November 2022

Welcome to Caspian Voices, Crude Accountability's monthly newsletter for scholars, policy-makers, and civil society members with hard-to-find information from the Caspian and the Black Sea regions from the communities impacted by oil and gas development.

In this newsletter, check out our latest project on climate justice, learn about an unlikely partnership between Azerbaijan and the EU, and read about the environmental costs of Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Burabay lake, Kazakhstan. Picture © Adobe Stock

Forest fires, droughts, and public participation in Kazakhstan

As part of the Civic Solidarity Platform Climate Justice Working Group, we spoke with Vadim Ni about his work as an environmental defender in Kazakhstan. Watch the conversation here to learn about public perception of climate change and the different ecological issues facing Kazakhstan.

International Day of Political Prisoners 

Congressmen Steve Cohen and Joe Wilson introduced a resolution to recognize October 30th as the International Day of Political Prisoners.

Crude Accountability strongly supports the resolution calling attention to the political repression affecting the dozens of those disappeared in Turkmenistan and beyond.

Read the statement here.

Is Azerbaijan really a reliable partner for the EU?

In July 2022 the European Union named Azerbaijan a “reliable partner” and increased gas imports from the state. Some civil society members have criticized that decision and consider it unethical to reward Azerbaijan with a new contract. 

Read it here.

The Human Costs...and Environmental Costs of War

"War is costly, in every sense of the word. And as if this human cost were not enough, the environmental cost of the war in Ukraine may be just as grave."

While Russia continues to cause harm to Ukraine's people, the environment also suffers. Our latest blog takes a close look at the military emissions caused by the war and the damage to the air, land, sea, and wildlife of Ukraine. Read it here.

Remembering the Disappeared 20 Years Later

This November marks the 20th anniversary of the alleged coup attempt against then-Turkmen president Niyazov, sparking mass arrests of politicians, government employees, and others who purportedly participated in the overthrow attempt. Many of those who were arrested (after forced confessions and false charges) have served their terms but have not been released. This month and every month we remember the disappeared in Turkmenistan and call for information about their well-being. Read the statement here.

A Chance to Block Corruption

Crude Accountability joins 80 other non-profits and civil society organizations in calling for the passing of the ENABLERS Act. The legislation would close a key loophole that allows for corruptive actors to launder their money in the United States. The US must strengthen its ability to fight the corruption that exacerbates environmental degradation, human rights abuses, and inflation. Read the letter to Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Schumer here.

Images in this newsletter are licensed for editorial use via Adobe Stock or belong to Crude Accountability.

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