
We're here to help you navigate the difficult journey of grief with tips, resources, and compassionate support.

Care Corner: Your Wellness Newsletter

July 2023 Edition

International Day of Friendship, observed on July 30th, promotes the importance of friendship as a way to bridge gaps, promote understanding, and foster peace among individuals and communities worldwide. While the day primarily focuses on celebrating and nurturing friendships, there are meaningful ways to relate it to grief. Continue scrolling for ways to honor friendship in grief.

Let's Pause First.


Guided Grounding Meditation

We are sharing a 5-minute grounding meditation video below to support your well-being wherever you are right now. Whether you're reading this newsletter at work, school, or in the comfort of your own home, we invite you to take a moment for yourself and find grounding in the present moment.

Navigating grief and healing can be a deeply personal journey, and it's important to create space for self-care and introspection, no matter where you find yourself. Grounding and meditation offer powerful tools to anchor ourselves in the present, fostering a sense of stability and connection amidst life's challenges.

This 5-minute grounding meditation provides an opportunity to pause, take a deep breath, and center yourself in the here and now. As you engage with the practice, allow the gentle guidance to bring your attention to the present moment, soothing your mind and nurturing your spirit.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued presence and engagement in our community. Your resilience and commitment to self-care inspire us every day. Remember that you have the power to cultivate moments of peace and stillness, no matter the circumstances.

Thank you for being part of our community. We hope this grounding meditation supports you in finding moments of grounding and presence throughout your day.


Summer Reflections


Summer weather is here.

Journaling and reflecting can be powerful tools for supporting mental health and well-being. However, it's important to create a safe and comfortable space before engaging. Try to find a quiet, private space where you won't be interrupted, set aside time, and creating a soothing atmosphere.

Take a moment to reflect on or journal about some or all of the following prompts this season.

  • Reflect on a cherished summertime memory with your loved one. What made this memory special, and how does it make you feel?
  • Write about self-care practices that bring you comfort and joy during the summer months. How can you incorporate more of these practices into your routine?
  • Explore ways you can honor and remember your loved one during the summer season. What rituals or activities hold special significance for you?
  • Write about your favorite activity to engage in during the summer. How does participating in this activity contribute to your overall sense of wellness and healing?
  • Reflect on the unique challenges you may face in grieving during the summer. How can you navigate these challenges and prioritize your well-being?
  • Describe the natural beauty of summer and its potential for healing. How can you connect with nature to find solace and renewal?
  • Write a gratitude list specifically focusing on the blessings and joys of summertime. What aspects of this season bring you gratitude and appreciation?
  • Explore ways you can stay connected to your support network during the summer months. How can you foster meaningful connections with others and seek the support you need?
  • Imagine your ideal summer day filled with healing and self-care. What activities, experiences, or moments would make up your perfect day? How would you prioritize your well-being during that day?

Brew Compassion for Yourself

Tea of the Month

Sip some tea out of your favourite cup this month.

A popular tea for the summer season is chamomile tea. This tea has a  delicate and soothing taste. It is often described as having a mild, floral, and slightly sweet flavor. The tea has a subtle apple-like fragrance with hints of earthiness. Chamomile is known for its calming properties and can help reduce stress and anxiety. 

Here's a short reflection you can do while brewing or drinking chamomile tea:

As you prepare your chamomile tea, take a moment to embrace the essence of summer. Imagine the rays of the sun infusing into the tea leaves, filling each sip with warmth and vitality. As you savor the flavors of the tea, let the taste transport you to a serene summer landscape, where you can feel the gentle breeze and hear the soothing sounds of nature. Take this opportunity to release any stress or tension, allowing the calming properties of chamomile to bring a sense of relaxation and peace. With each sip, embrace the spirit of summer and find gratitude for the beauty and abundance it brings.


Self-compassion involves treating oneself with kindness and empathy in difficult situations, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety and increase overall well-being. Here's a way you can do that:

Self-Compassion Break: click HERE to access a guided (5-minute) self-compassion break, audio clip. We invite you to create a nurturing environment for this 5-minute audio journey, as it may evoke a range of emotions. Please be aware that towards the end, the practice includes a gentle touch, but feel free to modify or skip this part if it doesn't align with your comfort level.

