Casey and Calley Means Interview
Hello Again,
Today, we are shifting gears away from the homeopathic information. I want to encourage you to let go of all your assumptions surrounding health care. Take this opportunity to open your mind and just hear a potentially different viewpoint. Mull over the new ideas and new information for a while. Resist the urge to judge the message because of who the messenger is. Don’t immediately resist the ideas because they are different from what you have been told throughout your entire life.
I encourage you to slow down and look around and start to ask more questions. If our country spends the most on health care in all of the world, how come Americans are the sickest in all of the world? Why are we getting sicker and sicker every single year? Ultimately, that is the biggest question. Common sense, well, my common sense, tells me that the more a person spends on taking care of their health, the healthier they should be. Why then, do we have the exact opposite scenario happening now in America?
The movement toward specialization in our medical system, in my opinion, has done Americans a huge disservice. The doctors are so distracted with their tiny subspecialties that they are not looking at the whole person any longer. The doctors are trained to diagnose, but they are never taught to look at the whole patient and ask what led to that diagnosis. They are taught to write the prescription or provide the procedure or surgery and bill for it. Our current system completely ignores why people are sick and makes enormous amounts of money off of doing procedures on them, year after year. All the while, never addressing the root cause. If the root cause is not addressed, how can a condition ever resolve?
Nutrition courses are NOT required in medical school and nutrition is the absolute core foundation of our health. How have the people in charge of getting us healthy not had training in the foundation of a good health?
If you really ask yourself these questions, I think you will see that our current medical system is completely broken. The goal is to make as much money off of you for as long as possible and never really cure the issues. Now, let me be clear, I am NOT blaming individual physicians. I am blaming the medical schools, the insurance companies, the pharmaceutical companies and the food companies. Many of the physicians are as frustrated as you and me. Dr Casey Means is one of these doctors and she is blowing the whistle on what is going on.
There is so much I want to talk about, but I know that many people do not particularly like to read. So, I am going to hand off this discussion to Casey and Calley Means. They discussed this issue much better than I ever could. They also tie in how our broken medical system and broken food system are working together to make us sicker and sicker.
Now, again. Please have an open mind. I had several people forward this interview that Tucker Carlson did with the mighty sister and brother duo. I know that Tucker is potentially controversial. However, this is NOT a political discussion. It is a phenomenal discussion about our primary health care system and our food industry.
We have to wake up to what is going on and we have to take back control of the types of foods we are eating and the way we are approaching health and illness. About 50% of American children currently have chronic illness. Read that sentence again. If that statistic does not alarm you, then you should click away now. If, however, that statistic does alarm you, then I encourage you to watch this thought-provoking interview. It is long, but this is a big discussion. Take it in bite sized pieces, but please, for the sake of you and your loved ones, please listen and share this interview with everyone you care about.
One of the biggest complaints I hear from new people coming in to see me is that no one is looking at the big picture. I think that one of my biggest areas of expertise is looking at the entire body. Rarely, is an illness isolated, unless it is from a trauma. Everything is connected. Many of you feel that when getting acupuncture. How does putting a needle in your hand release muscle spasm of the neck? It does so because it is all connected. My acupuncture training, functional medicine training and naturopathic training have all instilled in me the importance of looking at the whole person.
I cannot wait to hear your thoughts about this interview. I know the topic is not fun, but it is so important. Here are the links for your convenience.
To watch on with less ads, click here.
To watch on YouTube, with a ton of ads, click here.
Toni Eatros, Acupuncture Physician