Vol. 17, No. 1
January 5, 2017
Challenges and a Resolution for the New Year
2017 will bring many changes to FCA’s work with family caregivers. We are excited about our new service application, FCA CareJourney, that will work at scaling information, training, and support to family caregivers — watch for an announcement the week of January 16.
But we also know that a change in the administration in Washington will likely mean challenges to the gains made with the implementation of the ACA and expansion of health care and LTSS at the state levels.
Here is FCA’s New Year’s resolution: continue to work with other like-minded organizations across the country to advocate for both the protection of current policies and services that support caregiving families as well as expansion of policies and services on behalf of caregivers.
We wish everyone a healthy and happy New Year, too!
21st Century Cures Act (H.R. 34)
- This bill originally introduced as the Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Act of 2015 adopted provisions related to H.R. 6 that provides funding for biomedical research to accelerate the process of discovering cures. This bill appropriates $4.8 billion to the National Institute of Health (NIH). On December 13, 2016 President Obama signed the 21st Century Cures Act into law.
National Clinical Care Commission Act (H.R. 1192)
- This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to assign the National Clinical Care Commission within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The National Clinical Care Commission Act will allow implementation of federal programs to support clinical care for patients with autoimmune disease, a complex metabolic, diabetes, and including the complications that such diseases may cause.
Jeff Miller and Richard Blumenthal Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act (H.R. 6416)
- This bill amends title 38 in the United States Code to advance the laws governed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. The bill passed the House on December 6th, 2016 and will reach the Senate next for its consideration.
Care Act (S. 1574)
- This bill amends the Older Act of 1965 to establish support around the partnership of caregivers and aging communities. The Care Act shall direct the Administration on Aging (AoA) to coordinate programs that authorize federal assisted housing, promote long-term care and public awareness of aging communities. State bills related to the Care Act recently passed through 35 states and is now being reviewed by Texas Legislature.
Secure Choice Retirement Savings Act (S.B. 1234)
- This law provides retirement plans for California workers to secure a savings for their future. The California Secure Choice program allows an employer to maintain this program without having to change their retirement plan if they move to a different job. Secure Choice is intended to help up to millions of Californian’s by retiring with security.
Advanced Home Health Aides (A. 10707)
- This law was signed and chaptered by Governor Andrew Cuomo on November 28, 2016. This law creates a job category for Advanced Home Health Aides (AHHA). The advanced home health aides are trained and supervised by professional nurses that allow them to perform advanced duties.
Oklahoma SoonerHealth + RFP
- The Oklahoma Health Care Authority’s (OHCA’s) recently released SoonerHealth+ and requested a proposal (RFP) for a Medicaid program to manage care for individuals who are aged, blind and disabled (ABD). This program, SoonerHealth+, can provide care services up to 155,000 members. The proposal shall be submitted by February 28, 2017.
Well-being Rankings for Older Americans
- This research examines the well being of Older Americans in the age range of 55 and older. The analysis shows that older individuals are thriving in the United States compared to the younger population. The factors that allow older Americans their well-being is due to being financial fit, having secured health insurance, and worrying less than younger individuals. This report shows Hawaii rated as one of the top well-being states for older Americans.
Americans View Healthcare
- Gallup recently conducted an annual poll on Health and Healthcare for Americans. The results show that 45% of American’s don’t think it is the Governments responsibility to ensure healthcare coverage, while a slight majority of 52% of Americans agrees that it is the Governments responsibility. In consideration of the forthcoming plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by President elect Donald Trump, this report discusses Americans view point on how healthcare should be insured by the Government.
Dementia Rates in the U.S. are Dropping
- This study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reports a decline of Dementia rates in the U.S. for individuals 65 and older. Dementia has declined from the year 2000 to 2012 about 2.8%. This means the populations brain health has improve significantly, but the factors that maybe contributing to the improvement of brain health are uncertain as of now.
Older Californians’ Long Term Care Experiences and Policy Preferences
- This study conducted by the Associated Press-NORC for Public Affairs Research examines the preferences of older Californian’s based on long-term care experiences. The cost of long-term care services is a prevalent public policy issue in America. This report examines the California’s Paid Leave Family program, the workforce for family caregivers, and tax breaks to supplement family caregivers. Based on the keys findings, this study reveals the area of interest to improve the long-term care for elders in America.
GOP delays the repeal of Obamacare
- This article discusses the GOP plan to repeal and replace Obamacare for the following years ahead. The GOP plans to delay the replacement for Obamacare by strategically planning a new healthcare system for America. Trump stated he would like to keep certain elements of Obamacare in the forthcoming healthcare system. During this period of grace further discussion on the replacement of Obamacare is taking place.
AARP Campaign to curb isolation
- This article reviews a seminal study on individuals 60 years old and older that showed how social loneliness is detrimental to ones health. Recently, the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (AARP) started a campaign, Connect2Affect, to improve social connectedness for seniors. This campaign will provide federal resources and support for eldercare to address the issue of isolation.
Family Caregiving Out-of-Pocket Costs
- According to the Family Caregiving and Out-of-Pocket Costs: 2016 Report, conducted by AARP, family caregivers use up to 20 percent of their annual income on out-of-pocket costs related to caregiving. Based on these values of uncompensated expenses family caregivers are effected by, the Credit for Care Act has recently been introduced to financially support caregivers. This article discusses key factors that add to out-of-pocket expenses for caregivers and addresses solutions to such finical issues.
One Man’s Quest to Change the Way We Die
- This article, from The New York Times Magazine, profiles San Francisco palliative care physician B.J. Miller. At age 20 Miller became a triple amputee and this experience helped inform his work in palliative medicine and at the pioneering Zen Hospice Project. His advocacy for compassionate end-of-life care has put him at the forefront of the palliative care movement. Included in this article is a moving story of his relationship with a young motorcycle mechanic who ultimately died of mesothelioma at Zen Hospice Project during Miller’s time as executive director.
Not rich, not poor, and not ready for the cost of growing old
- This article touches on stories of middle class Californians over the age of 55 who have struggled with retirement and receiving caregiving. Aging and retirement has become an issue due to a lack of financial support from America’s economy, which has left many Californians struggling to support themselves after a certain age. The author and supporters plan to take these stories into account for federal and state policy in order to support the well being of aging Americans.
Family Caregiver Alliance/National Center on Caregiving Events at AiA17
For Awardees of the 2016 Rosalinde Gilbert Innovations in Alzheimer Disease Caregiver Legacy Awards When: Wednesday, March 22, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (all are welcome) Where: Hyatt Regency Chicago, Crystal C room
We have a wonderful panel of awardees this year so please join us for this heartfelt celebration of community innovation for family caregivers.
National Forum on Family Caregiving Monday, March 20, 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Key authors from the Generations issue on Family Caregiving will discuss trends, programs, and policies in this session.
Care Compass: Online Services for Family Caregivers Scheduled for Wednesday, March 22
Provides an overview and experience to date of our new program, now entitled, FCA CareJourney, that provides an online, mobile-ready application that enables family caregivers to tailor information and training to current needs and links them into an always-on service system of tested interventions, care consultation, and peer support. Limited data from multiple pilot sites with partner organization, LA Caregiver Resource Center, University of California, will also be provided.
NOTE: All FCA/NCC Caregiving Policy Digest Research Registry listings are displayed in the manner they were received by FCA/NCC.
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