Grief Insights

July 30th is International Day of Friendship.

We invite you to explore the profound impact of friendship in providing solace and strength during times of loss. We encourage you to forge new connections and participate in supportive communities. Share memories, honor loved ones, and promote acts of kindness to support friends on their grief journey.

Friends can offer solace, empathy, and strength. We encourage you to nurture new connections by joining support groups, engaging in grief-specific programs, and participating in community activities. Additionally, we're sharing a helpful video below on "How to Help a Grieving Friend." This video offers practical guidance that you can share with your circle of support or use as a reference to provide comfort to friends and family. Together, let's honor the memories of our loved ones and find strength in the bonds of friendship.


Affirmations are positive statements that help shift your mindset to a more positive and empowering state. Repeat them in a quiet place by visualizing the positive outcome as if it has already happened. Affirmations increase feelings of self-love, self-worth, and self-efficacy. Here are three summertime affirmations:


  1. "I honor my grief journey and allow myself to experience joy, laughter, and moments of peace."
  2. "I find solace in the beauty of summertime and let it remind me of the resilience within me."
  3. "I trust that healing is a journey, and I give myself permission to take it one step at a time, embracing each season with compassion and self-care."

Repeating affirmations in the morning sets a positive tone for the day, while incorporating them during meditation or mindfulness practice deepens their impact. Throughout the day, affirmations can be used during moments of stress or self-doubt, and practicing them before sleep promotes relaxation and self-compassion.


Self-care includes activities and practices that you engage in to maintain and improve your physical, emotional, and mental health. It is important as it helps to prevent burnout, manage stress, and maintain overall well-being. Here's a tip:

Take care of your mental needs: Grounding exercises can help bring you back to the present moment and provide a sense of stability during times of grief. One simple practice is deep breathing. Take slow, deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your body. Another grounding technique is to use your senses. Notice the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures around you, allowing yourself to fully experience the present moment. This can help bring a sense of calm and centering to your mind and body.

When is grounding useful in grief? When you find yourself overwhelmed by intense emotions, intrusive thoughts, or feelings of disconnection. These techniques can help you anchor yourself in the present moment and provide a sense of stability and grounding amidst the turbulence of grief. Grounding exercises can be especially helpful during moments of heightened distress, anxiety, or when you feel emotionally triggered. They can support you in finding a sense of calm, clarity, and presence as you navigate the grieving process.

< Meeting people in-person a challenge? Individuals can connect with others by joining online communities, such as social media groups or forums, based on shared interests. They can also explore virtual events, classes, and remote volunteer opportunities to meet new people and foster connections from the comfort of their home.

Have some ideas you'd like to share here with our community? Email us at programs@bereavedfamilies.ca for a chance to have them featured!


Monthly Mindfulness (5 minutes)

Complex Grief: Mindfulness for Difficult Relationships

This mindfulness practice offers a way to navigate the grieving process when dealing with a difficult relationship with someone who has died. By acknowledging complex emotions, grounding oneself in the present moment, and cultivating self-compassion, this practice promotes healing, acceptance, and growth in the face of challenging emotions and unresolved issues.

Find a quiet and comfortable space to sit, either in a chair, in your bed, or on the floor. Close your eyes (or look down in a soft gaze) and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to settle and relax.

  1. Acknowledge the complex emotions and mixed feelings that arise from having a difficult relationship with the person who died.
  2. Begin by focusing on your breath, allowing it to ground you in the present moment.
  3. As thoughts and emotions arise, gently observe them without judgment or attachment, letting them pass through your awareness.
  4. Direct your attention to the sensations in your body, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. Breathe into those areas and consciously release any physical tension.
  5. Bring to mind a positive memory or aspect of the person that brings you some level of comfort or gratitude. Allow yourself to fully experience those feelings.
  6. Offer yourself compassion and forgiveness for any unresolved issues or difficult emotions you may be carrying. Remember that healing is a process, and it's okay to feel a range of emotions.
  7. Use a grounding mantra or affirmation, such as "I am on a journey of healing and growth" or "I am worthy of peace and healing."
  8. Take a few more moments to breathe deeply and connect with the present moment. When you're ready, gently open your eyes and bring your awareness back to the room.

