January 10, 2025 EDITION

January Month At A Glance |

2024-2025 School Year Calendar |

| 2025-2026 Tentative School Year Calendar |

How To Contact Cardinal Ritter

3360 W. 30th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46222
(317) 924-4333

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Dear Parents, 

Second semester is in full swing!  We were happy to see many of you last night at parent teacher conferences.  Thank you for making the time to attend.  If you were not able to attend, please reach out to teachers by email to set up phone or in-person meetings. Those report cards will be mailed out shortly. 

The new semester is a great time to remind you of some resources available to your student and some of our school rules.  On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, we have a math tutoring room available to students from 3:15 to 4:00 in Room 302.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have a testing room where students can make up tests from any teachers.   In addition, all teachers have tutoring times.  These times are posted outside of the teachers’ classrooms.  

In regards to some school rules, tardies start over at the semester.  The first five tardies do not count against students. As the handbook states, these five allow for car trouble, oversleeping, etc..  On the sixth and subsequent tardies,  a detention is issued for each tardy - no matter the reason for the tardy.  At ten tardies, a parent will be required to come in and meet with our dean.  It is very important for your child to be on time, so they receive the education that they deserve.  It is also very distracting to the teacher and other students when students enter the classroom late.  Some students will be making up detentions that they did not serve last semester for those tardies.  Seniors may not have more than 3 tardies if they want the possibility of being exempted from exams.

Another important upcoming event to think about is Spring Break.  The days before and after spring break are mandatory days of attendance.  A mandatory day means that a student is only excused with a doctor’s note.  Any work that is assigned (even a test) cannot be made up if the absence is unexcused.  We post our school calendar over a year in advance on our website in order for families to plan vacations during our future school breaks.  Please be vigilant about staying true to the school calendar.  Our Spring Break is March 28-April 6.  We return to school on April 7. 

For dropoff in the morning, we have 2 lanes, but in the afternoon, the only lane for pickup is the lane closest to the school.  We keep the second lane open for drivers to exit the parking lot.  Thank you for your help in keeping all of our students safe.

Thank you for entrusting your child to us.  

In Christ’s Peace,

Kari Jost, Principal

Prayer for Students

Lord our God, in your wisdom and love you surround
us with the mysteries of the universe.
Send your Spirit upon these students and fill them
with your wisdom and blessings.
Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies
and draw ever closer to you, the source of all knowledge.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

R/. Amen.

The Marion County Public Health Department will be performing vision and hearing screenings at Cardinal Ritter on Jan. 14 and 15. All 7th and 10th graders will receive a hearing screening and all 8th graders will receive a vision screening. If you do not want your student to be screened please contact the school nurse, Laura Valle at lvalle@cardinalritter.org. If your child is not in one of the grades being screened and you have concerns regarding their vision and/or hearing and you would like them to be screened, please contact Laura Valle at lvalle@cardinalritter.org.

E-Learning Days & Late Starts

On days when we must close school due to weather, we will notify local news stations along with sending an automated phone call for students whose parents have allowed access for this to happen.  This will also happen if we have a late start - which means school begins at 9:55.  On these days, students will still go to all classes.

On e-learning days, students will need to log in to their Google Classroom to complete work that their teachers have posted for class.  Teachers will have all work posted by 9:00 am and will be available by email until 3:00 pm to answer questions about the posted homework.  At least some part of the classwork will be due that day to serve as the student’s attendance for the day while some work will be due the next time class meets.  Teachers will not host on-line meetings - all work will be posted on Google Classroom.  We understand that students may not have the correct textbooks at home so all needed materials will be provided for students.  

You are now able to check grades through the PowerSchool App! Once you have created your parent account, go to your app store and download PowerSchool.

CRHS access code is TMHH.

¡Ahora puedes comprobar las calificaciones a través de la aplicación PowerSchool! Una vez que haya creado su cuenta principal, vaya a su tienda de aplicaciones y descargue PowerSchool. El código de acceso CRHS es TMHH.


Congratulations Sawyer!

Sawyer Finke, has been selected to participate alongside 50 other talented students in the Molecular Medicine In Action (MMIA) student symposium conducted by Herman B Wells Center for Pediatric Research, and Indiana University School of Medicine.


January 23rd - 6pm to 8pm

Cardinal Ritter High School


Indiana Crossroads Girls Conference Meet

Azul Castillo and Mia Perez won 1st place and Arlet Suarez-Baires 2nd place.

Indianapolis City Tournament

Azul Castillo- 1st place 

Carlos Jimenez- 2nd place 

Mia Perez- 2nd place 

Larry Gonzalez-5th place

Beech Grove’s Girls Holiday Tournament

The team finished 20th out of 43 school with just three girls and Azul Castillo finished in 4th place out of 20 girls.

IHSAA Girls Wrestling Sectionals

Azul Castillo was Sectional Champ in her weight class and Mia Perez finish 3rd. Both girls qualified for the Regionals.

IHSAA Girls Wrestling Regionals

Both Mia and Azul represented the Raider Nation well with Azul finishing 4th in her weight class and will advance to the State Finals next Friday at the Indiana State Fairgrounds Coliseum.

