Hernia Mesh Lawyers Serving Victims Nationwide
Ethicon Physiomesh is constructed from polypropylene, which is the same material used by the company to make bladder slings and transvaginal mesh. However, there are coatings added to the Physiomesh in order to stop the degradation that happens when polypropylene contacts human flesh. Ethicon recently withdrew Physiomesh from the market. It has been associated with high rates of mesh failure, infections, seromas, and bowel obstructions. Subsequent surgeries may be necessary because the mesh tears easily, and complications may arise. At Moll Law Group, our Ethicon Physiomesh attorneys are able to provide legal representation in connection with a claim anywhere in the country. Billions of dollars have been recovered in lawsuits in which our defective medical device attorneys have been involved.
Ethicon Physiomesh May Cause Serious Injuries
Ethicon Physiomesh is a coated hernia mesh that was approved in 2010 by the FDA. The coating used on the mesh was meant to stop the polypropylene from sticking to the bowel and causing serious injuries. However, when there is no exposed polypropylene, the hernia mesh may not properly incorporate, and the mesh may float in the abdominal cavity or become torn.
Recently, Ethicon voluntarily recalled the Ethicon Physiomesh Composite Mesh product, although the recall did not include the Open Flexible Composite Mesh Device or other mesh devices sold by the manufacturer. The recall followed an analysis of unpublished data from two large independent hernia registries, showing that recurrence and reoperation rates after Physiomesh was used in a laparoscopic ventral hernia repair were higher than the average rates for comparable meshes among the patients in the registries.
Consult an Ethicon Physiomesh Attorney About Your Claim
If you or a loved one suffered injuries due to Ethicon Physiomesh, the products liability lawyers at Moll Law Group can evaluate whether you may have strong grounds to bring a lawsuit. We can pursue compensation for clients all over the country, including in states such as Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, New York, Florida, and California. Call us at 312-462-1700 or complete our online form to set up an appointment with an Ethicon Physiomesh lawyer.
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