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Fall Quarterly News Update

Greetings Career Academy Members,

So many great things are happening around our Nation, impacting more communities, with the CTE delivery model - career academies. We are excited to be here with you because of your interest in this model. We have many ACTE- Career Academy Section (CAS) members that are living and breathing the career academy work and we know that some of our CAS members are very interested in this model. Both are welcome to engage in this section.


The CAS Section’s purpose is to:

  • Strengthen our collective understanding of the career academy model
  • Provide a space for networking with like-minded professionals that are developing and/or implementing the career academy model.
  • Build our capacity to advocate for the career academy model within our sphere of influence.


We are glad you are here! If you have any questions along the way please reach out to me at [email protected].

Sending my best,

Jenn Edge

Lead, Career Academy Section

Career Academy Section News

What’s in this Newsletter? 

  • NEW Resource for your Employer Partners
  • Special VISION Sessions
  • Business Partnership In Action: Wirecrafters
  • On Demand Webinar
  • Career Academy Organization Spotlight
  • Vendor Spotlight
  • Career Academy News
  • News from ACTE

Just Released: New Guide for Employers

Ford NGL developed a guide for employer organizations interested in strengthening how their company engages with CTE. Designed just for employers, this guide is for starting, implementing, measuring and taking partnerships with CTE programs (K-12 and post-secondary) to the next level.


If you have a website for employers, add this guide to it! If you have a company interested in partnering with your programs, share this guide.


Ford NGL has been supporting districts, communities, business and community partnerships for 30+ years. Because of their deep work with these stakeholders they developed a Blueprint for Powerful Partnerships. There’s resources for all stakeholders that are involved with partnerships. Interested in learning more? Email them!

Download the Guide Here

Career Academy Sessions at VISION

Are you coming to the 2024 CareerTech VISION conference? We have several special career academy section sessions highlighting four communities that have implemented a wall-to-wall academy model in their districts.


Put these sessions on your conference radar!



8:00 a.m.–noon

Workshop: Building Strong Business-School Partnerships (Additional Fee Required)

Business and school partnerships are absolutely critical to a successful career and technical education program (CTE). But are your partnerships impacting student learning and your community’s workforce needs? This session will help you improve and strengthen partnerships between businesses and schools by examining successful case studies and following a 7-step partnership process. Participants will receive exemplary tools and resources to create powerful partnerships in their communities. The presentation team from Ford NGL, featuring Paula Chaon and Marc Hill, brings extensive experience in CTE, Chamber, and Industry backgrounds. You’ll also have a chance to interact with additional practitioners in several communities that have powerful partnerships and learn what has made those successful and scalable.



10:00–10:45 a.m.

Creating Work-Based Learning Business Partnerships to Address Local Employment Needs

Presentation Team: Nashville Public Schools - Academies of Nashville (Nashville, TN) and OnFuture Coachella Valley (Palm Springs, CA)


10:00–10:45 a.m.

Cross-Sector Collaboration: Convening our Community to Support Student Success

Presentation Team: Alignment Nashville (Nashville, TN)


11:00–11:45 a.m.

Development and Implementation of Academy Model Capstone Projects.

Presentation Team: Racine Unified School District- Academies of Hampton (Racine, WI) 


2:00–2:45 p.m.

Intentional College & Career Exploration K-12 Leads to Graduate Success

Presentation Team: Whitley County School District (Columbia City, IN)


3:00-3:45 p.m.

Community-Connected Authentic Teaching and Learning

Presentation Team: Hampton City Schools - Academies of Hampton (Hampton, VA)

Business Partnership in Action

In 2017, Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS), in partnership with KentuckianaWorks (the Workforce Board) and Greater Louisville Inc. (the local Chamber), launched the Academies of Louisville, a transformative public education model* that aligns high school pathways with major areas of economic growth in the Greater Louisville region.

