School District of Wisconsin Dells
January 2022 | 2022-1
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Drawing of someone sleeping
All kids need sleep
By Allison Hoch, WDHS Associate Principal
If you or your kid has a cell phone, do you charge it regularly? Do you make sure to charge it when it needs it? Pretty sure your answers were “yes.”
Do you and your kids make the same priority of charging your brains and bodies? ;)
All bodies and brains need sleep, but it is especially important for kids, as their bodies are still growing and their brains are still developing. ...READ MORE
Students doing school work
WDMS standards-based learning and grading for 2022-2023 school year
By Casey Whitehurst, WDMS Principal
What is standards-based learning and grading? Standards-based learning and teaching measures an individual student’s performance against a set of criteria established as academic standards and indicates an individual student’s level of proficiency in relation to specific standards.
Why is WDMS making this shift? ...READ MORE
Person with head in hands
Children's mental health
By Dawn Sine, Director of Pupil Services
As a country, we are living in some of the most divisive times that many of us have seen in our lifetime.  We have experienced a political divide that has left many on both sides of the divide feeling weary, tired and even a bit battered. Add a dose of a global pandemic to our political divide, and we have a recipe for a broken society. Research has shown that the greater the polarization within a society, the less support and cooperation. The greater the “us against them“ mentality, and the greater the push ...READ MORE
Student using a laptop computer
By Julie Ennis, SHES Principal
As students return from winter break, we help transition them back into the school routines, reviewing expectations for success. Then, the second or third week in January, students in Grades K - 8 will take their second i-Ready Diagnostic of the year. 

What is i-Ready?
 i-Ready is an online program that helps us determine individual student ...READ MORE
Student looking at food on lunch tray
Food service reminders
Monthly milk, extra milk and ala carte charges
By Greg Heller, Director of Food Services
Just a reminder that for the 2021-22 school year ALL meals are free. However, if your child does not eat hot lunch or breakfast but prefers to have a single milk, participate in the Monthly Milk program, or take ala-carte items, they will be charged. These items are NOT free. Money needs to be in their account to cover the cost.

The District participates in the Wisconsin School Day Milk Program. The program is ...READ MORE
Stars in different colors
QuickBites monthly nutrition news
Take on the new year together!
Movement Matters!
This year, try taking a team-based approach to making your New Year's Resolutions. Schedule a family meeting, share your goals, and brainstorm ways everyone can support each other as we all resolve to make 2022 the best year yet! Once each family member has their resolution and a plan on how to make it happen, post everyone's goal in a place where the whole ...READ MORE