Remember, this mindfulness exercise is designed to support you in navigating the complexities of grief and your relationship with the person who died. Adjust it as needed and always honor your own unique healing journey.

Have a Monthly Mindfulness practice you'd like to suggest for the next newsletter? Email Victoria before the end of next month for a chance to be featured!


Resource Hub

Taking Care of You.

Welcome to our Resource Hub, a place where you can find support and guidance through your grief. From yoga classes to mindfulness meditations, mental and physical health workshops to grief resources, we've gathered a range of tools to support you in finding comfort and healing.

  • Featured Website: mygrief.ca is an online resource to help people move through their grief from the comfort of their own home, at their own pace.
  • Featured Podcast: Terrible, Thanks for Asking features Nora McInerny who lost her husband, her father, and her unborn second child in β€œone catastrophic year.” Now, she writes about how we handle grief, and our willingness to ignore it to save face. Her podcast explores what it means to be honest about our mental health at the moment, rather than pretending like everything is ok.
  • Featured Article: Grieving a Complicated Relationship explores the experience of grieving a complicated relationship, highlighting the emotions of confusion, relief, numbness, and gratefulness that may arise. It emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, seeking support, and acknowledging the complexity of emotions while navigating the grief journey.
Click Here to View July's Workshops and Webinars

Join Us at Walk to Remember

Raise funds in honor of your loved one.

Registration is open (click the photo to register or donate!) for our much-loved annual fundraising event, Walk to Remember, taking place on Saturday, September 30, 2023 at Lakeside Park in Mississauga (2268 Lakeshore Rd West). The event will start at 10:00 a.m. EST and will finish before 1:00 p.m. EST. 

Celebrate the memory of your loved one by raising money in their name for our charity. Whether you join as a team or an individual, your efforts will make a meaningful impact. As a token of appreciation, the organization will recognize and honor the teams and individuals who raise the most funds. Together, let's honor our loved ones while supporting those who are grieving and in need of our compassionate services.

Yo're welcome to do the 5km walk whenever and wherever you'd like from now until September 30th. Some people opt to do the walk on their own time in addition to joining us in-person when we gather as a community on September 30. We'll have a 5km route mapped out for participants on September 30. This is a rain or shine, and dog-friendly event.

Your support is vital. For every $8,230 we raise, we can run a support group. For every $207, we can train a new volunteer.

Community support and donations are vital to the sustainability of our charity and the programs we provide for the bereaved. With a goal of raising $100,000, we have currently raised $1,469, leaving us with 2.5 months to reach our target. Every contribution, no matter the amount, makes a significant impact in supporting individuals and families during their journey of grief. Your support helps us continue offering support, support groups, and educational resources to those in need. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of the bereaved and provide them with the necessary support to navigate their healing process. Please consider donating and sharing our cause to help us reach our fundraising goal!

What Can I do as a Fundraising Team for CFGH?

Fundraising Tips for Team Members and Participants
Fundraising Tips for Team Captains

Grief in the Community

Finding Hope Again, Together.

We're thrilled to introduce Grief in the Community.

Do you believe that there can be moments of hope and even joy amidst the pain and challenges of grief? At the Centre for Grief and Healing, we do. That's why we're searching for good news stories and testimonials of hope, resilience, and healing from individuals who have found ways to cope and thrive after experiencing the loss of a loved one.

ο»ΏBy sharing your experiences, you can inspire and support others who are going through similar challenges. You can also honor the memory of your loved one and the impact they had on your life. We're committed to creating a brave and supportive space for you to share your story. If you're interested in sharing your experiences or have any questions, please reach out to us. Let's celebrate resilience and strength together.

Click the button below to learn more and to share your testimonial or story with us!

