My family will be playing in the Super Bowl this Sunday, as Fate would have it. My cousin David Andrews is the Center for the New England Patriots, getting the ball to Tom Brady who then throws the pass it hoping for touchdown. Other family members may be pulling for Atlanta Falcons because my uncle was head coach, Dan Reeves. In high school I even played football, until an injury took me out of the game. So for us, there really won’t be a loser in Sunday’s Super Bowl, just one group happier than the other.
This month we also kickoff (pardon my pun) the Sports & Talent Division at Teles Properties where I’m pleased to be co-chair with Peter Hernandez. Our team and our company have represented numerous professional athletes, but also many top talent entities in entertainment—whether film, music, theatre, dance or art. Living in westside Los Angeles means that we share many city destinations & activities with our local professionals –in Sports or Entertainment. Fittingly, we have crafted a special corps of agents and managers for this business specialty within our real estate services scope. Contact me if you have questions or suggestions for our client care within the new Sports & Talent Division.
Alright –secretly I must pull for the Patriots to win Super Bowl 51. My cousin David will be married in April and all of us will be there to congratulate him. Would be nice if he’s wearing the Super Bowl champion ring!
P.S. - Be sure to check out my suggestions for Valentine's dinner locations in town.