Cardinal Ritter Alumni!
Hope all is well with you and your families! This is a quick update on some of the things that are in the works here
at your Alma Mater. First of all I want to personally thank all of the Alumni that came to our Annual “Smarty Party” fundraiser we held at the end of February. Last year there were around 34 Alumni that attended the fundraiser, this year the alumni that attended was over 55! We had a packed house and from what I saw and heard everyone had a great time. The table decorations and themes were outstanding, and with all of that we exceeded our financial goal for that evening! Thank you all for your support for this opportunity to have fun and give back to our community.
This April we will induct the 1977 State Football Champions as one of our “Raider Legends” into its inaugural year and we are very excited to induct them as one of our first recipients. Cardinal Ritter is still very proud of that group’s accomplishment and rightly so. The Banquet, like I said is in its first year, but this award will be given out in future years and is not inclusive to sports teams. We have many visions for this induction including Academic Achievement, The Arts, and Community Involvement, among many other categories.
We are also celebrating 10 reunions this year (1968,73,78,83,88,93,98,2003,2008,2013). We have committee members in place and plans are in the works for these classes. I would ask that if you have changed your home address, email, or phone please click on the link below:
to update your information so you can be contacted, not just for these reunions, but for our records to keep you current and updated on the wonderful things happening here at Cardinal Ritter High School! We have the class reunion of 1968 planned at CRHS on September 16 th , and the class of 1973 will have their class reunion September 9 th offsite, both with tours of the renovations here at Cardinal Ritter! If you plan attending and need assistance please contact me at and I can get you to the planning committee for your reunion.
We will have our annual Alumni Golf Outing at Eagle Creek Golf Club, on September 23 rd and we would love to fill the field of at least 30 teams. We have a committee of 4 people that includes a Raider alumni, Brian Wilson (Class of 98). We will also need corporate sponsors, hole sponsors, and raffle prizes to help meet our goal. We have
always had generous alum help us. Please consider any of these options and reach out to myself or Amy Baker! – There will be more information upcoming.
Finally, We are so proud when past Raiders come back to this wonderful institution and share their achievements, and we have had many. Recently we had Tim Godsil (Class of 2021) speak to a group of kids a few weeks ago about attending West Point where Tim is a cadet! Coming up in April, Seminarian Anthony Armbruster (Class of 2014) will be celebrating his Diaconate Ordination at St. Meinrad, so please keep Anthony in your prayers. We would love to hear from any of you with information you would like to share with our community such as births, engagements, weddings, passing of any alum that you know people would want to know about, job promotions, etc…We want to step up our communication with you on our end and in doing so enhancing the relationships with our beloved Cardinal Ritter Alumni.
God Bless and Go Raiders!
John Melton (CR82)
Cardinal Ritter High School Alumni Coordinator