Grief in the Community

Nourish Yourself: Tip of the Month

The power of meal prepping in grief.

In the midst of grief, meal prepping can be a valuable tool for supporting your well-being. By dedicating time to plan and prepare nutritious meals in advance, you ensure that nourishing food is readily available when you may have limited energy or motivation for cooking.

Meal prepping offers not only convenience but also the opportunity to make intentional choices about the foods you consume, helping to support your physical and emotional health during the grieving process. Taking care of your nutritional needs through meal prepping can provide a sense of nourishment, routine, and self-care during a time when self-care may be particularly challenging. Learn how to meal prep by clicking HERE.

Small Steps, Big Impact: Join Our Summer Wellness Challenge! 

This summer, we invite you to join our wellness challenge focused on embracing the outdoors and fostering well-being. Whether you're a part of our organization or a grieving individual seeking support, this challenge is accessible to all. Here are two options to choose from:

Option 1 - Daily Outdoor Time:

Spend at least 15 minutes outdoors each day, whether it's taking a walk, sitting in nature, or enjoying your lunch outside. Embrace the fresh air and soak up the rejuvenating benefits of nature. Use this time to connect with your surroundings, reflect on your thoughts, or simply enjoy the present moment.

Option 2 - Indoor Nature Connection:

For individuals who cannot go outside, create an indoor nature space or bring elements of nature into your indoor environment. Place potted plants, flowers, or a small herb garden near your workspace or in a designated area at home. Take a moment each day to appreciate the beauty and calming presence of nature indoors.

Remember, this challenge is about prioritizing your well-being and finding moments of peace and connection with nature, wherever you may be. Share your experiences, photos, or reflections with us as we embark on this summer wellness journey together. Let's embrace the outdoors and nurture our wellness as a supportive community.

At the end of August, reflect on how this challenge has impacted your overall well-being.


From Our Kitchen to Yours

Summer Berry Spinach Salad Recipe

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Easy, quick recipes for our community.

This Summer Berry Spinach Salad is not only delicious but also packed with nutritious ingredients. The fresh baby spinach provides a good dose of vitamins and minerals, while the strawberries and blueberries add natural sweetness and antioxidants. The almonds add a satisfying crunch and healthy fats, and the optional feta cheese adds a creamy and tangy element. The homemade lemon-poppy seed dressing brings it all together with a zesty and refreshing flavor.


4 cups fresh baby spinach leaves

1 cup strawberries, sliced

1/2 cup blueberries

1/4 cup sliced almonds

1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese (optional, omit for vegan version)

ο»ΏFor the dressing:

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup (or sweetener of choice)

1/2 teaspoon poppy seeds

Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a large salad bowl, combine the baby spinach, strawberries, blueberries, and sliced almonds.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, honey (or maple syrup), poppy seeds, salt, and pepper until well combined.
  3. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and gently toss to coat the ingredients evenly.
  4. If using, sprinkle the crumbled feta cheese over the top of the salad.
  5. Serve immediately and enjoy the vibrant flavors of this summer salad!

Feel free to customize this salad to your liking by adding other summer fruits, such as raspberries or sliced peaches, and adjusting the dressing ingredients to suit your taste preferences. Enjoy this light and nourishing salad as a side dish or add some grilled chicken or tofu for a complete meal. Share photos of your salad creation with us and enjoy the vibrant flavors of summer!

Do you have an upcoming special holiday, celebration, or cultural day in September-October? We invite you to share a related or themed recipe with us or even a cherished recipe from a loved one, along with a short story behind it. Email Victoria at programs@bereavedfamilies.ca with the recipe and details by the end of next month for a chance to be featured. Please note that we will be posting 1-3 recipes per month, so it's first come, first posted!


App-timize Your Wellness

Discover new phone apps and learn how they can support your mental health and wellness.

