June 2022

Welcome to Caspian Voices, Crude Accountability's monthly newsletter for scholars, policy-makers, and civil society members with hard-to-find information from the Caspian and the Black Sea regions from the communities impacted by oil and gas development.

In this newsletter, learn about Crude Accountability's latest advocacy efforts related to the war in Ukraine, discover how science can combat authoritarianism, and read about the exciting work of our partners to support environmental defenders around the globe.

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Science and Advocacy—a Solid Partnership

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Curious about how data can bolster human rights? Check out our latest blog by Kate Watters where she explains the important relationship between science and advocacy and demonstrates the threat of facts to authoritarian regimes.

Read the full article here.



War is as old as humanity, but with the introduction of technology, it has become crueler and more destructive. The war in Ukraine is devastating for both people and the environment, and it must be stopped. Living Asia and Crude Accountability partnered to create an informative short film on the environmental impacts of war.

Watch the film here.

Letters to CPC regarding recent sanctions against Russia

In light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Crude Accountability and Kazakhstani colleauges reached out to the companies of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) in order to clarify their actions in response to the sanctions against Russian oil and gas corporations.

Read our letter to Chevron here.

Read our letter to ENI here.

Read our letter to Exxon Mobil here.

Read our letter to Shell here.

Relaunch of Pro Eco

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Our partners in Kazakhstan regularly update the Pro Eco website with articles and video interviews on local environmental topics. If you are interested in learning about oil and gas development or Chinese investments in Kazakhstan, check out the new and improved site (in Russian): www.pro-ecology.org

Announcing the 33rd Annual Goldman Environmental Prize

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Congratulations to the 2022 Goldman Environmental Prize winners - grassroots environmental leaders who prove that, together, we can reshape the future of our planet. The Goldman Environmental Prize is the world's foremost award honoring grassroots environmental activists, recognizing outstanding leaders from each of the world’s regions. There is no better time than now to re/think, re/build, and re/generate our planet. We can be the re/Generation. 

Early Warning System

Crude Accountability's partners, International Accountability Project and Sustentarse, are launching the Early Warning System (EWS) to support communities impacted by projects financed by International Financial Institutions (IFIs). The Early Warning System is a growing collective of groups around the world, that summarizes and analyzes development projects and conducts outreach through a wide global network.

Read more about the project here.

COMING SOON: Turkmen Notebooks (Туркменскиe тетради)

In partnership with human rights activists from Central Asia, we are launching Turkmen Notebooks, a unique archive of materials documenting the history of independent thought in Turkmenistan since it became a sovereign country in 1991.

The site is meant to preserve press releases and newspaper articles, memoirs, essays, reports, and other materials that portray Turkmenistan far differently than the official propaganda.

The platform is set to launch soon, so keep checking our website for details!

Images in this newsletter are liscened for editorial use via Adobe Stock and Stutterstock
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