Volume 31 | September 7, 2022

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The Ohio Cardiovascular & Diabetes Health Collaborative (Cardi-OH) is a statewide initiative of health care professionals who share knowledge to improve Medicaid patient outcomes and eliminate health disparities across Ohio.

Save the Date: Statewide Webinar

Topic: COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Health

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

12 - 1 p.m. ET

1.0 CME offered at no cost


Tamanna Singh, MD

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Cleveland Clinic

Registration information coming soon. 

View previous webinar recordings, slides, and other clinical resources on Cardi-OH.org.

Tamanna Singh

Tune in to Cardi-OH Radio

Podcast 26 - Kicking the Habit: Partnering With Patients to Treat Tobacco Dependence

Check out the latest podcast featuring Glen Solomon, MD, and Cynthia Sheppard Solomon, BSPharm, RPh, FASCP, CTTS, NCTTP, from Wright State University. 

Cardi-OH Radio podcasts highlight national, state, and local leaders discussing timely topics for primary care clinicians. 

Want to be the first to know when a podcast is released? Subscribe to our channel


Pearls for Clinical Practice

Capsule 26 - Closing the Digital Divide on Affordable Internet Access

Did You Know? 

Primary care providers can refer digitally disconnected patients to programs that specialize in digital access support. 

Capsules provide busy clinicians brief summaries of best practices that are ready to be implemented in clinical care.

Cardi-OH Capsule logo 2022
Capsule 26 - Digital Divide

News You Can Use

Current 21 - Updated USPSTF Recommendations Focus on Individualized Initiation of Aspirin for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

Currents provide brief summaries of the latest advances in medicine or clinical practice related to diabetes or hypertension and include links to additional resources.


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Learn More

Visit Cardi-OH.org to read more about the collaborative and our latest best practices.

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Sharing best practices to improve

cardiovascular and diabetes health

The Ohio Cardiovascular and Diabetes Health Collaborative is funded by the Ohio Department of Medicaid and administered by the Ohio Colleges of Medicine Government Resource Center. The views expressed in this presentation are solely those of the authors and do not represent the views of the state of Ohio or federal Medicaid programs.