Greetings JH Parents,
I hope this finds you well! An email was recently sent regarding important end of year information. You can also find this information on our junior high page: Junior High. Please review this to stay current on final exam information, bus route times, and lunches for the last week of the semester. I do want to highlight one piece of this information specifically:
*The after school room will be available finals week during regular hours EXCEPT ON DECEMBER 20TH. Students should be picked up by 11:15am on this day. Additionally, if possible, consider working out arrangements that allow your student to be picked up prior to 5:00pm during finals week. We conclude study tables around 12:30 and that leaves a lot of time for idleness. We understand if it is simply not possible, but want you to fully understand the schedule.*
While it is truly The Most Wonderful Time of The Year, it is also the time that illnesses spread. If your student has a fever, or is generally unwell, we ask that for the sake of others you keep them home until their symptoms subside. We understand that people get sick and we will work with them to catch them up on missing work when they return. If your student is ill during finals week causing them to miss a final/finals, they are able to make up exams over Christmas Break. See the following schedule:
Exam Makeup Schedule:
Friday 12/27/24: 9:00-12 noon
Friday 1/3/25: 9:00- 12 noon
Students should report to room 201 - Students need to have their exam cards, pencil and calculator or other allowed materials.
All NJHS candidate application letters have been distributed. If your child received an application, please review the requirements with them and help ensure they get all required information submitted on time as late applications will not be accepted.
We do our best to start strong and finish strong. Please encourage your child to study for their final exams this weekend using the reviews that have been provided. Additionally, please encourage them to attend the remaining study tables. I have found that asking students questions from exam reviews one on one, and noting what they get incorrect is extremely beneficial!
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns and thank you for your disinfectant donations! *Many students did not include their names on these donations. If your child brought in these items for service hours please email me at so I can record their hours.
Thanks for all you do, and may God Bless you and your family this Christmas season,
Mrs. Gardner
**See pictures from our Christmas party below. A good time was had by all.