The District 17 Bridge Buzz focuses on district and national news and provides you with the links to access the details. Catch the next Buzz January 2024.

Provide Cindy Shoemaker, editor, with

feedback and content suggestions.


By Elizabeth Hamilton


“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

Dr. Seuss

I just spent eight days at the Taos Regional with a team of people who cared “a whole awful lot” and it was an incredible experience. The local club who has hosted this tournament for many years has not re-opened for face-to-face bridge since closing during the pandemic. The one remaining tournament volunteer wanted to do it one more time. The D17 Board voted to co-sponsor with Taos and make this happen. This tournament has attracted a core group of players for many years and the D17 Board provided the volunteer workforce this time to make sure that it would happen at least one more time. Volunteers from many D17 units joined us and we could not have done it without them. It happened. It was great and we are evaluating its future. Stay tuned.

This was our fifth regional this year. We had Albuquerque, Tucson, Denver, Phoenix and finally Taos. The volunteer workforce who make these tournaments happen is incredible! This includes tournament chairs, partnership chairs, treasurers, newcomer (I/N) chairs, hospitality chairs, daily bulletin editors and every volunteer who works a shift. They are dedicated people. The next time you attend a regional, sectional or any bridge event, please take a moment to tell a volunteer that they are appreciated. We need to keep these efforts going to strengthen face-to-face bridge. It’s fun!

This is the last BUZZ of 2023 and I wanted to make sure to say thank you to all D17 members and those outside our district who continue to read it and give us feedback. The open rate is incredible. We welcome the feedback that we get from the many players who visit our website to get more information. Our goal is to answer all of your questions and I hope we have done that for those who have reached out to us.

In 2024, we would like to add volunteers to our team. The open positions are as follows:

  • A Website Assistant.
  • A North American Pairs (NAP) Chair.
  • A Grant Chair.

All important roles to keep D17 rolling! If you are interested in any of these positions, get in touch with me and I will connect you to the right person to discuss the commitment. Not all volunteers need to be board members and it is a good way to see if you would be interested in a district or unit board position in the future. There is a place for everyone in the volunteer community whether you want to commit a lot or a limited amount of time. You are welcome!

Have a wonderful remainder of 2023!  Our first regional will be held in Albuquerque January of 2024. I hope you will join us and that our paths will cross soon.

Hopefully, the cards will fall in your favor. Please know that we care “a whole awful lot.”

Stay healthy and keep in touch!



NOVEMBER 16 - 18, 2023

By Jack Shoemaker

Unit 356 Tournament Team

The Cactus Flower Non-Life Master (NLM) Regional delivers the GOLD Thursday, November 16 through Saturday, November 18 at the Tanque Verde Lutheran Church, 8625 E. Tanque Verde Road, Tucson. Ample free parking daily. 

This regional is exclusively for NLMs with fewer than 750 masterpoints. Gold Rush pairs and/or teams that finish in the overalls (Stratification A) will be awarded 33 percent gold and 67 percent red masterpoints!

There will be two days of two-session Gold Rush pairs. A Gold Rush Swiss teams will be held on Saturday. All non-life masters will receive a tournament patch and more.

The Cactus Flower NLM Regional and the Tucson Fall Sectional will be held at the same time and at the same location; however, they are two separate tournaments. 

The sectional offers two days of open pairs and two days of Swiss teams. A sectional Bracketed Swiss teams will be held on Saturday.


Players participating in the Gold Rush Swiss teams and the bracketed Swiss teams on Saturday will receive a complimentary lunch provided by Element3 Health. For player convenience, lunch can now be purchased at the tournament site on Thursday and Friday from Fortunato's Italian Deli - a local favorite. Free coffee, hot tea and premium candy will be provided daily.

Free lectures will be held between sessions:

  • Thursday: Ken Grafton: Lebensohl - It's not that Difficult.

  • Friday: Barbara Rosenthal: Help Suit Game Tries - Re-evaluating your Hand to Avoid the Dreaded 170.

If you need a partner or a team contact

Doug Cain,  or post to and click partnerships.

This is a no cash tournament. Credit/debit cards only. No smoke, no fragrance and no bad behavior. Zero tolerance will be strictly enforced.

We look forward to seeing you in Tucson! 




JANUARY 15 - 21, 2024

By Ben Franz

Tournament Chair


Albuquerque Unit 374 will once again host the popular Land of Enchantment Regional January 15-21, 2024. The location will be the same – the Marriott Pyramid North Hotel - conveniently located near I-25 and Paseo Del Norte in North Albuquerque, NM. The hotel was recently sold but will continue to operate as a Marriott property. 


Call the direct reservations line at:

1-800-262-2043 or click here to make your room reservations. Book by 1/1/2024 to receive room rates from $121 per night.

