Volume 8 | December 2023

The Drop highlights the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's (LADWP's)

water policies, innovations and initiatives.

We're your source for L.A.'s water news.

Mayor Joins LADWP to Celebrate City's Groundwater Replenishment Program

Facility Will Purify Up 19 Million Gallons of Recycled Water

Per Day and Provide a New Resilient Water Resource

LADWP General Manager and Chief Engineer Marty Adams and Commissioner George McGraw joined Mayor Karen Bass on December 4 at the Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant, showcasing great strides in creating a new sustainable, drought-resistant water resource for Los Angeles.

LADWP is partnering with the City of LA Sanitation and Environment (LASAN) on the Groundwater Replenishment Program, which involves designing a new Advanced Water Purification Facility at the Tillman plant. One of the largest recycled water projects in the state, the new facility is expected to break ground next year and will purify 100% of the available wastewater from the plant, producing up to 21,000 acre-feet per year of purified recycled water. That's enough water to serve more than 250,000 Angelenos. The purified recycled water will be first distributed to nearby spreading grounds to help replenish the San Fernando Groundwater basin, and ultimately be pumped up and added to the City of LA's drinking water system.


The Groundwater Replenishment Program is key to helping the city meet its water sustainability goals through the development of a new local, drought-resilient water supply. The Program will help provide a new sustainable source of local drinking water and improve the overall health of the San Fernando Groundwater Basin.

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State Sets New Course for Recycled Water Uses

to Expand Local Water Supply

LADWP applauded the State Water Resources Control Board's December 19 decision, approving regulations to allow and govern direct potable reuse (DPR), which is the process of putting purified recycled water directly into the drinking water system. "This historic milestone--the development of groundbreaking DPR regulations--will play a significant role in the City of LA’s water future," said Anselmo Collins, Senior Assistant General Manager of LADWP's Water System.

"As climate change and severe drought conditions continue to plague the entire state, the DPR regulations align with our city's goals to enhance water sustainability through the development of local and resilient water supplies. We thank the Water Board for their dedication in developing a robust set of DPR regulations that are fully protective of public health, and we look forward to continued partnership with the State as we work towards significantly expanding potable reuse in the City of LA."

News stories:

Reuters: California approves rules for converting sewage waste to drinking water

Washington Post: Drinking toilet water may be the future of drought-stricken California

Anselmo Collins

LADWP’s Anselmo Collins Named CUWA Board Chair

LADWP’s Senior Assistant General Manager of the Water System, Anselmo Collins, is stepping in as the board chair of California Urban Water Agencies (CUWA), a non-profit corporation that aims to provide a unified voice for urban water solutions that keep our environment and communities thriving. 

News Release

Major Groundwater Cleanup Facility Nears Completion to Expand Local Water Supply

LADWP is nearing completion on a major groundwater remediation facility to treat contamination of the North Hollywood West Well Field that will help restore LADWP's full use of allocated groundwater from the San Fernando Groundwater Basin (SFB). The project has involved constructing an Ultraviolet Advanced Oxidation Process treatment facility to remediate 1,4-dioxane, historically used as a solvent in industrial and laboratory applications, among other purposes, that has restricted the amount of usable water found in the SFB. After groundwater is drawn up from nearby wells, it will go through a rigorous treatment process that removes particles and contaminants to ensure it is safe to mix with the drinking water system. Once fully operational in the spring of 2024, the facility will be treating up to 6.8 billion gallons of water per year.

Two other major treatment facilities designed to cleanup SFB contaminated well fields, North Hollywood Central and Tujunga Well Field, are also due to be completed next year. Together, these three remediation systems will enable LADWP to pump 109,000 acre-feet per year (AFY). That amount of water represents up to 20% of LA's water use, and will offset the city's need to purchase water from distant sources while contributing toward a sustainable and resilient local water supply.

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LADWP Urges Customers to Save Water this Winter

Generous Rebates and Free Water-Saving Devices Available

Conservation is vital for sustaining a long-term water supply. LADWP launched a winter marketing campaign to promote water-efficient habits and conservation rebates to safeguard both immediate and long-term water supplies and help customers reduce their water bills. The campaign utilizes radio, audio streaming, print, digital banners, and social media to encourage water-saving practices.

Learn more: ladwp.com/save

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