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Casella Construction Career Profile
Safety Topic: Spotter Safety
A Critical Element of Site Safety
Spotters assist the operator in maintaining a safe distance from hazards throughout the day or until relieved by another trained spotter.

In the event a spotter is required to leave the site or is unable to perform their responsibilities, they must make the operator aware and stop the activity until the spotter returns.

The safe distance to keep from powerlines is dependent upon the number of kilovolts (kV) running through the line. The spotter must be informed of the distance requirement prior to assuming spotting responsibilities.

Before any movement is made the spotter and the driver/operator must communicate and make sure they both understand the hand signals and their meanings. Confirm there is no confusion in the directions given from the spotter.

Remember: Spotters cannot guide a load and spot at the same time, their duty is solely spotting for the operator. It is the spotter's duty to stay vigilant to their assignment, and not allow themselves to become distracted.
If you have any questions about procedures or spotter signals, please contact Joe Matteri or Isaiah Coltey.
Project Update
Moran Demolition Nears Completion
Work at the Moran Plant FRAME Demolition is winding down for the season, as we are down to final cleanup for the project!

With the help of CSE and Classens Crane Services, we removed the structural portion of the steel hoppers. Removal of the three hoppers was a major milestone for the project! Removal of the coal and biomass hoppers is complete, and we are nearly complete with select demolition of miscellaneous metals in the building.

We will be back in the Spring to complete the project.
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this project.
Great work!
Moran Demo: Before
Moran Demo: Present Day
[The sun sets over Moran Plant and our 336 excavator]
Leaders in Safety do these things every day:

  • Uphold Casella Standards
  • Lead By Example
  • Actively Care For People (AC4P!)
  • Train and Develop Top Talent

The next time someone on your team takes the extra step to be industry-leading, call them out as a Leader in Safety.
We are hiring for spring!

Do you know someone who could make a positive difference on our team this spring?

Please ask your most talented contacts to apply!
And let's not forget the thank you.

If someone you recommend is hired and stays with us at least 90 days, we will thank you with a $250 referral bonus in your check! (Just make sure they mention your name in their online application.)

Contact Melissa Coltey or Kim Lewis with recommendations!

Click here for more information about the employee referral program.
Jobsite Photos
Sunrise at SLC Quarry in Middlebury
(Thanks Seth Conway for showing me the route!)
Finch Landfill
(Thanks Wayne Stuart for the grand tour!)
[Photos submitted by Pat Maher]
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In the News & Good Catches!
Valentine's Day Ideas & Congrats, Matt!
Safety Milestone Celebrated & Distracted Driving Stats
Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992