Cardinal Ritter High School Alumni Newsletter

March 2023

"The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for what He is sending us every day in His goodness."

                                                                          St. Gianna Molla

Message from the President of Cardinal Ritter

Dear Raider Alumni,

This has been a great year for alumni involvement. We have had six classes host a reunion and one more to come in June, we hosted a virtual reunion, had a great turnout at homecoming and an even better turnout at our Smarty Party last month.

Thank you to those of you who answered the alumni challenge. We can still make our goal with  your help!

Before our Spring Break I delivered a State of the School presentation to our staff and Board outlining the direction that we need to take in order for us to prepare our students for the jobs that will be available in the next 5 to 7 years. In addition to providing an excellent college prep curriculum we need to provide more exposure for our students in the areas of STEM education and meaningful internships.  We will need your help in some of these areas so stay tuned for more information!

Exciting things continue to happen. Thank you all for your support! I hope you all have a blessed Easter!

God Bless

Mrs. Hoy

Message from the President of the Alumni Association

Hello fellow alumni,

The annual Smarty Party was a success! Over 55 alumni were in attendance representing 25 different classes. This was a great turn out and there is always room for more. Please plan to join

us again or for the first time next February. Another opportunity to visit the school to see the updates and catch up with fellow alumni is the Raider Rev Up on May 20. I would love to see

you there!

If your class graduation year ends in 3 or 8, it is your year for a reunion! Planning can feel a little daunting so the more help the better. Gathering a committee is helpful so putting a call out request on your class Facebook page may result in volunteers. There is also still time to commemorate a brick with your name, someone else’s name or a class in the Raider Alumni Plaza. This project includes improvements to the Blockhouse and concession area.

Graduation time will be here before we know it and we will welcome a new group of alumni. In looking back to your time at Cardinal Ritter, do you have any memories you would like to share with your fellow alumni? A moment that has stuck with you through the years? Was there someone who made an impact on you and your classmates? We would like to showcase these memories in our next newsletter. You can send me an email sharing these experiences or submit them to the website using the link below.

As alumni we are called to show support of each other and to celebrate one another. This newsletter is meant to inform fellow alumni of the great things you are doing but remember we need your help in order to do so! What you have been up to? Fill us in on your travels, life experiences, achievements, volunteer work, etc. You can submit news directly at If you see a former classmate too humble to toot their own horn, share it for them!

Claire Carr Maxson (CR97)

President of Cardinal Ritter Alumni Association

Message from the CRHS Alumni Coordinator

Cardinal Ritter Alumni!

Hope all is well with you and your families! This is a quick update on some of the things that are in the works here

at your Alma Mater. First of all I want to personally thank all of the Alumni that came to our Annual “Smarty Party” fundraiser we held at the end of February. Last year there were around 34 Alumni that attended the fundraiser, this year the alumni that attended was over 55! We had a packed house and from what I saw and heard everyone had a great time. The table decorations and themes were outstanding, and with all of that we exceeded our financial goal for that evening! Thank you all for your support for this opportunity to have fun and give back to our community.

This April we will induct the 1977 State Football Champions as one of our “Raider Legends” into its inaugural year and we are very excited to induct them as one of our first recipients. Cardinal Ritter is still very proud of that group’s accomplishment and rightly so. The Banquet, like I said is in its first year, but this award will be given out in future years and is not inclusive to sports teams. We have many visions for this induction including Academic Achievement, The Arts, and Community Involvement, among many other categories.

We are also celebrating 10 reunions this year (1968,73,78,83,88,93,98,2003,2008,2013). We have committee members in place and plans are in the works for these classes. I would ask that if you have changed your home address, email, or phone please click on the link below:

to update your information so you can be contacted, not just for these reunions, but for our records to keep you current and updated on the wonderful things happening here at Cardinal Ritter High School! We have the class reunion of 1968 planned at CRHS on September 16 th , and the class of 1973 will have their class reunion September 9 th offsite, both with tours of the renovations here at Cardinal Ritter! If you plan attending and need assistance please contact me at and I can get you to the planning committee for your reunion.

We will have our annual Alumni Golf Outing at Eagle Creek Golf Club, on September 23 rd and we would love to fill the field of at least 30 teams. We have a committee of 4 people that includes a Raider alumni, Brian Wilson (Class of 98). We will also need corporate sponsors, hole sponsors, and raffle prizes to help meet our goal. We have

always had generous alum help us. Please consider any of these options and reach out to myself or Amy Baker! There will be more information upcoming.

Finally, We are so proud when past Raiders come back to this wonderful institution and share their achievements, and we have had many. Recently we had Tim Godsil (Class of 2021) speak to a group of kids a few weeks ago about attending West Point where Tim is a cadet! Coming up in April, Seminarian Anthony Armbruster (Class of 2014) will be celebrating his Diaconate Ordination at St. Meinrad, so please keep Anthony in your prayers. We would love to hear from any of you with information you would like to share with our community such as births, engagements, weddings, passing of any alum that you know people would want to know about, job promotions, etc…We want to step up our communication with you on our end and in doing so enhancing the relationships with our beloved Cardinal Ritter Alumni.

God Bless and Go Raiders!

John Melton (CR82)

Cardinal Ritter High School Alumni Coordinator

Annual Alumni Meeting

2023 CRHS Annual Alumni Meeting

June 6th - 6pm

CRHS Library

Hope To See You There!

2023 CRHS Smarty Party

What a great time at this year’s CRHS Smarty Party. Over 55 alumni were in attendance representing 25 different classes. Best Table Decoration went to the “Krusty Krew” and best costume was won by the “Dutton Ranchers”. The Smarty Party Champions for 2023 is the “98ers”. Thanks to everyone who came out for this fun filled event.

