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November is National Family Caregivers Month

Celebrating Family Caregivers during National Family Caregivers Month enables all of us to:

Raise awareness of family caregiver issues

Celebrate the efforts of family caregivers

Educate family caregivers about self-identification

Increase support for family caregivers

Reduce feelings of isolation

Caregiver Action Network is the organization that chooses how to celebrate National Family Caregivers Month annually and spearheads the celebration of NFC Month nationally.

For National Family Caregivers Month 2023, the #CaregiversConnect campaign highlights the importance of connections—as a way to get information about your loved one’s disease or condition, share experiences, get support, or form a closer bond with your loved one.

#CaregiversConnect when you’re sitting in the waiting room of your loved one’s oncologist’s office and start comparing experiences with the caregiver sitting next to you. #CaregiversConnect at the support group for Alzheimer’s caregivers at the community center.

#CaregiversConnect to information when you visit the website that your wife’s cardiologist recommended. And #CaregiversConnect when you call your grandpa who lives several states away and is living with Parkinson’s.

#CaregiversConnect raises awareness of your role as a family caregiver as you find out your co-worker is caring for a child with the same rare disease as your sister or the woman sitting next to you at church is also caring for parents who are aging.

When #CaregiversConnect, whether it’s for support, to get information, or just to talk to someone who understands what you’re going through, it can help you feel less isolated. You are not alone.

#CaregiversConnect on Twitter @CaregiverAction

#CaregiversConnect on Facebook/CaregiverActionNetwork

Caregiver Action Network
Caregiver's Corner
Ideas, Info and Resources for People Caring for Others

Welcome to the Nov/Dec Issue

We Are all Just Walking Each Other Home

by Susanne White, Caregiver Warrior

I passed by an ambulette truck today whose driver was operating the lift to help a man in his wheelchair into the vehicle. The man in the wheelchair had what appeared to be his wife, friend, or family member with him. I overheard the man, his friend, and the driver having a wonderful conversation about living each day to the fullest and how short life can be.

I have met so many amazing people during my caregiving journey.

It was truly heartwarming to see what I imagined to be 3 strangers so deeply engaged with each other. I flashed on all the people I met during my caregiving journeys and all the times I experienced similar circumstances when I was caring for my Mom and Dad. I ran across so many people giving amazing service to the people I loved and cared for and had some of the best conversations in my life.

From ambulance drivers to nurses, aides, doctors, cashiers, custodians, attendants, managers, and supervisors, hundreds of caring strangers came across my path. Since I am a rather loud, outgoing personality who inherited the gift of gab from my Irish Grandfather, this was like heaven to me. I got to hang out constantly with tons of new people.

When we connect, we invest in each other.

What I quickly came to understand, was that not only was this fun and interesting to me, it was also a blessing. It afforded me a chance to connect with the very people I needed on a very serious level to provide extraordinary service to my parents and me. This took my more bees with honey attitude up more than a few notches. It allowed me to get to know and establish a relationship with people who then became more invested in my family and their care simply because they felt a connection to us. I felt the connection too, and by getting to know each other and sharing stories, we were threading our lives together.

I love the saying that we are all just walking each other home. I find that so true. Reaching out, connecting, and being heard is a glorious way to travel through life and the safest way to find our way home in the care of each other.

Sharing our stories brings us closer together.

Don’t miss out. Remember to notice and acknowledge the angels standing right in front of you as you travel through your caregiving journey. It’s those very angels who quietly go about their job helping you that might have the most interesting and wonderful tale to tell you. They might also need to hear something from you that could help them brush off their wings and keep flying. Don’t underestimate the power and beauty of human connection. Be open and ready to experience it. Everyone around you will be blessed.

The Caregiver Navigator

The Caregiver Navigator

Caregiving is paper-intensive...important documents, prescriptions, notebooks, receipts, and schedules related to illness, treatment, and appointments.

 As a caregiver, your binder is your

mobile caregiving center.

Use the caregiver navigator to organize your loved one's caregiving journey!

Download the Caregiver Navigator

Hard copies are available at both

 BCSSI locations.

Inspiration & Tips

Honoring all Caregivers


Caregiver Support Group

Our Partner in Caregiving

People caring for people need help & support.

Our caregiver support group will provide

a safe & nurturing space for caregivers in our community to build relationships,

share information & resources, vent frustrations

& gain emotional support.

You don’t have to do it alone!

Nov 8-No Regular Meeting




Independence Village Zionsville West

(behind Meijer)

6800 Central Blvd

Zionsville, IN 46077


Facilitated by:

Jessica Evans, BCSSI Director of Outreach

and Travis Milz, Independence Village West

Registration is required!

Community Support Groups
Memory Cafe at Conner Prairie
The Alzheimer’s Association has a wealth of resources available in the comfort of your home.


  • Virtual Support Groups

  • Virtual Education Programs

  • Watch Education Programs on demand

Click here for more info
BCSSI Special Events

Holiday Closings

Nov 10 & 22-BCSSI Zionsville (only)

Nov 23 & 24-All BCSSI Offices

Dec 1-All BCSSI Office

Dec 25 & 26- All BCSSI Offices

No programs/activities

No transportation or in-home services

Happy Holidays from all of us at BCSSI!

4th Annual Holiday Silent Auction

proceeds benefit BCSSI

More details

Nov/Dec Senior Sounds

Nov/Dec Issue
Calendar of Events
Caregiver's Corner is funded in part by:
BCSSI-Boone County Senior Services, Inc.
765-482-5220 or 317-873-8939
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