By connecting 15 wall-to-wall career academies high schools to 170+ signed business and community partners, the Academies model aligns education and workforce development needs to better prepare students for postsecondary and career success. Business partners work with students to provide a range of hands-on learning opportunities and real-world work experiences to prepare them for life after high school and in return employers get the benefit of growing their own talent pipeline.

One Louisville-area business that is benefitting from a special Academies partnership is WireCrafters, a welding and fabrication company specializing in wire partitions. WireCrafters became a signed business partner with Pleasure Ridge Park High School (PRP) and its welding pathway in 2019.

Regina Phillips from KentuckianaWorks interviewed Chad Anglin, WireCrafters Operation Manager, about how their partnership got started and how it has evolved.

Read the Full Interview Here

*The Academies of Louisville is built on the framework developed by Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL), which has been transforming education and workforce development in communities across the United States (and now Europe) for 20+ years.

On-demand Webinar

A Convener Role in Supporting Career Academies

Did you miss our September webinar? This topic was all about a very important role in supporting career academies… the convener’s role. This webinar was presented by Alignment Nashville, which they have been convening school leaders and community stakeholders for two decades to address the most critical issues facing Metro Nashville Public Schools and the Nashville community.


In this on-demand session, you will learn the answers to …

  • What does it mean to be a convener?
  • Why is it important for someone to play this role?
  • Who might take on this role in your community?
Replay Webinar Here

Career Academy Organization Spotlight

Nashville Hub Supports Transformative Change for Schools, Students and Communities

Have you heard about Nashville Hub? It’s a program of Alignment Nashville, a 501c3 non-profit organization, providing events, coaching, and support to communities that are working to transform the K-12 experience to prepare all students for college, career, and life. Nashville Hub began in 2011 by providing opportunities for communities to visit Nashville, Tennessee, and learn about the Academies of Nashville. The Academies of Nashville Study Visit has hosted over 7,000 educators, administrators and community leaders. Visitors learn about the proven strategies and structures of the academies model that transform high schools into personalized learning communities and prepare students for college and career success. The lessons learned in Nashville over 15+ years can help to inspire and mobilize your school community to rethink high school education. You can sign up for the next event at


The success and growth of the study visits led to the demand for consultation and professional development to help other communities in implementing the academies model with fidelity. In 2013, Nashville Hub was designated as a Ford Next Generation Learning Hub. They are proud to say that their services are provided by practitioners for practitioners, drawing on the expertise of those who have been deeply involved in the visioning, implementation, and sustainability of the successful Academies of Nashville.


Nashville Hub has expert practitioners that can guide your community through every element of the academy implementation process. The most popular trainings and supports include interdisciplinary teaming for academies, teaching on the block, master scheduling, and role-based trainings in the areas of academy coach, academy counselor, administrator, ambassador and team leader. “Each training is engaging and rooted in application, which has helped Akron Public Schools launch a successful academy model in our community.” — Rachel Tecca, College and Career Academies of Akron


Whether you prefer an in-person setting or a synchronous, online experience, Nashville Hub can design a training solution that meets your needs. Visit or email [email protected] to connect.

Vendor Spotlight

YouScience® Brightpath

YouScience® Brightpath is a comprehensive, AI-powered, academic and career platform designed to help students find their why, their path, and their purpose.

For the 2023-24 academic year, the Brightpath platform has been updated with a new user experience and added features, from district-level reporting and SIS rostering integrations to four-year planning and college exploration.

With Brightpath, educators don’t need to cobble together different products for aptitude and interest discovery, counseling and career guidance, certifications, and work-based learning. All of our products, and a few new ones, can now be found in one place, all through one login.


YouScience Employer Spotlight, Career Connections, and Work-Based Experiences

YouScience Employer Spotlight, puts employers in front of students, helps them build awareness of their company, job opportunities, and grows their talent pipelines with emerging talent. Employers are featured throughout the platform based on students’ aptitudes, interests, and recognized certifications.


A featured product within Brightpath is Career Connections. Students see employers, including national and local employers, government organizations and nonprofits, looking for talent with their exact aptitudes and skills. Students can then work through their schools with those employers to gain real-world work experience through internships and job shadowing. 


