capability, and social media pages. 
  • Learn how to attract customers online—Once your digital ecosystem is set up, launch a few simple campaigns, using tools such as Facebook ads or Google AdWords to learn how to bring in traffic at a price you can afford. 
  • Work to improve continuously—Take action, measure the results, and make changes to improve. Repeat. 

The automation of business activities 

Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly being used to perform a vast range of activities. But automation is not only about robots—tech systems such as ERP and CRM can boost productivity and reduce costs by automating functions. 

What your business can do: 

  • Map out your business processes—Process mapping can provide insights into what functions should be automated first. This analysis, in turn, will lead you to the technological solutions that provide the most value for your business. 
  • Involve your employees—Employees have intimate knowledge of your business processes and are invaluable resources in selecting and implementing systems. If they are left out, they may resist using innovative technology. 
  • Shop around—Make a careful assessment of what is available to find the systems best-suited to your company. Many entrepreneurs are attracted to customized systems, but off-the-shelf products will often do the job at a lower cost and with fewer headaches down the road. 

The rise of the data economy 

Businesses can now collect and crunch massive amounts of data to uncover important business insights, thanks to the Internet and mobile communications. 

What your business can do: 

  • Know your customers—Small businesses can understand their customers better and capitalize on sales opportunities by using such tools as online surveys, data analytics programs and social media listening software. 
  • Personalize your offerings—Data collected from your website, CRM system and other sources can help you personalize your products and services according to your customers’ needs and tastes. 
  • Improve your efficiency with dashboards—By measuring your performance in key areas, you can evaluate how you are doing compared to internal goals or external benchmarks, such as industry averages. Select key performance indicators and use them to create performance dashboards. 

Feeling a little overwhelmed after reading this article? The team at Capstone has many experts ready to help you future-proof your business.  

Thanks to BDC for this valuable information. We highly recommend you check out the complete article as there is even more information and fantastic graphics.