IT will upgrade CaseWare to its 2022 version tomorrow, Oct. 20 at 5 p.m. to Sunday, Oct. 22, and upgrade all client files to be compatible with CaseWare 2022.
This upgrade will only change the version of CaseWare on your Rea computer. Your user experience will not change. The upgrade is needed because updates are no longer available for CaseWare 2020.
Follow these steps so CaseWare 2022 can be installed:
By tomorrow, Oct. 20 at 5 p.m., your computer needs to either be: on and at the office OR be on and connected to Rea's VPN if you're remote. Your computer must be closed out of CaseWare and any CaseWare files.
Plan client work ahead of the upgrade. You will be unable to access CaseWare and related files beginning at 5 p.m. tomorrow. A firm email will be sent over to notify you when the upgrade is complete. It's not expected to last all weekend, and CaseWare will be available to use on Monday, Oct. 23.
Convert synced file copies with CaseWare 2022 on Oct. 20. You'll be automatically prompted to convert the files when you open them for the first time in CaseWare 2022. If you are prompted to create a backup you do not have to, but can if you would like.