"Kind words can be short and easy to speak,

but their echoes are truly endless."


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December 2021


Dear One,

The purpose of the TouchStones Newsletter is to announce the special events or transitions that give our lives meaning. 

In this way we share with our Unity Community the news; for we can rejoice with each other, support each other in prayer and provide information to those on our Newsletter list.

If you have news you wish to share please email Unity of Prescott, 


and provide the following information:


Birth, Marriage, Anniversary, Graduation, Illness, Prayer Support, Transition, etc.


Congregant and/or individual related to congregant.


The Prayer of Faith

God is my help in every need;

God does my every hunger feed;

God walks beside me, guides my way

Through every moment of this day.

I now am wise, I now am true,

Patient and kind, and loving, too;

All things I am, can do, and be,

Through Christ the Truth, that is in me.

God is my health, I can't be sick;

God is my strength, unfailing, quick;

God is my all, I know no fear,

Since God and Love and Truth are here.

By Hannah More Kohaus

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Carolyn Frederick

Southern California may have been where Carolyn was born and raised, however, her adulthood was spent moving often! In, out, and back again to Southern California with her “vagabond” husband (“who could find employment anywhere”), she later had stops in Kansas City before arriving in the Phoenix/Tempe area.

Carolyn spent her years in the Valley working at ASU and MCDOT before making the journey north to Prescott 12 years ago. 

During these years, she may have changed communities, but her bike was a constant companion. She clocked 6000 miles over 20 years! Carolyn has special memories of doing the California coastline by bike, and a wonderful three weeks in England touring entirely by bike. 

Raised around strict traditional ministry, by her early teens she found she was walking away as it didn’t seem right for her. Her openness to people of all races and creeds left her without a “fit” to meet her spiritual goals for years. Once in Prescott, she visited many different churches. Only at UNITY did she feel such comprehensive, inclusive, love right from the start. This created a second visit, then a third, and then became a forever spiritual home for Carolyn.

“As an adult, you have to join in if you are going to meet new people and make friends,” she said, and so she did. With her 19 moves in 33 years, she felt a perfect place to begin was to organize Rummage Sales as a fundraiser and did so for a few years. She started a Singles Group, served as an Usher/Greeter, office assistance, and go-to person for various special events and workshops. 

She also was on the GREEN TEAM, where her lifelong concern for helping with environmental issues, protecting Mother Earth, educating others to care for our planet and recycle, can best be expressed. “Prescott is lucky to have such an active commitment from our Unity community,” she stated. This is likely in reference to the Acker Park adoption and clean-up, as well as the ongoing ADOT highway cleanup efforts provided by the Unity Green Team.

Carolyn was a frequent assistant in FELLOWSHIP, where she once had a permanent Sunday spot. She was delighted to help others. 

In addition to all the volunteer jobs she had at Unity Prescott, Carolyn also volunteered at the Prescott public library and taught reading to ESL (English as a Second Language) students at the Prescott Valley Library.

A memorial service is scheduled at Unity on Saturday, January 8 at 2 pm