Within Brightpath, educators also have access to easily manage advisory boards and students’ off-campus activities through the Work-Based Experiences product.


Learn more

Schedule a demo to learn more about how YouScience Brightpath can be a tool for you and your school. If you schedule and complete a demo before September 30, 2023, you’ll get a free individual Aptitude & Career Discovery assessment. Schedule a demo today.


More About YouScience®

YouScience® is the leading technology provider dedicated to solving the skills and exposure gap crisis for students and employers. YouScience leverages proven research, artificial intelligence, and industry input to help individuals identify their aptitudes, validate their skills and knowledge, and get matched with real-world educational and career pathways in high-demand occupations.


YouScience is the preferred choice of individuals, parents, educators, and counselors to guide and support educational and career pathways, currently serving more than 7,000 educational institutions and millions of users nationwide.

Interesting Career Academy News

  • Secretary Cardona visited the Academies at Bethel High School (part of Academies of Hampton in Virginia) back in May. He praised the model, would like to replicate it across the country, and said it was the type of school he would like his children to attend. Read more here.
  • Academies of Hampton - Superintendent Michael Robinson. See video here.

Do you have interesting news to share about your community’s academies? Send my way so we can get your highlight in the next newsletter for all members to see! Email [email protected].


IAED in CTE: Click Image Below to Learn More

Register for VISION by Oct. 13 & Save!

ACTE's CareerTech VISION happens this Nov. 29–Dec. 2 in Phoenix, Arizona, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome you to our flagship conference for career and technical educators. At VISION, you will have the opportunity to forge meaningful professional connections, expand your professional learning and ignite your inspiration. ACTE is pleased to offer both a full in-person event with a robust on-demand component for remote attendance. Register by Oct. 13 to secure advance discounted rates for this premier CTE conference!

ACTE Webinar Box Graphic 200x200

Upcoming Webinars

We are excited to host several upcoming free webinars on a wide range of topics:


  • Integrating Pharmacy Technician Education in High School CTE Programs, Oct. 10 at 3:00 p.m. ET
  • I Need Help! Seeking Support from a Mentor and a Sponsor, Oct. 12 at 1:00 p.m. ET
  • Navigating Issues of WBL Safety and Insurance, Oct. 26 at 3:00 p.m. ET



2024 Events

Share Your Expertise!

Mark your calendars for the 2024 ACTE Work-based Learning (WBL) Conference, happening May 1–3 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. You could share your WBL programs, models and expertise; consider submitting a presentation proposal. This annual event, which sold out last year, specifically focuses on professional development for WBL professionals in secondary and postsecondary CTE programs and institutions. The deadline to submit presentation proposals is Oct. 16.


Advocate for CTE at NPS

With a featured event from the CTE Research Network

Join CTE professionals from across the nation to voice your vision on CTE policy and programming relevant to your school’s needs at ACTE’s National Policy Seminar, happening March 17–20 in Arlington, Virginia. Featured sessions will cover best practices for influencing federal policy and CTE advocacy and messaging. And on the last day of the event, March 20, the CTE Research Network will address topics that will help expand the evidence base for CTE.


Renew in Time to Vote!

Renew Your Membership by Nov. 1 to Vote!

The 2024 ACTE board of directors’ election will be held this Dec. 1–Jan. 1! Please note these key dates:


  • Be sure your membership is current by Nov 1 to vote — renew now!
  • Voting will open during CareerTech VISION on Dec. 1 and run through Jan. 1
  • Winners will be announced in January 2024

Student Video Challenge

New Student Video Contest

ACTE — the host of CTE Month® — and NASA HUNCH are excited to announce the 2023–24 student video challenge, which offers students the opportunity to showcase the application of CTE and project-based learning programs in high-demand career fields on Earth as well as in space. This year’s theme: “Why Go to the Moon?” The contest is open to students of all ages, including elementary, middle school, high school and postsecondary students in any school or who is homeschooled. Submit a two-minute video by April 1.

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