As a Michigan United Methodist pastor or staff member, this e-newsletter is to share news and events from your Michigan Area United Methodist Camping ministry. About once a month we reach out to let you know what is happening at the camps and retreat centers that serve the Michigan Conference. Please let us know how we can work together to help make disciples of Jesus Christ and share this news with your congregation.
October 2018 Camp Changes Lives!
Escape to Camp this Winter and Recharge with the Power of Christ and Community
There's a chill in the air and summer camp is a lingering, happy and warm memory. Keep that spark alive by registering now for Winter Camp. There are events happening at most of our Michigan Area United Methodist Camping sites.
- Direct questions relating to registrations or your UltraCamp account to the registrar at, 517-212-5442.
- Direct program-related questions to the site managers.
High School New Year’s Eve Camp (Crystal Springs) Dec. 31-Jan. 1
Have a blast with winter activities like flashlight hikes, snow tubing, and staying cozy with warm beverages. We'll talk about God in all seasons and start the new year together!
Snow Zone
(Judson Collins) Jan. 4-6
Snow Zone at Judson Collins puts a winter twist on camp: with tubing down our big hill, a snow sculpture contest, a live worship band and great speakers to lift you up for the new year, your favorite camp games, a hot cocoa bar and extreme snow cones!
Winter Blast (Wesley Woods)
Play broomball on the frozen lake, warm up with worship and hot chocolate. Relax and reconnect in the new year.
College Winter Blast Jan. 18-20
High School Winter Blast Feb. 1-2
Middle School Winter Blast Feb. 8-9
HS Winter Retreat (Lake Michigan) Feb. 8-10
Explore faith challenges and discover the frozen beauty of camp during this weekend full of wild winter games, snow tubing, ice broom, snow painting and late nights around the fireplace drinking hot cocoa.
God's Treasures Winter Weekend (Lake Huron)
Feb. 15-17
We’re pleased to offer a retreat opportunity for adult campers with special needs and their caregivers. Enjoy music, games, crafts, Bible stories, and much more!
ALL 2019 events are now
and ready for summer planning.
There's still time for campers to take advantage of the Summer Camp Early Bird discount!
Now through November 15 campers can register with a $30 deposit and receive a $20 ($10 mini camps) discount. The minimum deposit goes up Nov. 16. Deposits are nonrefundable, however, you can transfer your deposit between events.
Thanks for the Treats!
Crystal Springs Camp & Retreat Center
(Dowagiac) thanks all the churches and local businesses that camp out for its annual trick-or-treat event. Click the picture to see more fun
photos on Facebook
New Logos Announced!
Thanks to the design talents of Courtney Van De Burg at Lynx Imaging, two more sites in the Michigan Area United Methodist Camping family have new logos.
Lake Michigan Camp & Retreat
(Pentwater) got a refreshing new look that captures some its most recognizable and appreciated features: experiencing God among the water, the dunes and sunsets!
Camp Kinawind
(Boyne Falls) gave its long-time logo a fresh look with an updated image and font. Kinawind is from the Ojibway language and means "All of Us Together" and serves as the camp's vision statement for how it conducts all its programs and events.
Lakeview Campground's new school bus playscape was donated by friends and family in honor of former director Deb Steed.
Lakeview Campground Sprucing Up for 2019
Lakeview Family Campground
is closed for the season, but folks are still working on making improvements for next year.
- The new family cabins are now situated and we are finishing the insides.
- The beach is getting a little makeover: we're widening it by about 10 feet to give our smallest campers more sand to play in.
- We're doing some tree trimming to provide larger lots for your bigger fifth wheels and travel trailers.
Click the photo above to see a quick Facebook video from Myers Lake Harvest Fest!
Electric-Water Upgrades Complete!
Myers Lake Campground
sends a big
"Thank You" to all our campers for their patience and understanding this summer as we worked hard to bring much anticipated upgrades to the campground. Phase 3 of the upgrade, which improved electrical service and water hookups to Group Areas 1 and 2, is now complete.
Keep reading.
Judson Collins Center
invites you to a new fall retreat
Nov. 9-11
that combines uplifting worship, a beautiful setting, great company and plenty of time to craft and create!
Relax and be spoiled on the shores of Wampler Lake in southeast Michigan’s beautiful Irish Hills. At the Women's Craft Retreat, you'll enjoy an entire weekend of crafts just in time for holiday gift-giving, delicious food you don’t have to cook, and refreshing worship for your soul. Bring your own projects and/or enjoy any of our optional craft projects.
Keep reading.
Wesley Woods Camp & Retreat Center
invites groups and individuals come and help prepare the camp for winter
Saturday, Nov. 17.
A light breakfast will be served at 8:30am, with lunch at noon. Projects to adopt include trail clean-up, mowing, take down program equipment, and closing cabins. RSVPs required for meal prep. or 269-721-8291
March 2-3 Spring Splash
Attend the Northern Waters UMC District's annual youth event at Great Wolf Lodge and get a $50 United Methodist camp scholarship from the district.
More info
Your Gifts at Work:
Sharing God's Love through Camping
We must give a big THANK YOU to our donors and campground campers. Without your support (and business), many campers would not be able to attend summer camp – and it would be much more expensive for everyone. Please continue to pray for our campers, staff and volunteers. If you would like to make a financial gift to help send a camper to camp, please
use this link
or send a check to: Michigan Area United Methodist Camping (MAUMC), PO BOX 120007, Grand Rapids, MI 49528. Thank you!
Visit our Family on Facebook: