2021 New and Used Uniform Sale
Uniforms will be available for your Raider to try on for the perfect fit.
The 2021 New and Used Uniform Sale will be held Friday, July 9th from 3-6 PM and Saturday, July 10th from 10am to 12 pm.
Used Uniform Items to sell:
If you have uniforms to sell they can be dropped off at the school office. All items should be dropped off before July 8th.
Items should be clean and in gently-used condition. Items without stains, with working zippers and no missing buttons fetch the highest resale price.
All resale items must include a tag securely pinned to the item with the following information:
1. Family/student name
2. Suggested Price
3. Contact information
4. 50% option available (yes or no)
From 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday, remaining items are 50% off. If you do not want your item marked down by 50%, you must write NO 50% OFF on the tag attached to your item.
You must be present to claim any unsold items Saturday at 12 p.m.
All unclaimed unsold items are donated to the Parents Club for next year's sale inventory. You will not receive payment in subsequent years for items donated but not sold or claimed in 2021.
Each family will need to pick up their earnings from the advancement office.
Proceeds from the sale of donated items benefits the Cardinal Ritter Parent Club.
New Uniforms for Sale:
Families will be able to purchase new uniform polos, sweatshirts, quarter-zips and gym uniforms.
New uniform bottoms (skirts, shorts, pants) will be available in all sizes to try on. You can then place your order on site and your order will be shipped to you. Risse Brother’s physical store will not be opening until early 2022 so this is your best opportunity to determine the correct size to order.
Volunteers are needed to staff the sale:
Friday, 7/9/21 from 1-6 pm
Saturday, 7/10/21 from 10 am -1 pm.
Preferred shift? Friday, Saturday or both!
Volunteers must be available for one full shift either day. No split shifts are available.
You receive service hours for your time.
Volunteers have the sneak peek, pre-sale right to purchase 2 items Friday at 2:30 p.m.