
I hope 2024 is off to a great start for you and your family. Thanks to givers of hope like you, many of the families we support – like the Jordan Family – are in a better place today than before.

Meet Tecumshe Jordan, a 36-year-old single mother of three daughters – Tamara, Athena and Alicia. For as long as she can remember, Tecumshe has been a native of District Heights, MD. During the pandemic, Tecumshe fell on hard times, lost her home, and was forced to move into a local shelter – all while pregnant with her youngest, Alicia.

The shelter wasn't a long-term option for the Jordans. And eventually, they were asked to leave. Out of desperation, Tecumshe reached out to her mother for help. After moving in with her mother, Tecumshe hoped and prayed for the sake of her children that the arrangement would last – but it didn't.

"Dealing with my mother, it wasn't easy. She has dementia. So, a lot of times she would blame me for a lot of things. Eventually, she ended up telling me that we had to leave." – Tecumshe

In that moment, Tecumshe had never been more afraid. She had viewed her mother as the last bastion of hope for her and her girls.

"It was very scary for me. I prayed every day that me and my girls would be ok."

As scary as her situation was, Tecumshe wasn't ready to give up. So she went to work to research organizations that could help. Eventually, she got connected to Mission of Love Charities who then introduced her to Volunteers of America. From there, Tecumshe's world began to change for better.

"In two months, they found me a place to live for me and my girls and we have been here ever since. I love it here. Me and my girls love it here. I realize that I can't do anything without God."

Thanks to supporters like you, the Jordan Family has been thriving in a spacious three-bedroom apartment within our Prince George's Supportive Housing program since October of last year.

And the support didn't end there!

Thanks to donors like you who gave through our Adopt A Family program last year, the Jordans also received brand-new beds, a Christmas tree and gifts for Tamara, Athena and Alicia.

To watch Tecumshe share her story and gratitude, click the video icon below!

To learn more about Adopt A Family or our Prince George's Supportive Housing program, click the buttons below.

Adopt A Family
PG Supportive Housing

I'm looking forward to what 2024 will bring for families like the Jordans. With you at our side, the possibilities are endless. Thank you for all that you do to make a difference in the lives of your most vulnerable neighbors.

President & CEO

VOA Chesapeake & Carolinas

Our 2024 Spiritual Development Colloquium is right around the corner! Each year, we bring together faith leaders, community leaders, and individuals like you to engage in solutions-based discussions and activities on social challenges impacting our communities. In 2024, we are excited to partner with the Metropolitan Community Church of DC (MCCDC) to host and tackle the topic of gun violence.

Metropolitan Community Church of DC

474 Ridge Street NW | Washington, DC

Saturday | March 9th

1PM – 6PM

*Meal & refreshments will be provided*

Don't miss out on this FREE opportunity to engage on this important issue and the role faith can play in promoting justice, activism, comfort and love.

To learn more, register or become a sponsor, visit or click the button below.

Learn More!

Get ready for the Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.) Youth Mental Health Expo 2024! We are honored to be able to partner for our third year in a row with the Prince George’s County Health Department, the Bowie State University Graduate Student Association, and Step Forward. This annual expo is the only one of its kind dedicated to youth mental health in Prince George's County.

Bowie State University

14000 Jericho Park Rd | Bowie, MD 20715

Saturday | May 18

8:30AM – 3:30PM

The G.O.A.T. Expo will showcase all aspects of health and wellness through systems of care, offer workshops, and link youth and their caregivers to providers and resources that help young adults ages 16 – 24 thrive. Last year’s expo welcomed more than 440 people.


  • Exhibitors
  • Workshops
  • Live Entertainment
  • Interactive Activities
  • Open Mic
  • Dance Contest
  • & More

**Guest registration will open on January 4, 2024.**

We are actively seeking sponsors and exhibitors. To learn more about the expo, become a sponsor, or become an exhibitor visit or click the button below:

Learn More!
Make a difference, donate your vehicle!
Your old vehicle may not mean very much to you anymore, but to us it's a goldmine! It means we can continue to serve more than 10,600 individuals and families every year, ensuring they live in safety with social/emotional wellbeing, spiritual fulfillment, justice and hope.

Don't your vehicle donate by visiting or clicking the button below.
Learn More!
Volunteers of America Chesapeake
& Carolinas

General inquiries:

Maryland, DC & Virginia
4601 Presidents Drive, Suite 300
Lanham, MD 20706
(301) 459-2020
North & South Carolina
207 Commons Blvd
Durham, NC 27704
(800) 646-2828

©2023 Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas- All Rights Reserved. We are designated tax-exempt under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law
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