  • Healthy Minds Program: helps you train your mind through meditation and podcast-style lessons
  • Smiling Mind: practice quick meditation and mindfulness exercises for stress, sleep, focus, relationships, sport performance, mindful eating or more
  • Insight Timer: offers the world’s largest library of free guided meditations that are focused around different topic areas, including sleep, anxiety, relationships, stress and more
  • Bearable: allows you to track your mood and symptoms alongside activities like sleep, medication, exercise and more
  • MindShift: uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies to help you manage anxiety, challenge your beliefs, face your fears and build confidence in yourself
  • Calm Harm: private, password protected app is designed to help you resist or manage self-harm urges
  • 5 Minute Yoga: ideal for those wanting quick and easy daily yoga workouts
  • Kitchen Stories: search for new recipes on Kitchen Stories based on your ingredients, then sort by prep time, type of food, diet and more
  • Habit Tracker 1 or Habit Tracker 2: apps to help you track all of your habits
  • Coach.me: a coach that goes everywhere with you, helping you achieve any goal, form any habit, or build any expertise
  • Sleep Cycle: improve your sleep with Sleep Cycle, an intelligent alarm clock and tracker that analyzes patterns and wakes you up in your lightest sleep phase
  • Grateful: Gratitude Journal
  • Daylio: you can record what happened in your day and how you feel all without writing down a single word
  • I Am Sober: track your sobriety with a community who understands
  • Gratitude: Self-Care Journal

Above is a 10 minute guided meditation and sound healing for grief.

  • Sanvello: offers tools and resources to help individuals manage stress, anxiety, and depression. The app offers daily mood tracking, guided meditations, and cognitive behavioral therapy exercises to help users improve their mental health.
  • Woebot: AI-powered chatbot that provides cognitive behavioral therapy exercises and tools to help users manage stress, anxiety, and depression. The app offers personalized recommendations based on user data and offers a supportive, non-judgmental environment.
  • Happify: uses evidence-based techniques to help individuals reduce stress and improve their overall well-being. The app offers a variety of games and activities designed to improve mood and build resilience.
  • Pacifica: offers tools and resources to help individuals manage stress, anxiety, and depression. The app offers guided meditations, cognitive behavioral therapy exercises, and mood tracking tools.

Finding Calm Through Breath

Ujjayi Breath

Ujjayi breath, also known as "victorious breath," is a breathing technique commonly used in yoga and meditation practices. It involves breathing deeply and smoothly through the nose, while slightly constricting the back of the throat, creating a gentle, audible sound.

To practice:

  1. Find a comfortable posture and relax your body.
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your belly and expanding your chest.
  3. As you exhale, gently constrict the back of your throat, creating a soft, audible sound like a gentle ocean wave.
  4. Continue this slow, deep breathing with the audible sound.
  5. Maintain a relaxed and steady rhythm as you inhale and exhale.
  6. Practice ujjayi breath for a few minutes, focusing on the sensation of the breath and the calming sound.
  7. Release the technique and return to natural breathing when you're ready.

Ujjayi breath helps to calm the mind, regulate the breath, and increase focus and concentration. It can also promote a sense of relaxation, relieve stress and anxiety, and enhance overall mindfulness.

Have a breathing exercise you'd like to share in our next newsletter? Email Victoria for a chance to be featured!


Paying it Forward: Supporting Others While Supporting Yourself

The healing power of giving.

Making a difference in the world around us can be a powerful tool for coping with grief and loss. Donating or volunteering not only supports others in need, but it can also bring a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to our own lives. Please consider donating to help sustain our programs and support the wellness of others.

Your donation, no matter how big or small, can help us make a difference in the lives of those who are coping with grief. Your support will help us provide valuable services to yourself and others, and ensure that everyone has access to the compassionate support they deserve. Together, we can help those who are grieving begin to heal and find hope for the future. Invest in wellness today.

Change Lives Now

See You in September!

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ο»ΏHave any ideas or suggestions you'd like to share for our next Care Corner wellness newsletter? Email Victoria at programs@bereavedfamilies.ca before the end of next month to see if it can be featured here!

Anonymous feedback about our supports, organization, newsletter, and more can also be shared in our feedback form here.

Our next "Care Corner" (wellness newsletter) will be featured in September. Our next "Hope Report" (organizational updates) newsletter will be featured next month.