Care Camps Connections

October 2023

Welcome to our monthly e-newsletter, Care Camps Connections!

Join us on our mission to fund medically supervised pediatric oncology camps across the United States and Canada so more children living with cancer and their families can experience the healing power of community and the outdoors.

Find out what's new at Care Camps, our impact, partners, upcoming events, and more below. And, visit our refreshed website at

What's New?

We’ve Got Mail!

Care Camps has new mailing addresses both in the U.S. and Canada. For mailed correspondence and donations, please use the following:

U.S. Address

1440 ½ Grand Ave

Billings, MT 59102

Canada Address

PO Box 20023

RPO Bayfield Street North

Barrie, Ontario L4M 6E9

Our Impact

Meet Ryan, Five Time Cancer Survivor

In Ryan’s words: “Special Love's Camp Fantastic has impacted my life in many ways. When I was a camper, it was an escape from the hospital to spend time with other cancer patients going through the same thing I was. It was a place to forget all the pain and suffering inside the hospital walls. A place where kids can be kids. As I've graduated into being a counselor, the impact is still there.

In my 20 years being involved with Special Love I've learned so many things from my experiences at camp. I've learned its okay to have Cancer. I've learned to cherish friendships because you don't know how long that person will be around. I have also learned so much about myself and that I can do what I believed I could not. I’m forever grateful for all my experiences I get with my Special Love Family.”

Thank you Camp Fantastic for sharing Ryan’s story!

Partner Spotlight

Love Your Melon

Thank you to Love Your Melon for their very gracious and generous merchandise donation to Care Camps which included:

  • 500 beanies
  • 500 caps
  • 100 pairs of sunglasses
  • 200 beach towels

The merch was distributed to Camp Quality USA and Camp Quality Canada who provided these special items to their respective pediatric oncology camps. The campers were thrilled to receive this much-loved merchandise!

Campground Highlight

KOA Victory Raffle Challenge Winners

During September, Care Camps held a raffle challenge for KOA campgrounds who donated $250 or more to win a ‘Victory Lap Tour’ luxury helicopter ride over the Las Vegas Strip and Grand Prix Track during the KOA convention in November.

The response was overwhelming, and the lucky winners are:

·  Alamosa/Great Sand Dunes KOA Journey, Colorado

·  Austin East KOA Holiday, Texas

·  Asheville East KOA Holiday, North Carolina

Thank you to Campers Inn RV who sponsored this great fun(d)-raising opportunity for Care Camps!

Upcoming Events

KOA Convention, November 14-17, 2023

Care Camps is honored for the opportunity to connect with KOA campgrounds during the KOA Convention in Las Vegas. For those attending, join the Care Camps team throughout the week to renew our commitment to the pediatric oncology camps we fun and celebrate our partnership.

Join Our Mission, Donate Today!

Your donations give the healing power of community and the outdoors to children living with cancer and their families.


Thank you for your support!

Donate here or scan the QR code.

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