SignOn Once 2018
Sneak Peek: ID Federation at Accelerate

Accelerate_ powered by NetVU
Look for ID Federation representatives next week at Accelerate, powered by NetVU, the largest annual gathering of Vertafore users. The conference, sponsored by the Network of Vertafore Users, will be chock-full of education, networking and inspiration.

Participants can attend "ID Federation and How to Implement with Vertafore,"  a Thursday-morning session in the Carrier Focus education track. Vertafore presenters Nellie Massoni, Dave Acker and Wendy Haney will cover the  Vertafore  Single Sign-On  (VSSO) product, which connects to ID Federation's SignOn Once,  streamlining the login process for customers who use multiple Vertafore products and services. 

SignOn Once will also be included in some educational sessions featuring AMS360. Check the education schedule for time, place and presenters. ID Federation representatives will be in some sessions to meet you and answer questions. 

In the exhibit area, lo ok for folks wearing SignOn Once buttons -- and maybe get one for yourself. 
Board Member Updates ACT on SignOn Once Progress

Jim Rogers briefs the ACT audience on industry progress regarding SignOn Once.
At the March Agents Council for Technology (ACT) meeting in San Diego, The Hartford's Jim Rogers  briefed the audience on recent progress for SignOn Once, I D Federation's advanced password-management technology.

"The goal is to allow insurance professionals and consumers to get right down to business instead of fumbling with password clues, resets and failed access," Rogers explained. "SignOn Once provides a seamless, standardized, secure method of connectivity."

Rogers, an ID Federation board member, also spoke to ID Federation's trust framework, which defines the business, legal and technology rules governing participation in ID Federation.  In 2017, Vertafore and Applied Systems were certified as vendor participants in SignOn Once. Vertafore is already providing SignOn Once for certain products, and Applied plans to begin rollout this year. 

Rogers emphasized that participation by carriers and solution providers is crucial to agents' success with single sign-on. For information, contact irv Kantar, ID Federation business manager, at 
What Is a Federated ID?

Federated identity management is a way to connect identity management systems to each other, and single sign-on is a feature of this capability. 

Federated identity management gives you single sign-on, but single sign-on does not give you federated identity management. 

Here's some insight from Irv Kantar, business manager at ID Federation, which developed SignOn Once as the single sign-on process for the insurance industry:

"Federation is based on trust among members where one or more organizations agree to trust identities created by another organization, as long as all members follow the same rules. E ach organization is then 'federated' with the other participating members. For ID Federation, these rules and standards are contained in our trust framework."

Get more information and see the trust framework at 
SignOn Once vs. the Others

Password management systems have similar enterprise-wide features.  They offer a repository for storing IDs or passwords for all the connections a user might make, while each set of credentials has its own requirements and rules.

But SignOn Once from ID Federation is different. For one, it doesn't "store" passwords. SignOn Once relies on a set of standards that carriers and providers follow to actually create one identity for multiple passwords, allowing the agency system and carrier to "trust" each other. SignOn Once is designed  specifically   for the insurance industry. And carriers who implement the system can use common tools and protocols as long as they follow the ID Federation trust framework. 

The major benefit? With typical password management systems, someone still has to manage all the carrier passwords as they expire and need to be reset. But with SignOn Once, that need is eliminated, and the agency needs to manage passwords only for access to the management system.

To learn more about SignOn Once capabilities and how to get on board,  contact
ID Federation at Industry Events

Learn more about SignOn Once from ID Federation representatives at these industry events in 2018:

Accelerate Powered by NetVU, May 17-19, Atlanta, Georgia

ACT (in conjunction with Applied Net 2018), October 15-18, Nashville, Tennessee

Applied Net 2018October 15-18, Nashville, Tennessee