With start times of 10 am and 3 pm, our schedule includes a variety of events that will provide something for players of all levels: Five days of Gold Rush pairs, two daily single-session Intermediate/Novice pairs and, a new event, the Soloway format Bracketed Knockout Teams starting on Tuesday and Friday. The two-session Board-A-Match stratified teams event will be held on Thursday.

Click here to view flyer and all tournament events.

We will have daily educational speakers, hospitality gifts and plenty of snacks. Our dining guide will cover the many options available in Albuquerque with a special section of Santa Fe restaurants for those that decide to take a day to visit our historic state capital.

Barbara Kaspar will run our partnership desk. Click here to make your pre-tournament partnership requests. 

If you plan to win an event or make life master during our tournament, we want to be prepared to publish your accomplishment and display your picture in our daily bulletin. Click here to add or update your picture. Also include your name and your ACBL number. Use this same email to send general information requests.

This is a zero tolerance, smoke and fragrance free tournament. Masks are not required but players are reminded to comply with requests from opponents to wear masks at the table while playing against them.



FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 2, 2024

By Jack Shoemaker

Tournament Chair

Great weather, a dynamic playing schedule and signature hospitality make the Tucson Winter Regional THE place to play!

The regional will be held Tuesday, February 27 through Saturday, March 2 at the Tanque Verde Lutheran Church, 8625 E. Tanque Verde Road in Tucson. Ample free parking daily. 

With start times of 9:30 am and 2 pm, this tournament schedule includes Bracketed Round Robin teams, Gold Rush pairs and open pairs. Side pair games and 299er pair games are offered for play mornings and/or afternoons. 

A/X/Y Swiss and Bracketed Gold teams (0-3000) will begin 9 am on Saturday.

Players will receive discounted rates at two Marriott properties nearby. Click here for details and booking deadlines.

For player convenience, lunch may be purchased onsite Tuesday through Friday. Saturday lunch will be included in the team entry fee. Free coffee, hot tea and premium candy will be provided daily. 

Free lectures will be held between sessions Tuesday through Friday.

If you need a partner or a team contact

Doug Cain, or post to and click partnerships.

This is a no cash tournament. Credit/debit cards only. No smoke, no fragrance and no bad behavior. Zero tolerance will be strictly enforced.

We look forward to seeing you in Tucson! 




The D17 North American Pairs (NAP) Finals were held at the Taos Regional, Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30.

Congratulations to our finalists and to all the pairs who competed!

The top three pairs in Flight A and the top four pairs in Flight B and Flight C are eligible to advance to the NAP Championships held in conjunction with the 2024 spring NABC in Louisville, KY.

For information contact Lakin Hines, D17 NAP Coordinator,


First Place: Sheri Winestock and Joshua Donn, Las Vegas, NV.

Second Place: Valentin Kovachev, Las Vegas, NV and Douglas Fjare, Estes Park, CO.

Third Place: Allen Kane and En Hay, Highlands Ranch, CO.


First Place: Wilt Cooper and Kevin Stansbury, Littleton, CO.

Second Place: Lakin Hines, Sun Lakes, AZ and Shari Smart, Gilbert, AZ.

Third Place: Billie Hayes and Margaret Glenn, Sierra Vista, AZ.

Fourth Place: Joseph and Dianne Simon, Cheyenne, WY.


First Place: John and Glenda Heideman, Grand Junction, CO.

Second Place: Albert and Deborah Coffrin, Santa Fe, NM.

Third Place: Allen Ettenger, Oro Valley, AZ and John Farbarik, Tucson, AZ.

Fourth Place: Jonathan Dings, Boulder, CO (pictured) and Jill Barker, Fort Collins, CO.


The D17 2023-2024 Grand National Teams (GNT) Finals for Flights A, B and C will be held face-to-face at Denver’s Rocky Mountain Regional Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26, 2024.  

The D17 GNT Championship Flight Finals will be held online at Saturday, April 6 and Sunday, April 7, 2024. A team with any amount of masterpoints may enter; however, if you win the Championship Flight, you and your team may not participate in another Flight’s Final. 

You must qualify at a club or a unit GNT qualifying game to play in the D17 GNT Finals. Please encourage your club manager to schedule qualifying games. The last date to hold qualifying games is February 28, 2024. 

Sharon Smith has scheduled monthly online qualifying GNT games. For details, email or click here for GNT qualifying games.

All teams must preregister to play in the GNT Finals. Teams registering for the Championship Flight must do so by Friday, March 31, 2024. Teams registering for Flights A, B and C must do so by Sunday, May 17, 2024. 

The winning team of each flight is eligible to compete in the National Final held at the Toronto, ON summer NABC starting July 17, 2024.

