May 2024

Case Manager's Corner

Care and Case Management (CCM) System News

New Care and Case Management (CCM) System Trainings 

Upcoming Training Sessions 

Queues and Tasks Demonstration, Learning Resources Overview, and Q&A session.  

June 20, 10 to 11 a.m.

Register on Webex

Health Coverage

July 17, 10 to 11 a.m.

Register on Webex

Participation in these training sessions is voluntary, but registration is mandatory for attendance. These sessions will not be recorded. We look forward to your participation!

The recordings and slide decks of the Streamline Eligibility Implementation training and the PEAKPro Training are posted to the Department CCM System Training Website. CCM system training is no longer available on the LMS.  

Case Managers and CCM Users must access CCM Job Aids and CCM System recordings to help them complete their processes, tasks, and documentation in the CCM System. These resources are listed in the CCM System Training Google folder. Please remember to access these documents directly from the folder, so that you are always accessing the most current information. 

Other News for Case Managers

PETI Training for Case Managers  

Case managers will begin completing the PETI calculation worksheet in the Bridge on or after July 1, 2024. Case managers will no longer complete the manual process of using the PETI Excel worksheet to determine the ACF/SLP rate and enter the ACF/SLP rate onto the PAR. Following system changes to the Bridge, case managers will complete the PETI worksheet in the Bridge to determine the ACF/SLP rate and the rate will populate on the PAR from the PETI worksheet. 

For PETIs and PARs with ACF/SLP start dates on or after July 1, 2024, that have already been created, these will require a manual revision to be completed by the case manager. HCPF will send additional communication to case managers once the PETI and PAR revision process is complete. Please do not complete these manual revisions until further notice.

The Department will be offering three training sessions to Case Managers on the new PETI calculation worksheet and the required processes in the Bridge. Case Managers who complete the PETI process will be required to attend one of these training sessions. 

  • Monday, June 17, 9 to 10:30 a.m.
  • Tuesday, June 18, 3 to 4:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, June 20, 3 to 4:30 p.m.
  • Please register on Zoom.

Support Level Review Extensions Coming July 1, 2024

Based on feedback from our CMAs and advocacy partners, and to better serve our members, their teams, and the case managers who support them, effective July 1, 2024, HCPF is extending all currently approved and future Support Level Review approvals.

This will allow case managers to continue to support their members without disruptions to Support Levels, as well as relieve some administrative burden on case managers and CMA administrative staff.

The Office of Community Living (OCL) will issue an operational memo and send correspondence to CMAs with impacted members.

Case managers will not need to submit SLR Extension packets for all members. More information and guidance is forthcoming.

Recent Bridge System Changes

Effective May 15, specific error messages will display at the top of the screen in the Bridge if a Case Manager enters Line-Item Service for Members at an incorrect Support Level.

Case managers will not be able to submit the PPA for approval if the Support Level does not match throughout the request. This change to the Bridge system will also end the need for Supervisors to approve and submit all HCBS-DD PARs. The Department will continue to approve Prior Authorization Requests (PARs) in the Bridge for Support Level E Members on the HCBS-SLS waiver. Please reach out to the Over Cost Containment (OCC) email inbox to request approval.   


Case managers are also required to enter a member’s public safety risk, risk to self, and an effective date for all members, annually. If there is no current risk documented, the case manager will receive a B051 error code.

An operational memo outlining these changes is forthcoming. Also, a new “Risk Factor Training” will soon be posted to the Long-Term Services and Supports Case Management Forms and Tools Page under the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) section.

Learning Collaborative Series for Colorado HCBS Case Managers

As we navigate change and opportunity in the Colorado HCBS system, including Case Management Redesign, this monthly series of 50-minute discussions aims to provide individual Colorado HCBS case managers the opportunity to consider new strategies, gain knowledge, and enhance strengths – especially during times of transition. Each session will offer a live presentation, attendee activities, group discussions, and time for questions and answers regarding the monthly topic. Please email any questions or concerns.  


Join us for our next session: Culturally Responsive HCBS for Hispanic/Latine Individuals   

Hispanics are the largest minority group in Colorado. Individuals and families have unique cultural characteristics that directly impact their ability to access healthcare, trust providers, and receive culturally responsive services. This presentation will focus on the factors that influence acculturation; cultural values; the heterogeneity of the population; and the importance of acknowledging the multiple identities of people receiving HCBS, including disability perspectives.

The presentation will include specific skills to assist case managers build trust with participants and families, including the importance of cultural humility.


When: June 12, 2024, 1 to 1:50 p.m.

Register and join on Zoom


 To watch previous Learning Collaboratives, visit our website.

Contact Us

  • Please send questions about the new CCM system and Colorado Single Assessment & Person-Centered Support Plan to our CCM inbox.