Dear Parents,
Second semester is in full swing! We were happy to see many of you last night at parent teacher conferences. Thank you for making the time to attend. If you were not able to attend, please reach out to teachers by email to set up phone or in-person meetings. Those report cards will be mailed out shortly.
The new semester is a great time to remind you of some resources available to your student and some of our school rules. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, we have a math tutoring room available to students from 3:15 to 4:00 in Room 302. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have a testing room where students can make up tests from any teachers. In addition, all teachers have tutoring times. These times are posted outside of the teachers’ classrooms.
In regards to some school rules, tardies start over at the semester. The first five tardies do not count against students. As the handbook states, these five allow for car trouble, oversleeping, etc.. On the sixth and subsequent tardies, a detention is issued for each tardy - no matter the reason for the tardy. At ten tardies, a parent will be required to come in and meet with our dean. It is very important for your child to be on time, so they receive the education that they deserve. It is also very distracting to the teacher and other students when students enter the classroom late. Some students will be making up detentions that they did not serve last semester for those tardies. Seniors may not have more than 3 tardies if they want the possibility of being exempted from exams.
Another important upcoming event to think about is Spring Break. The days before and after spring break are mandatory days of attendance. A mandatory day means that a student is only excused with a doctor’s note. Any work that is assigned (even a test) cannot be made up if the absence is unexcused. We post our school calendar over a year in advance on our website in order for families to plan vacations during our future school breaks. Please be vigilant about staying true to the school calendar. Our Spring Break is March 28-April 6. We return to school on April 7.
For dropoff in the morning, we have 2 lanes, but in the afternoon, the only lane for pickup is the lane closest to the school. We keep the second lane open for drivers to exit the parking lot. Thank you for your help in keeping all of our students safe.
Thank you for entrusting your child to us.
In Christ’s Peace,
Kari Jost, Principal