Give Up/Give Back Challenge Update

Thank you to those alumni who donated to our "Give Up/Give Back" Challenge. We are just 12 days away from the end of the challenge. We have raised $5800 to date, but to get our matching donation, we need to raise an additional $4200. Here are the class standings so far:

Class of 1968 - 8

Class of 1973 - 2

Class of 1978 - 2

Class of 1983 - 5

Class of 1988 - 1

Class of 2003 - 1

Class of 2008 - 1

Make Your Donation Online
Click Here Yo Download The Above Flyer

Upcoming Events

Click To Get Your Tickets, Buy A Table, Sponsorship & More

2023 - 2024 Events

Grandparent's Liturgy - September 7th

Homecoming - September 15th

Runathon (Sponsor a Student) - September 22nd

Alumni Golf Outing - September 23rd

Annual Fund Dinner - October 5th

Smarty Party - February 24th

Raider Rev Up - May 18th

"Brick Buy Brick"

Construction on the Blockhouse Expansion is moving along quickly and installation of the Raider Alumni Plaza will begin soon, so get your brick today!

Purchase Your Brick Online
Alumni In The News
2022 CRHS Alumni Golf Outing

Julianna (Scharfenberger) Newland

Class of 1976

Julianna (CR76) has has written a new book titled All Up in Your Bizness. This tongue-in-cheek book looks at the past 30 years of work interactions between men and women. While making light of department goals and meetings, performance reviews, and team conferences the book also provides sound advice. All Up in Your Bizness is planned for release by Fulton Books in late May and will be available in paperback, eKindle, and audio book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other outlets.

Rick Carrico

Football Coach 1978-88

Coach Carrico will be inducted into the Indiana Football Hall of Fame in June. Carrico led Cardinal Ritter to a 66-52 record from 1978-88, winning three Class 2A sectional championships and reaching the state championship in 1987, losing 23-20 to Rochester.

Susan Ardelean

Class of 2004

Susan (CR04) was recognized as one of the 2023 Hoosier Women Artists. Her artwork, “Virgo’s Groove” will be hanging in the office of Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush for the entire year.


Luke & Elise Floyd

Class of 2008

Luke (CR08) and Elise (Dever CR08) Floyd welcomed their 4th son, Rowan Joseph Floyd, on September 20, 2022. He was born at Riley with a relatively rare birth defect called Gastroschisis and he spent 31 days at Riley, but is now happily home. His big brothers, Liam (7.5), Kellen (5), and Gavin (2.5) are so excited to have him home to love on and cuddle.

Noah Bush

Class of 2018

After earning his degree from Ball State last May, Noah (CR18) is now a Production Assistant on the HGTV TV show "Good Bones". While at Cardinal Ritter Noah was part of CRTV for 3 years. Tad Starsiak (CR12) & Austin Aynes (CR11) also work on the show.

Kyle Price

Class of 2018

Kyle (CR18) has been awarded the Claude E. Wolfe Memorial Scholarship at Manchester University. The Cardinal Ritter High School graduate is majoring in Physical Education Educational Studies at the campus in North Manchester, Indiana. This endowed scholarship fund was given in memory of Claude E. Wolfe by his family, friends, and former students, commemorated his able and dedicated service to his alma mater from 1951 to 1976 as a teacher and coach. Worthy students who share the values exhibited by Claude Wolfe in his life are eligible for consideration. In awarding the scholarship, Preference is given to eligible students who are studying health and physical education.

Lizzie Adolay &

Wes Kochell

Class of 2019

Lizzie (CR19) and Wes (CR19) will both start their D1 year this July at the IU School of Dentistry.

MariClaire Warnock

Class of 2019

MariClaire (CR19) was named to the Dean's list at Miami University for the 2022-23 fall semester.

Miami University students who are ranked in the top twenty percent of undergraduate students within their division for the fall semester 2022-23 have been named to the Dean's list recognizing academic performance. Warnock, from Indianapolis, IN, is earning a B.S. in Business in Human Capital Mgmt & Leadership, Entrepreneurship.

Abbey Webb

Class of 2019

Abbey (CR08) from Brownsburg has been named to DePauw University's Fall 2022 Dean's List. The Dean's List recognizes students who achieve a semester grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Congratulations on this well-earned achievement!

Julia Sheringer

Class of 2020

Julia (CR20) of Zionsville, a graduate of Cardinal Ritter High School majoring in psychology, has been named to the Dean's List for the fall 2022 semester at Baldwin Wallace University, according to Provost Stephen D. Stahl. The Dean's List recognizes students who earn a grade point average of 3.8 or higher while enrolled in 12 or more graded hours during the semester.

We would love to stay in touch with all Cardinal Ritter Alumni.
Make sure we have your latest contact information!
Click To Update Your Contact Information

Upcoming Reunions

It's never to early to start planning your reunion! There is so much that can be done right now to lay the ground work for a fun, successful reunion. We looking forward to helping you get started. Email for more information!

Cardinal Ritter High School September 16th - Time TBD

Contact Jeri Rust for more information jeriangel!

Guggman Haus Brewing Company 1701 Gent Ave. Indianapolis. The class is planning on attending the 5:30 Mass at St. Michael Church Indianapolis, tour of Cardinal Ritter following mass and then go to Guggaman Haus Brewing Company for the reunion.

Contact Joe Wesling for more information

Class of 1978

45th Reunion

Class of 1983

40th Reunion

Class of 1988

35th Reunion

Class of 1993

30th Reunion

Class of 1998

25th Reunion

Class of 2003

20th Reunion

Class of 2013

10th Reunion

Let Us Know How We Can
Help With Your Reunion
Cardinal Ritter High School
3360 West 30th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46220
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