Dear Friends,

Responding to CoVid19 in a responsible way and in support of your health and well-being has been on the minds and hearts of all of us at Crossings.

Here are some of the measures we’re taking to ensure the health of the community.

  • Crossings staff is sanitizing all common areas, particularly where there is frequent hand contact multiple times a day.
  •  We are asking any client to stay home should they have a dry cough, fever, or any other flu-like symptoms.
  •  We are stocking traditional Asian formulas that are very helpful in prevention of virus and in mild-moderate cases.
  • These formulas are available after a recommendation from your acupuncturist; and can be delivered to your front door in case you are symptomatic.
  •  We are committed to providing you with remedies, recipes and supplements that support your immune function. Please be in touch with your practitioner. They would love to hear from you!
  • We have formulated an essential oil hand sanitizer that is effective on viruses and is also acupuncturist-approved. With the research on common over the counter gel hand sanitizers and its impact on endocrine function, we are thrilled to offer a healthier support to your well- being during this time. Click here for the recipe.

We are actively staying informed and are here to provide support and wellness guidance. Please feel welcomed to contact your practitioner with any question.

By staying connected we can all go through this together!