Faith and Health Partnerships Monthly
A resource toolkit for faith and community leaders
May 2022
Welcome to Faith and Health Partnerships Monthly, a toolkit for faith and community leaders, like you.
In each issue, aim to raise awareness about key health topics, share resources, and provide ideas on how we can care for ourselves holistically, in mind, body, and spirit.
Advocate Aurora Health’s Community Strategy to build health equity and increase life expectancy guides the work we do. We want to ensure everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.
We invite you to share this resource with members of your congregation and community. Please reach out to Cindy Novak with your questions, ideas, and submissions for future issues.
Around half of all people in the U.S. will meet the criteria for a diagnosable mental health condition at some point in their lives. This means you probably know someone in your congregation or community who is living with a mental health condition.
Learn more about mental health resources available through Advocate Aurora Health in Illinois and Wisconsin.
Did you know? Skin cancer is America’s most common cancer, with more than 5 million cases diagnosed each year. Fortunately, skin cancer is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer.
You can raise awareness of skin cancer by sharing the following resources in your bulletins, social media sites, newsletters, or websites:
- Skin cancer prevention infographics,
- the Big See campaign information on the 3 things to look for when you’re looking for skin cancer,
Sun Smart U resources, designed to teach young people how to make sun-safe choices.
By sharing the facts about the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and encouraging people to check their skin for warning signs, you can help save the lives of those in your congregation and community.
Myth Busting: People with dark skin don’t need to worry about skin cancer
People with light skin are much more likely to have sun damage, but darker-skinned people, of any ethnicity, can be affected, too.
Having dark skin lowers the risk of melanoma at the more common sites, like the legs, back, and chest, but anyone can develop it on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and under the nails. In fact, melanomas in these areas account for more than half of all melanomas in African Americans but fewer than 1 in 10 melanomas in whites.
Courtesy: American Cancer Society
This year’s theme, Age My Way, focuses on aging in place – how older adults can plan to stay in their homes and live independently in their communities for as long as safely possible.
While continuing to live in their own homes can bring comfort to many elders, some can face loneliness and isolation due to the death of a spouse, inability to drive, chronic health conditions, and other challenges.
Faith communities can ensure older congregants receive the spiritual care they need by:
- Offering transportation to worship services
- Making friendly visits and offering prayer and other spiritual support
- Teaching seniors how to use technology, so they can watch online worship services, and participate in virtual Bible studies and prayer groups
- Arranging congregate meals and other fellowship activities, such as game days, movie nights, or outings to restaurants
- Offering support groups for older or chronically ill persons and their caregivers
Beginning on July 16, anyone experiencing a mental health crisis can call, text or chat 988 to receive support.
The Advocate Aurora Local Services Guide allows you to find free and low-cost options for food, safe housing, child care, transportation and more.
Advocate Aurora Health
Faith and Health Partnerships
Loving Communities are healthy communities.
We work side-by-side with faith communities to promote health equity by mobilizing the transforming power of social connectedness and spiritual wisdom.
Our core belief: Drawing on the wisdom of our religious traditions and the best social and public health science, we believe that positive, mutual relationships and the intentional practice of faith are at the heart of what creates equitable health and well-being for individuals, congregations and communities.
Faith and Health Partnerships Monthly aims to address health topics that are important to you, as well as share educational resources and ideas on ways you can make a difference in your community.
We invite you to reach out to us with your questions, ideas, and topic ideas for future issues.
Thank you!
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