
Excessive healthcare costs have today’s employers exploring new and innovative ways to manage their budgets while optimizing the benefits they provide to employees.
Healthcare captive plans are an innovative and cost-effective way for companies to provide comprehensive healthcare coverage to their employees.
One of the primary benefits of captive healthcare plans is the increased control they provide over healthcare costs. By self-funding their healthcare expenses, companies can avoid the administrative costs and profit margins associated with traditional insurance providers, leading to lower costs for both employees and the company.
Captive plans aim to reduce employee health programs’ cost—but not quality—without the typical risk of catastrophic claims.
Additional benefits of captive healthcare plans include:
  • A more stable and predictable cost structure;
  • Greater transparency of healthcare costs; and
  • More detailed tracking of expenses.
This information allows companies to make informed decisions about managing healthcare costs effectively and allocating resources more efficiently.
Overall, captive healthcare plans offer a flexible and cost-effective solution for companies looking to provide comprehensive healthcare coverage to their employees. With the ability to design custom plans, control costs, and maintain a stable cost structure, healthcare captive plans are an innovative alternative to traditional insurance plans.
If you want to manage your healthcare costs while providing high-quality coverage to your employees, a captive healthcare plan may be the right choice. For a complimentary audit of your current healthcare plan, please call us at (813) 273-9416 or email me at [email protected].


JS Gagnon
Thomas Financial Group Benefits
File #5469690.1