National Police Week
Upcoming Summer Events

Summer 2023 is almost here and so are our summer events. We hope you can join us at concert series, and movie in the park "Moana" on August 3rd, which will conclude our summer events.

For more information about the Village's events visit our website at:
Don't forget to join us on Saturday, June 17th from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. for Geek Fest & Taste of Carol Stream! This outdoor event is held in partnership with the Carol Stream Library, Geek Inc Comics and the Carol Stream Chamber. Come on out for a day of games, crafts, food and drinks, and superhero fun at the Town Center! (Weather Permitting)

Stay updated with us by following our Facebook and visiting our website.
New Village Board Members Sworn In

New Village Board Members were sworn in at May 1st Village Board meeting. Judge Robert E. Douglas presided over the swearing in of Mayor Frank Saverino, Village Clerk Julia Schwarze, and Trustees Mary Frusolone, John Zalak, and Joe Anselmo. These elected officials will each serve a 4-year term. Congratulations to all!
Village Hall Closed Memorial Day

Village Hall will be closed on May 29th for the observance of Memorial Day.

Emergency services remain active 24/7.
National Police Week - May 14th to May 20th, 2023 
In 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which May 15 falls as National Police Week. National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others.
National Police Week offers honor, remembrance, and peer support while allowing law enforcement, survivors, and citizens to gather and pay homage to those who gave their lives in the line of duty.
Lawn Maintenance

The Village of Carol Stream seeks residents’ cooperation with the proper maintenance of grass and weeds. The Village’s Property Maintenance Code requires grass and weeds to be maintained below eight inches in height. When a Village inspector observes grass or weed growth taller than eight inches, a courtesy notice is posted near the front door of the home. The Notice asks the homeowner or resident to mow the grass and weeds. Property owners who fail to properly maintain grass and weed growth after being asked to do so may receive a citation, including a fine, from the Village.
On occasion, properties may become vacant without the necessary arrangements having been made for lawn maintenance. Residents who are aware that a property is vacant and not being maintained are encouraged to notify the Community Development Department. The Village will take steps to ensure proper maintenance of such properties. Sometimes, a group of neighbors will mow the lawn of a vacant property in their neighborhood, which may prevent the Village from knowing that the property is not being maintained by the responsible party. While we appreciate efforts to keep Carol Stream looking good, the Village can assist with ensuring that the responsible party maintains the property. Please contact Community Development at or call us at 630-871-6230.
Water Regs
Watering Restrictions

Because Lake Michigan is a limited water resource, we use outdoor watering restrictions to encourage conservation.

Village Code allows continuous landscape watering before 10:00 a.m. and after 4:00 p.m. on dates which match the last number of a resident's address. Properties ending in an even number can only water on even number dates (e.g., 752 Thunderbird Trail on June 14th) and properties ending in an odd number can water on odd number dates (e.g., 421 Cochise Court on July 3rd). 
Mitchell Lakes
Pond and Stream Sweep May 21st
Join us for the Pond and Stream Sweep on Saturday, May 20th, at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to remove trash from our shorelines and stream banks. Gloves, trash bags, grabbers, dumpsters, pokers, and trash bag pickup are provided by the Village. You may register online or contact us at (630) 871-6220.