The “Why” behind our Healthcare Service Excellence Initiative
Over the recent months, we've embraced the vision of being a five-star organization and aspiring to be our region's provider and employer of choice. We've shifted our language to honor our team, preferring the term "caregiver" over impersonal labels like "employee" or "staff." Amidst discussions about OASIS and SEA teams, the SEC, and a whirlwind of acronyms, the core purpose remains clear:
This is all for YOU.
My commitment to each of you is unwavering. It's disheartening to witness any of you feeling frustrated or upset in your professional environment. Reflecting on the feedback gathered from last year's Ignite the Patient Experience Event, it's evident that urgent calls for cultural transformation, concerns about staff happiness, and the need for morale improvement and retention have been loud and clear.
This initiative, while termed as Service Excellence, is in its heart a drive for Staff Excellence—or more aptly, Caregiver Excellence. Our collective effort over the next three years and beyond is aimed at addressing the minor yet significant irritants that mar your work experience. We're not just striving to alleviate stress; we're here to enhance the fulfillment and joy you derive from your work. Let's continue to excel, not for the accolades, but for the genuine difference we make for the people we care for and each other's lives.
The journey towards this noble goal commences next week, and I firmly believe that you all deserve this effort. As a sneak peek into what's ahead, I'm excited to share a glimpse below of the upcoming launch party.
Together, let's embark on this path of Excellence, driven by a shared commitment to care, improve, and make a difference.
~ Dr. Al