Conduent’s rules for accepting or not accepting our uploads for CareLink opt-status are limited. As a result, the list of clients to work on the failed Conduent (formerly Xerox) uploads list has not been ideal. We have taken this list and enhanced how we process it to be more useful. Thank you to everyone who has given us feedback about this list.

How it will now function:

Opt-In Records:
If there is an error message received on any uploaded opt-in record, the results will appear on the list and Vendors will need to take some sort of action for them to be removed from the list.
If there was just a mistake in name spelling, Medicaid number, or some other clerical issue, make those corrections in STAR. We will attempt another upload process of the file that evening and if the file was appropriately corrected, the client will be removed from the list.
If it is determined the client is in fact not Medicaid eligible, Vendors will need to submit an opt-out record in STAR. We will process the file that evening, and the client will be removed from the list.

Opt-Out Records:
In the event an Opt-Out record is not accepted by Conduent, we will handle most if not all issues behind the scenes. STAR is the book of record for CareLink opt status and needs to reflect real-world experience. If a client is no longer participating in CareLink for any reason, this must be updated in STAR. Conduent starts and stops with Medicaid. If a client is not Medicaid eligible, Conduent returns messages that are not possible for Vendors to take action on which is why we will do everything we can behind the scenes to keep the list useful.

Thank you,
BHSDStar Support

If you have any questions regarding this alert, please send them to [email protected]