– to all Sellers in Los Angeles, “
Are you on the market yet?
” I hope so.
All Sellers in southern California should be well aware that they have enjoyed a 7 year run with rising prices and high demand, keeping values on the upward curve. I want to be gentle here, but nothing lasts forever, as the saying goes. Certainly, in real estate market cycles, there are 2 categories that analysts are constantly assessing: what constitutes a “seller’s market” ; and what constitutes a “buyer’s market”. The jury is out on how much longer the seller’s market will be the prevailing condition.
May is the perfect month to sell your house
--- or to buy one. Buyers are restless if they have been searching, so new inventory arriving on market in May gets amplified visibility. And for Buyers, the same is true for being good, in that there is more inventory available now than will be in mid-summer or end of summer. Take a good look for your needs now. This is the time!
May is Mother's Day month which brings families together for honoring their mothers. It also gives us the ability to take a rest on Sun, May 13
, to contemplate our appreciation for our mothers, to celebrate them and to not host open houses so we can be with our families. To all mothers reading this --- we honor you and celebrate your motherhood and influence on our lives.