Don’t miss your opportunity to play in this prestigious grass roots event!


For details, click here for the D17 GNT Conditions of Contest or contact Bonnie Bagley, GNT Coordinator, 





02-04 Chandler, AZ (Open)

03-05 Denver (Open)

06-12 D17 STaC

16-18 Tucson, AZ




04-06 Tucson, AZ (Open)

12-14 Denver, CO (Open)

25-27 Yuma, AZ

D17 STaC, January 29 - February 4, 2024



1,359 D17 players earned 3.085.62 silver masterpoints during the D17 Falling Leaves STaC held September 11 - 17, 2023.

Many thanks to our D17 club owners who held the STaC games and to the players who participated.

Congratulations to Barbara Harrid of El Paso, TX, the top masterpoint winner, who earned 28.55 masterpoints!

Click here to view the top 50 masterpoint earners.

Registration for the D17 Wishbone Royal STaC, November 6 - 12, is underway. Jesse Laird, our DIC, will be directing a regional, so Arleen Harvey will be the DIC for this STaC.

D17 will hold four STaCs in 2024. Mark your calendar today:

  • January 29 – February 4.
  • June 3 – 9.
  • September 16 – 22.
  • November 11 – 17.



The 2023 D17 Board election cycle is now complete. 

Kitty Larson has been elected to represent Mesa, AZ Unit 351. 


Sharon Smith ran unopposed and will continue to represent Colorado at large and Wyoming Units 359, 364, 421 and 422.

D17 Board members are elected by their respective unit board(s), each serving three year terms on the District Board beginning January 1 in the year following the election. 

In August, the D17 Board voted to decrease in size from 11 to 10 Board members. 

El Paso, TX Unit 159 and Southern New Mexico Units 376, 380 and 388 and Northern New Mexico Units 374, 381 and 383 will be represented by one D17 Board member beginning January 1, 2024. Neil Hunter will represent these units. Hunter’s term expires 12/31/2024. Steve Nordberg will no longer serve on the D17 Board after his term expires 12/31/2023.  

Officer Elections  

In September, the D17 Board elected its officers during a face-to-face meeting held in conjunction with the Taos Regional. 

The following Board members were elected for one-year terms beginning January 1, 2024:

  • Elizabeth Hamilton, representing Las Vegas Unit 373, has been re-elected to serve as President.

  • Neil Hunter, currently representing Northern New Mexico Unit 374, 381, 383, has been re-elected to serve as Vice President.


  • Jennifer O’Neill, representing Denver Unit 361, has been re-elected to serve as Treasurer. 

  • Bill Phillips, representing AZ at large Units 355 and 358, has been re-elected to serve as Recording Secretary.

  • The D17 Board will elect an Election Secretary in January.


Lakin Hines, who chose not to run for re-election, represented Mesa, AZ Unit 351 on the D17 Board since 2019. He served as the D17 Election Secretary and as the D17 NAP Coordinator. Lakin is the Unit 351 Board President.

The D17 Board will miss Lakin's willingness to serve, his kind demeanor and his sense of humor. Thank you Lakin for all you have done for the D17 membership.

Click here to read more.

Steve Nordberg has represented El Paso and Southern New Mexico for 10 years. He has contributed to many D17 initiatives, including the grant program. Steve can be seen at most D17 regionals where he dedicates his time volunteering to play with newer players who need partners, often increasing their masterpoint totals. 

The D17 Board, Units 159, 376, 380 and 388 would like to thank Steve for his service to D17 and for his dedication to bridge. 


ACBL members receive masterpoints for winning and placing in club games and tournaments as they strive to advance in rank. There are 16 ranks, from Junior Master (5 masterpoints) to Grand Life Master (10,000 masterpoints plus a victory in an eligible North American Bridge Championship). Learn rank qualifications.


John Brooks

Unit 374

Albuquerque, NM

(Also a Bronze Life Master)

Albert and Deborah Coffrin

Unit 383

Santa Fe, NM

Patty Everts

Unit 356

Tucson, AZ

(Also a Bronze Life Master )

Judy Grow

Unit 356

Tucson, AZ

Michael Hall

Unit 383

Santa Fe, NM

Roland Schroeder

Unit 356

Green Valley, AZ

Not Pictured: John Fiterman, Unit 354, Sun City West, AZ, also a Bronze life Master; Joanne Groome, Unit 361, Littleton, CO; Rosewell Johnson, Unit 354, Glendale, AZ, also a Bronze Life Master; Kay Morse, Unit 354, Paradise Valley, AZ, also a Bronze Life Master; David Smith, Unit 361, Centennial, CO and James Werbel, Unit 383, Santa Fe, NM.