Indiana Members Credit Union has a debit card program where a portion of every purchase with an IMCU Cardinal Ritter debit card comes back to Cardinal Ritter . IMCU continues to support our local community. Go to IMCU to set-up your checking account and get the Cardinal Ritter debit card.  https://www.imcu.com/personal/checking.


Shopping to Support CRHS

You can support Cardinal Ritter by shopping at Kroger and Office Max along with getting rewards from Box Tops and Coke for our school. Visit our website to find out more details

Earn Money for CRHS! Get the Box Top App on your phone
and scan your grocery receipts!

2025-2026 Registration

Cardinal Ritter Families! Registration season is upon us for the 2025-2026 school year. Students will receive registration packets during their Theology classes in early January. This packet will have important information, including a breakdown of how to fill out online registration paperwork. You will need to bring your student's class schedule worksheet and pay the registration fee prior to your registration appointment. A further breakdown of registration steps is below:

  1. Fill out the online “Intent to Enroll” and pay the registration fee on the registration paperwork website: https://cardinalritter.fsenrollment.com/users/sign_in. The fee is $150 per family for returning students. The fee can be paid online; however, if preference is to pay via cash or check, this can be paid at the registration appointment. If you plan to pay in person, please be sure to mark “cash” and type your name in the signature box to complete the form. This will ensure that your additional paperwork appears. 

  1. After the intent to enroll is completed at the above link, the registration paperwork will appear. Please complete all the requested information by clicking through the various forms. Feel free to reach out to the guidance office if you have any questions as you are working through this process. Once you have finished the registration paperwork, the only unchecked box on your enrollment checklist will be your contract. 

  1. Schedule a registration appointment with your student’s guidance counselor through the links below. Parent/guardian attendance is encouraged but not required. Those who would like to attend their student's meeting can do so either in person, online, or via conference call. If your student is a part of Learning Support with Mrs. Finke, you will need to call the Guidance Office at ext. 420 to schedule your appointment. 


Mrs. Joanne Lettich – https://calendly.com/jlettich

Mrs. Kori Fajt – https://calendly.com/kfajt

Ms. Iona Wagner – https://calendly.com/iwagner_crhs


Current Grade 7

Last Name A-J Mrs. Fajt

Last Name K-Z Ms. Wagner

Please note that if you are the parent/guardian of a current 8th grader, you will follow a separate process to schedule your student's registration appt once you have applied and been accepted for the high school. 

Current Grade 9

Last Name A-D Mrs. Lettich

Last Name E-Mc Mrs. Fajt

Last Name Me-Z Ms. Wagner

Current Grade 10

Last Name A-D Mrs. Lettich

Last Name E-Mc Mrs. Fajt

Last Name Me-Z Ms. Wagner

Current Grade 11

Last Name A-B Mrs. Lettich

Last Name C-L Mrs. Fajt

Last Name M-Z Ms. Wagner


Students who participate in WIDA testing will be scheduled to test between Jan 13 - Feb 3, 2025. Students who participate in WIDA include those whose native language is not English and those students who have participated in WIDA before and have not yet tested out with the score of 5.0. Please contact the guidance office at (317) 924-4333 if you have any questions regarding testing.

Explore Engineering is a FREE event where your students can learn about a career in engineering and what makes a University of Dayton engineering degree unique. They’ll participate in hands-on activities in our labs, meet our faculty and current students, and tour our campus and engineering facilities.

In addition, the Women Engineering Program and the Multi-Ethnic Engineers Program are hosting WEP/MEP Connect — a special lunch event where your students will learn how UD students engage in these programs.

This WEP/MEP Connect session is open to all who are interested in learning how they could engage in these programs as UD students. We welcome students of all backgrounds and experiences to be part of our community.

Explore Engineering Schedule

Saturday, Feb. 22

Explore Engineering 

11 a.m.: Optional campus tour

Noon: Lunch on your own

1 to 5 p.m.: Explore Engineering program

Explore Engineering + WEP/MEP Connect 

10:15 a.m.: Optional campus tour

11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.: WEP/MEP Connect lunch 

1 to 5 p.m.: Explore Engineering program

Space is limited for these events, and registration is required. Registration will close on Friday, Feb. 14, or when full. Please encourage your students to register today to secure their spots! You can also download this flyer to share with your students.

Learn More

Flight Path to Teaching Adventure

Gain valuable experience and build leadership skills while spending a week living in a residence hall on the beautiful Ball State University campus. Participate in campus activities, eat in the dining halls, and serve as a junior counselor at Summer Learning Fun at Camp Adventure.

The goal is for campers to gain experience working with children and gain familiarity with a college campus and its resources.

This FREE camp is open to students who will be high school juniors or seniors during the 2025-2026 school year. Students can choose between the weeks of June 8-12 or June 15-18.

Click below to learn more:

 Yes, I want to know more. Please contact me. 

All schools operated by schools and parishes under the guidance of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
The West Deanery Unified Catholic Schools are Roman Catholic schools that provide an academically rigorous education for our diverse student population. Students are challenged to grow in Mind, Body, & Soul and to engage in charitable stewardship of their unique talents and abilities.

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